Seppun Hideo wrote:Hideo took a half step back as Amaya prepared, giving her space and giving her an encouraging nod. When she started to sing, Hideo looked on approvingly.
She has a brilliant voice. Truly the first true gem within the rough of the Unicorn. I had only viewed those of importance as worthy of consideration, but this one...she's certainly worth noting.
He smiled warmly
I shall have to see how tomorrow will be...
Hideo looked over at the others to see what their opinion of the singing was.
Moto Butaj wrote:"Bariqu is the Moto martial art, a wrestling style hailing way back to the times of the Ujik-hai." Butaj explains. "Lady Shinjo liked it a lot because it was a bloodless way to resolve challenges between leaders of tribes and so working well with her Law of kin not ever killing kin. But leadership disputes between tarkhans are a thing of the past and today it's mostly a sport, one almost all the Unicorn enjoy." Butaj explains, happy to respond to her curiosity.
Moto Butaj wrote:Butaj nodded appreciatively to Amaya's singing, but now he has his own maiden to impress. At Yuki's words he frowns. "Butaj may not be very fat, but he's strong." He rolls up his sleeve and flexes his biceps right before the Phoenix. "Asako Yuki can check for herself if she disbelieves in the strength and wrestling prowess of Butaj."
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