MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Shimizu Ryori on Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:22 pm

Training Montage:

Training goes as well as possible Ryori and Kyra training Izi in Athletics throughout the day.

morning puppy training tn 15: 2#5d10o10k3 21 33

afternoon puppy training tn 15 now w/ void: 2#6d10o10k4 29 34

Each puppy has 1 Rank in each Trait and no Void Ring or skills.

Montage rolls have been made, please post your puppy's stats using the following format:

    Earth 1
    Air 1
    Fire 1
    Water 1

    Skills: Athletics 8

Obstacle Course: Once the character has finished training their puppy, they may arrive at the dueling grounds and attempt to guide their puppy through the obstacle course. During this event, it is the puppy that makes the necessary rolls, not the character training it.

Weave Poles: The puppy must weave its way through a series of poles that have been planted into the ground. The puppy makes a TN 8 Defense/Agility Roll. On a success, the puppy gains 1 Obstacle Point, plus 1 Obstacle Point per Raise. On a failure, the puppy misbehaves and doesn't pay attention to the character, causing it to lose 1 Obstacle Point per failed Raise.

Cheering Crowd: The puppy must avoid becoming distracted by the large number of samurai that are cheering on the event. The puppy makes a TN 8 Etiquette/Awareness Roll. On a success, the puppy gains 1 Obstacle Point, plus 1 Obstacle Point per Raise. On a failure, the puppy runs over to the crowd for a few moments, causing it to lose 1 Obstacle Point per failed Raise.

first two contests tn 8: 2#1d10 8 1

Izi makes it half way through the first part of the course with little coaxing but fails at ignoring the crowd hungry for attention

+1 point

Jump Bar: The puppy must leap over a low bar! The puppy makes a TN 8 Athletics/Strength Roll. On a success, the puppy gains 1 Obstacle Point, plus 1 Obstacle Point per Raise. On a failure, the puppy knocks down the pole, causing it to lose 1 Obstacle Point per failed Raise.

Narrow Bridge: The puppy must carefully make its way over narrow bridge that extends over a small pool of muddy water. The puppy makes a TN 8 Athletics/Reflexes Roll. On a success, the puppy gains 1 Obstacle Point, plus 1 Obstacle Point per Raise. On a failure, the puppy falls into the mud, causing it to become very muddy and lose 1 Obstacle Point per failed Raise.

puppy athletics contests 4 raises tn28: 2#9d10o10k1 15 9

As Izi makes it to the second leg of the course confident in her skills she attempts to show off to no avail, unfortunately her own abilities are not up to the course and she ends up in the mud with her bar.

-8 points

Find the Ball: A bright red ball has been hidden amidst some fluffy sheep skins. The puppy makes a TN 8 Hunting/Perception Roll to find the ball. On a success, the puppy gains 1 Obstacle Point, plus 1 Obstacle Point per Raise. On a failure, the puppy just rolls around in or chews upon the sheep skins and lose 1 Obstacle Point per failed Raise.

Freestyle: As it reaches the end of the obstacle course, the puppy has one last chance to impress the judges. The puppy may make a TN 8 Perform/Intelligence Roll. On a success, the puppy gains 1 Obstacle Point, plus 1 Obstacle Point per Raise. On a failure, the puppy bungles the trick and lose 1 Obstacle Point per failed Raise.

puppy last two contests tn8: 2#1d10 10 7

The last leg Izi ends up running directly to the ball, making a beeline, then attempts to dance on top of it, only to have the ball roll right over her little head.

+1 point

Scoring: -6 points

Shimizu Ryori | Lion Clan | Bushi | Beastmaster | Touched By Chikishudo

+ Honor Expected - Status 1.0 - Glory 1.0 - Courtship Points : 2 +

Court: Wakizashi, Nice Kimono
Field: Armor, Sturdy Clothes, Daisho, Yumi + Quiver, Traveling Pack
Pack: Spare Rations, Canteen, Rope, Net, Blanket
Both: Bag of Sweets, Matsu Kyra - (Warcat)

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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Shinjo Kemuri on Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:51 pm

When the puppy was delivered, Kemuri accepted her and went back to sleep with her curled up in his arms. He had simply been too tired to begin her training so early. Of course, she was a puppy, filled with restless energy. The Marta soon found he needed to take other measures if he really wanted to sleep. He found some local children, who agreed to watch little Airi through the morning. When he finally rose, Airi was there waiting for him, ready for her training.

The children had gotten creative.


Kemuri spent the next few hours teaching Airi what he could. But, he knew it would likely not bee enough. He had failed his dutiful little student.

She had fun, at least. He couldn't stifle his laughter as she decided to run around and around one of the poles, ultimately deciding to attack it. When the crowd laughed, however, she dashed behind him and hid, barking sheepishly. The puppy simply leaped up and bit into the jump bar, trying to bring it back to Kemuri. Airi managed the bridge at least, but failed to retrieve the ball. She had been trained to retrieve sticks, after all. Finally, when expected to perform, she instead took an indignant stance, as if waiting for a more appropriate challenge.


"I'm sorry, Airi-chan, you deserve a better sensei. You will become a strong warrior one day." He pet the puppy affectionately before she was led away, whining sadly as Kemuri watched.
Early Afternoon: Success (Athletics 1, Hunting 1)
Late Afternoon: Success (Defense 1, Perform 1)

Weave Poles: Failure with 1 CR -1 points
Cheering Crowd: Failure
Jump Bar: Failure with 1 CR -1 point
Narrow Bridge: Success +1 point
Find the Ball: Failure
Freestyle: Failure

-1 Point
Unicorn Clan Marta Family Bushi Hunter Explorer Storyteller Completely Honest Rides Sarangerel
Honor: Expected • Status: .5 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 4

Carries: Water, Knife, Sake Cup, Chopsticks, Dice
As Appropriate: Daisho, Light Armor, Daikyu, Quiver, Lantern, Cloak, Hat
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Doji Ameka on Sun Apr 30, 2017 4:08 pm


Ameka had never been around a dog in her entirely life. She hadn't been allowed to. They thought it would be yet another way for her to get sick. So she threw herself enthusiastically into spending time with and training the little creature. Sadly, it just wasn't enough, and the little pup got so attached he tried too hard to please the Crane who had trained him.

Ameka was sad when they were parted. Maybe if she married into the Unicorn, she'd see him again?


M: +1 Athletics, +1 Etiquette
LM: +1 Reflexes
EA: +1 Strength
LA: +1 Awareness

Weave Poles: Fail +0
Cheering Crowd: Fail -2
Jump Bar: Success +3
Narrow Bridge: Fail -2
Find the Ball: Fail +0
Freestyle: Fail +0
Total: -1
Crane Clan | Artisan | Bad Health | Confectioner

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 4

Equipment: Wakizashi, fan, candy sculptures, parasol, beautiful clothing
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Sun Apr 30, 2017 5:08 pm

Otomo Tenzo took his designated puppy and spent the day having it run around to build both strength and speed. What limited knowledge he had gained after spending time around the Miya stables and dealing with their horses seemed to have worked well for him for the Imperial considered his puppy to be quite well-trained! Well, trained in doing the more athletic parts of the obstacle course designed by the Moto, at least: the Otomo watched as the puppy dutifully hopped the bar and crossed the pit of mud quite successfully, only to just about crash and burn doing anything else he would have liked for it to do. At least the puppy was trained enough to do a small little backflip and land on its paws as a final trick, one which appeared to Tenzo to impress the judges somewhat. Not bad for a day's work...

EM/LM Training: Pass, Pass
EA/LA Training: Pass, Pass

Selected: Athletics +2, Strength +1, Strength +1, Reflex +1


Earth 1
Air 1
- Reflexes 2
Fire 1
Water 1
- Strength 3

Skills: Athletics 2

Jump bar: Pass, 2 raises, +3 points
Narrow bridge: Pass, 1 raise, +2 points
Other 4 events: Fail, fail, fail, pass, +1 points

6 Obstacle Points total!
Imperial | Seiyaku | Archivist | Wealthy | Blessed | Fortunate... or not so much?
Honor: What is expected | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 2.5 | Courtship Points: 8

Carries: personal chop, chopsticks, kiseru, sake cup, fan, and pleeeenty of paper

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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Sun Apr 30, 2017 8:38 pm

Fluff, maybe later.

EM Training 30 Succeed VP Athletics 1/Hunting 1
LM Training 31 Succeed VP Perception
EA Training 15 Succeed VP Perception
LA Training 14 Fail

Mental Quickness on pup: 4 fails, 1 success 32 vs TN21

Weave Poles TN8 5 Fail
Cheering Crowd TN8 6 Fail
Jump Bar TN13 7 Fail -1 Point
Narrow Bridge TN13 Fail -1 Point
Find the Ball TN28 13 Fail -4 Points (total balls-up, jut ignore this: should have been 4k3 so I added 1k1 +14 One point short, still a fail)
Freestyle TN8 18 Succeed +1 point

Total -5 and lose the pup.
Imperial • Hazy Pupils • Shugenja • Knowledgeable • Conservative • Wealthy
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Expetional | Courtship Points: 9
Carries:Robes, Kimono, Wakizashi, Scroll Satchel, Fan, Sweets • Profile
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Moshi Asakiko on Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:06 pm


Air 1 awa 2
Earth 1
Fire 1 Int 2
Water 1

Akira was really not well trained!!!

Akira Defence Agility TN8: 1d10 7 fail
Akira etiquette awareness TN 8: 2d10k2 12 pass
Akira athletics strength TN8: 1d10 4 fail
Akira athletics reflex TN8: 1d10 6 fail
Akira hunting perception TN8: 1d10 7 fail
Akira perform int TN8: 2d10k2 9 pass

2 pts!!!
☆Centipede Clan ☆Shugenja ☆Small (4'8") ☆Peaceful ☆Kind of famous for divination

Honor: What it is expected. Glory: 2 Status: 1 CP: 1
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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Otaku Kitakuhime on Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:08 pm

The puppy Kitakuhime received from the Moto was definitely a happy little dog. It was stubborn, loud and naughty.

He was often chasing people around. Normally going after their legs: to bite, or worse. So, Kitakuhime decided to spend the whole morning sleeping with the pup in her yurt, to calm him down, and perhaps teach a thing or two. It didn't help much.

As soon as the judges allow her to enter, the small pup barks out loud in excitement. Perhaps too much excitement. She starts to run, showing the pup how to perform. The pup simply starts to chase her all over again: relentlessly. The Otaku runs left to right, trying to get the pup to follow directions, but he gets lost and chases after another samurai-ko. Kitakuhime fetches the pup by his neck, and puts him back into the course to jump over the small bridge. Instead of crossing it, the pup runs through, splashing water and mud all over. She even throws the ball at the pup to catch, but it is ignored. Chasing was much more important.

Finally, with both of them exhausted, she kneels in front of him and says, "Banzai!"

Butajduluun howled, "Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuutz..."

Again, "Banzai!"

The pup, "Uuuuuuuuuuuutz!"

Yet again, "Banzai!"

The adorable pup went, "Uuuuuuuuuuuutz!"

She pets his head in congratulations, saying, "Very good, Butajduluun!"

Training Montage EA: Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness TN 15: 2d10 14
Training Montage LA: Animal Handling (Dogs)/Awareness TN 15: 2d10 11
Weave Poles TN 8: 1d10 7
Cheering Crowd TN 8: 1d10 6
Jump Bar TN 8: 1d10 3
Narrow BridgeTN 8: 1d10 5
Find the Ball TN 8: 1d10 5
Freestyle TN 8: 1d10 9 +1 Pt
Total = 1 Obstacle Point
Unicorn Clan • Kuge • Shiotome • Heir • Benten's Blessing • Dangerous Beauty • Contrary • Gullible • Overconfident
Status: 4.0 | Glory: 0.2 | Honor: Strength of a Thousand Ancestors | Courtship Points: 6
Carries: Ornamented Choker, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Riding Armor + Daikyu + Quiver (when appropriate) • ProfileTheme
Carried by: Gekko (Otaku Battle Steed, where appropriate)

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Re: MOTO EVENT: Puppies! (D8, Early Evening)

Postby Mindshred on Mon May 01, 2017 12:17 am

The Moto tabulate the results of the contest and announce the winners!

Moto Baatar and Togashi Udo earn 3 Courtship Points.
Shinjo Liu Yue, Doji Fukawa, and Bayushi Hotaru earn 2 Courtship Points.
Ichiro Daisuke, Bayushi Suteichi, Iuchi Dong-Ha, Asako Hirase, Isawa Nonin, Usagi Tomoe, Ide Samai, and Otomo Tenzo earn 1 Courtship Point.
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