"Not long ago, the Emperor disappeared for some time. He simply abandoned his duties and fled, leaving the Empire to be managed by any who spoke loud enough or had enough connections. This has led to an Empire that teeters on the brink of instability and chaos."
Mei looked to the ground and frowned, keeping Ti-Lu still.
"There have been many situations where he has refused to act, or his actions have done more harm than good. The entirety of the Crane Clan committed seppuku in protest of these actions not long ago. Laws that should have been overruled have been allowed to stay in place. Being an Imperial myself, I have seen corruption first hand, blatant to any who look past the painted fans or lacquered masks, yet nothing is done to stop it."
"We need a change, Kemuri-kun. The Empire and its people deserve a strong leader, who will work with the people for the betterment of all. Who will overrule outdated traditions that enable manipulators and liars to maintain a stranglehold on the courts. Who will embrace diversity and change, allowing innovation and growth. An Emperor who is Emperor because of his actions, not his name."
Mei lets out a sigh and cries a little, words failing her.
Acting to make it seem like Mei is truly heartbroken at the state of things. To tug on Kemuri's heartstrings.
[D9 LE] Acting +1k1 Void:
5d10o10k4 39((OOC: I am having a hard time finding specific examples to use for writing about. Essentially the tone/take away from the above post is Mei has lost all faith in the Emperor and believes him and the system corrupt and needing to be changed.))