Usagi Tomoe wrote:Tomoe smiled. "It is hard to get a feeling of it the first times, but it is not the worst move," she chuckled warmly and while she was no expert at Go, she had read EVERYTHING there was to know about it, studied all the games of the highest ranking Go players that had been transferred to paper... and she was smart enough to not overpower Dong-Ha with her familiarity with it, but rather play the game so that he could learn the most from the experience. An instructional game.
An experienced Go player would be proud of her.
"Some would say that the complexity of Go is how fluid it can be, and the number of possibilities a stone can play," she said while playing her stones close to his, allowing him the chances to capture territory.
Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"Is there a good first move?" Dong-Ha inquired as he placed the next stone.The game seemed so... random. "I trust Usagi-san will tell me if I make an illegal move?" Not that he was even sure such things existed in the game. "Well, there are definately possibilities..." the board was vast and full of empty spots. "So, what Usagi-san does when she is not reading... or writing histories?"
Usagi Tomoe wrote:"When I'm not reading or writing?" Tomoe laughed a little at herself over that. "I do admit I enjoy that, even if it is part of my duties, but I like to play music... or at least try to play music on my shamisen. Sometimes I have to fix up the bushi who get hurt, from my training as a healer. Hmm, and exploring the Shinomen is often fun too, even if it can be dangerous sometimes... I never go alone, of course."
"And what about Iuchi-san?"
Moto Khulun wrote:Khulun hands him a skin and says, “Where you get the fancy fan, Crane? I want one. I like that snap sound!”
Usagi Tomoe wrote:"Oho, secretive are we?" the Hare chuckled happily, appriciating a bit of humour.
The meishodo of the Iuchi shugenja were still a mystery to her in many ways, but in a way it also felt rude to ask... even if Tomoe was very very curious.
"Are both your parents priests who use meishodo, or...?" she asked, hoping maybe that could edge more into this mystical thing.
Iuchi Dong-Ha wrote:"Not really, I meant it literally." he moved his arm over his arm, trying to pull a trinket from his sleeve, but instead dropped in into his lap. "Err... " He looked up from his lap, blushing. "That didn't work quite the way I expected it to." Blush crept on Dong-Ha's cheeks. So much for impressing her with his tricks.
"Yes, that would be the case!" he was happy to grasp the new topic. "My father is a successor in a long like of meishodo sensei... my mother is practitioner as well, though she specializes in curative magics."
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