Around this time Saksaha seems to see what she's looking for in the mass of woolly critters. She puts two fingers to her mouth and lets out a vibrating whistle.
"Here, here, come, come!" After a moment, a slightly different-looking animal emerges from the flock and trots toward her.

"A paper weight?" Saksaha echoes Hotaru's question. "Does it stay on command?"
The goat reaches the three women and starts nudging Saksaha's leg with its muzzle. Without breaking her focus on her human conversation partners, she reaches down and scritches it between its horns.
"I am sure I understand, Bayushi-san. I may not always have the time for such hobbies, either. But I nursed this one when she was very little, and you get... attached." The goat butts her thigh a little more eagerly, and she sighs and flips open the leather pouch at her waist, extracting a lump of something which she offers to it with her palm held flat. Whatever the snack is, it disappears almost too quickly to be identified, and the goat snorts contentedly and starts cropping a weed near her feet. "Besides, it is good to have milk whenever we want it. Now that we all are settled it matters less, but there were many mornings on the ride when this little one had to give breakfast for our whole tent."