by Otaku Kitakuhime on Fri Apr 07, 2017 2:50 pm
She shakes her head negatively, "Un. The Tonbo are not familiar to us. We have heard stories of the Togashi and Mirumoto, mainly. I recognize the same goes the other way. We, the Otaku Family, as descendants of the most first –– and I dare say: most devoted –– samurai Shinjo-kami had at her side. The Silent Thunder, as others have described her."
This is so nice. I hope it is tea ceremony!
The girl looks at the cups and, imagining what would be done there, she opens a wide grin. "We follow her steps, adhere to her values and contribute with some of our own. During all these years, the tenants of Bushido have not been forgotten. They have been passed over through generations of Battle Maidens... such as myself."
Unicorn Clan • Kuge • Shiotome • Heir • Benten's Blessing • Dangerous Beauty • Contrary • Gullible • OverconfidentStatus: 4.0 | Glory: 0.2 | Honor: Strength of a Thousand Ancestors | Courtship Points: 6
Carries: Ornamented Choker, Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Riding Armor + Daikyu + Quiver (when appropriate) • Profile • Theme
Carried by: Gekko (Otaku Battle Steed, where appropriate)