Miya Mei wrote:For all who are interested in Republic!
I have retooled my character and am no longer a pilot!
However, I still have a ship!
So, I need a crew! I am a Senator. Bodyguards are welcome. Pilots are welcome. Gunners are welcome! Navigators are welcome!
Sign on with my crew and your guaranteed a home in the stars.
All I ask is you keep me and my ship safe!
And maybe help with docking fees.
Ignore the hidden compartment in the cargo bay
Akodo Runno wrote:Hmm given a need for Republic characters....my biggest question is on the morality system.
Namely can I get a run down on how exactly it works and if any of the morality options are used? XD
Moto Khulun wrote:Akodo Runno wrote:Hmm given a need for Republic characters....my biggest question is on the morality system.
Namely can I get a run down on how exactly it works and if any of the morality options are used? XD
What confuses you and the Options for character creation are not used in lieu of Obligation but otherwise for most characters that re not Sith, it works as described in the book. I am only tracking Morality for Force users.
Kitsu Takashi wrote:
You may be hearing from me. I'm wrestling with a couple of ideas that would be easy to connect to you.
Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Geez, I'm having real trouble with my concept. My first idea required a splatbook. My second idea seems to have a lot of conceptual overlap with Mei's character. My third idea... has yet to happen, because the first two exploded on the runway, and we're still clearing away the wreckage. Maybe... hmmm. I'll have to kick it around a bit more.
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:The dice are not too complicated. It's easy when you finally figure it out and we can help you with it ^^
Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Geez, I'm having real trouble with my concept. My first idea required a splatbook. My second idea seems to have a lot of conceptual overlap with Mei's character. My third idea... has yet to happen, because the first two exploded on the runway, and we're still clearing away the wreckage. Maybe... hmmm. I'll have to kick it around a bit more.
Ide Samai wrote:Question: can I use regular human species and still say I'm mandalorian descended, or should I stick to Mandalorian human versions?
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