Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Soshi Yuuru on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:12 pm

Yuuru looked around the room for a bit. There was skepticism evident on his face.

"So... these ideas are meant to help us?"
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:25 pm

Soshi Yuuru wrote:Yuuru looked around the room for a bit. There was skepticism evident on his face.

"So... these ideas are meant to help us?"

"Yes." Suteichi began with a soft, pleasant but slight measured voice. "We have to show ourselves to be welcoming, inviting. Do you think that the Unicorn would be so willing to ally with us, conduct any trade dealings, welcome us into their courts, or any of the like if we present ourselves to be anything less, if we show them that we are as every bit of whatever story that they have or will hear about us? Already, our masks give them concern. They will ask, they will pry about why we wear them, why we believe or behave the way that we do. There are many of us and very few Crane, but the Crane understand that winning people through arts, through diplomacy and etiquette are greater than just brute strength and intimidation." He took a sip of tea.

"What stories have they heard of the empire while they traveled the world? What stories do they know of us? Sure we are here but how will we benefit from any marital union for our clan if they do not have a reason to trust us? Remember, even the frog had to have reason to trust the Scorpion."
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Soshi Yuuru on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:33 pm

Yuuru shrugged, "Alright... Whatever you all think is best. The only thing is... most of the Unicorn I've met aren't all that into high culture from what I've seen. Seemed like kind of a disconnect from what you all are shooting for. Standing up in front of everyone and trying to make a big deal about ourselves in terms of our cultural know-how doesn't seem all that welcoming to me... especially since we aren't the hosts."

He shrugged again, "But I don't have much to contribute to something like that anyway. So I guess I'll just wish you all the best from the sidelines."
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Bayushi Hotaru on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:40 pm

"I'd like to think that each Unicorn is different from the other. I've met some who seem to have a good interest in our culture and learning about what I missed. There are some who'd rather step forward and challenge anything that stands in their way, even if that threat has been vanquished for aeons now. I guess we'll just have to get a read of which Unicorn might appreciate such a gathering, ne minasama? I know there's probably some Ide and Iuchi who might like that." She looked to each Scorpion for their reaction. "For those, like Yuuru-san mentioned, I guess we'll just to hope we can make an avenue for the restless. The Crane probably already proposed to do some iaijustu demonstration two days before the miai there anything else we could do instead?"
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Soshi Taira on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:44 pm

Taira could see merit in both positions, so he just said, softly, "Yet the Unicorn will need to learn of these arts, if they plan to travel beyond these lands into the courts of the land, or there will be blood ere the next winter snows."

A soft sigh.

"While this is a meeting of peace, the courts, the trading houses, and in time the borders... all of these will become contentious. It will be a joint effort, rejoining them with the empire, and they will have to learn from us, as much as we learn from them."
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:46 pm

Soshi Taira wrote:Taira could see merit in both positions, so he just said, softly, "Yet the Unicorn will need to learn of these arts, if they plan to travel beyond these lands into the courts of the land, or there will be blood ere the next winter snows."

A soft sigh.

"While this is a meeting of peace, the courts, the trading houses, and in time the borders... all of these will become contentious. It will be a joint effort, rejoining them with the empire, and they will have to learn from us, as much as we learn from them."

Suteichi nodded at Taira's words.
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Soshi Bantu on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:47 pm

"From a more militant perspective, I have heard that they have divisions of the Moto family who favour the heavy weapons commonly seen among the Crab, but I don't know how that knowledge would help us host something on a less cultural front."

Bantu adds unhelpfully.
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Tue Apr 11, 2017 11:49 pm

"I understand what you are saying, but we do not intend only show what we know. We want to learn their arts. Music does seem to be a big part of their culture and I have met several musicians." Mizuki thinks for a second. "Though I understand how what I said could be misintpreted. By suggesting Scorpion and Lion plays, I was only talking about we should consider. I would hope the Unicorn show us some theirs." Mizuki remembers what Akil said about Unicorn plays. "It should be very interesting."

At Hortaru's suggestion. "A mock wargame?" Mizuki shrugs. "I'm not a bushi, nor is my family, so I'll leave it the more knowledgeable in our group. Maybe ask the Lion to hold something. Soshi-san is right. We don't want the Unicorn feel as if we are taking over their miai. We should keep an eye out for those who feel we are overstepping our bounds with too many unofficial events."

When the other Soshi speaks, Mizuki simply nods in agreement.

When the third Soshi speaks, "Kata demostration?" Mizuki was trying to be helpful, but her knowledge of fighting was 'get someone else to do it for you.'
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Soshi Yuuru on Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:03 am

Yuuru shrugged, "Like I said, I don't have much to contribute there so I wish you all the best. I'd just make sure you don't all get to high and mighty for them if you can avoid it. Let the Doji cover the arrogant 'teacher of culture' bit as much as you can. You all are supposed to be the critics that tear apart whatever they put up with your piercing wit from what I've heard."
Scorpion Clan • Unlucky • Bushi • Cartographer • Explorer • 'Big Fish' Honesty • Engaged to Moto Khulun
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:11 am

Suteichi refilled his own cup of tea and sipped to keep himself from arguing again with another in his clan. He had hit a proverbial wall and returned to "polite silence".
Bayushi Suteichi
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Yogo Yuichi on Wed Apr 12, 2017 12:59 am

Yuichi yawns. This gathering has become quite boring for him. Talks about arts, music, bah! Pure rubbish.

'' If you all want to become Cranes, so be it. Do whatever you want. I don't have anything to contribute about that and you will probably not want me around while you are doing your 'poisoning'. So guess what? I will not be there. I will carry my own investigation about that meishodo thing. If any of you want to cooperate with me fine, if you don't, fine as well ''

'' If one of you need me for something that we Yogo do best or you need some magical or theological advice, good. I will help with that...'' After saying that, he got up ''...afterall, Isn't that how it works the arrangement between the Yogo family and the rest of the clan, minna-sama?'' He bows to everyone.

'' Have a nice day minna-sama, cousin. May you all carry the fortunes' blessings'' Yuichi offered sincere blessings. He's a priest after all.

And with that he walks towards the shoji door and leaves.

/Exit unless someone intervenes.
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Soshi Taira on Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:07 am

Taira just raised an eyebrow.

Tapping his satchel, he muttered, "Perhaps I should prescribe him some laxatives, to remove the iron bar from his nether."
Scorpion Clan :: Good Cop :: Doctor :: Paragon :: Pragmatic :: Spirit-Touched :: Cursed
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Yogo Mizuki on Wed Apr 12, 2017 1:16 am

Yogo Yuichi wrote:Yuichi yawns. This gathering has become quite boring for him. Talks about arts, music, bah! Pure rubbish.

'' If you all want to become Cranes, so be it. Do whatever you want. I don't have anything to contribute about that and you will probably not want me around while you are doing your 'poisoning'. So guess what? I will not be there. I will carry my own investigation about that meishodo thing. If any of you want to cooperate with me fine, if you don't, fine as well ''

'' If one of you need me for something that we Yogo do best or you need some magical or theological advice, good. I will help with that...'' After saying that, he got up ''...afterall, Isn't that how it works the arrangement between the Yogo family and the rest of the clan, minna-sama?'' He bows to everyone.

'' Have a nice day minna-sama, cousin. May you all carry the fortunes' blessings'' Yuichi offered sincere blessings. He's a priest after all.

And with that he walks towards the shoji door and leaves.

/Exit unless someone intervenes.

"And may the kami watch over you." While Mizuki was grateful her fellow Yogo put the effort of showing up, she would admit she was relieved when he left. He never liked big groups and well... he showed it.
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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Bayushi Suteichi on Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:04 am

Yogo Yuichi wrote:Yuichi yawns. This gathering has become quite boring for him. Talks about arts, music, bah! Pure rubbish.

'' If you all want to become Cranes, so be it. Do whatever you want. I don't have anything to contribute about that and you will probably not want me around while you are doing your 'poisoning'. So guess what? I will not be there. I will carry my own investigation about that meishodo thing. If any of you want to cooperate with me fine, if you don't, fine as well ''

'' If one of you need me for something that we Yogo do best or you need some magical or theological advice, good. I will help with that...'' After saying that, he got up ''...afterall, Isn't that how it works the arrangement between the Yogo family and the rest of the clan, minna-sama?'' He bows to everyone.

'' Have a nice day minna-sama, cousin. May you all carry the fortunes' blessings'' Yuichi offered sincere blessings. He's a priest after all.

And with that he walks towards the shoji door and leaves.

/Exit unless someone intervenes.

Suteichi's glare was more than enough to tell of his outrage at Yuichi. He stood there imagining just about everything he could do or would have someone else do to him. In the end none of the ideas he thought of would be clean. He fixed his attention back the meeting.

"Any other suggestions?" he simply asked hoping to carry the meeting on.
Bayushi Suteichi
Scorpion Clan*Courtier*Poet*Musician*Dangerously Handsome*Heartless*Blessed By Benten

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Re: Scorpion Get Together (D2 LM) [Mizuki's Room, Private]

Postby Soshi Bantu on Wed Apr 12, 2017 6:14 pm

Bayushi Suteichi wrote:Suteichi's glare was more than enough to tell of his outrage at Yuichi. He stood there imagining just about everything he could do or would have someone else do to him. In the end none of the ideas he thought of would be clean. He fixed his attention back the meeting.

"Any other suggestions?" he simply asked hoping to carry the meeting on.

"Two hundred pounds of rocks and a swim in the River of Gold?" Bantu mumbled with a raised eyebrow, only half serious in his intended joke.
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