Moto Butaj wrote:"Oooh." Butaj takes a Pony-on-Stick and makes it twirl by rolling the stick. "It is so pretty Butaj is reluctant to bite it! Doji Ameka makes very cute things!"
Soshi Yuuru wrote:"I'm glad you enjoy it. Nature holds much beauty and majesty. I'd love to be able to see as much as I can, even if it's up here in your lands."
He smiled, "What are your interests lovely Batul-san? How do you spend your time not directly related to fulfilling your duties?"
Seppun Hitako wrote:"Well, I wouldn't have a lot of choice then, would I? I suppose I could hope for a good marriage contract, with my children trained as Seppun, but that is something the future will have to decide."
Soshi Bantu wrote:"That would indeed prove unfortunate, we have no desire to make things more difficult. I imagine it is a tightrope to walk for your...candidates, to make selections without causing undue offense to those not chosen. One can only hope that if any attendees are deemed unsuitable that they would not take it personally and hold any grudges for their failings."
Seppun Hitako wrote:"Always depending on that, of course. Always depending on that. Any ideas what they might have in mind? I doubt much it will be normal things as might be seen, like cooking contests for the women, or how to direct servants, or the like. Horsemanship for the men, or for all, perhaps?"
Seppun Hitako wrote:"Hmm, considering they have been nomads so long, perhaps the best way to fold a tent? Or, uh, some sort of animal husbandry? You are probably right about weapons being involved. I should probably practice something there. Just haven't had time to do that, with all the mental work I do."
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"The tattoos and the Clans are coincidental then?" Yue asked for more clarification. She looked back at the tattoos. It's a shame they don't have more choice. Or perhaps he does not care. What a strange custom if all of his Clan do so.
"How many tattoos are there?" she asked out of curiosity.
Seppun Hitako wrote:"I don't think it would give much away to tell you that my first assignment with the Jade schooling was to write out my name identically 500 times. Until I could do that, each the same as best as an examiner could determine, I could do no further learning. With that as but the first step, patience was a requirement."
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