Soshi Bantu wrote:"It would be an honor and a pleasure Moto-san, Togashi Udo-san." Bantu replied as he started to explain. "Firstly let me explain that this is only a small version this board is only 9 stones across while the large professional boards are up to 19 stones broad and long, but unfortunately are far less portable."
"As with all great games, the rules are simple but the strategy can be deep and complicated if one wishes to devote much time to it. Play stones on the board, try to block off sections to score points, and surround groups of your opponents stones to remove them from the board for more points and to restrict their options."
He gestures to the cushions on the floor at the table. "If minna-san wish to sit I'd happily guide you through a game?"
Udo bows to him and takes a seat. "Thank you very much. This should be most enjoyable. A small game seems appropriate, given how many guests you have this evening."
Looking at Bataar he adds. "I look forward to playing with you. This one is Togashi Udo."