The Dueling Fields

The Dueling Fields

Postby Mindshred on Tue Mar 28, 2017 1:33 pm


The dueling fields lie to the east of Dark Edge Village. The central field is a circular area, about twenty five feet in diameter, that has been covered in distinctive white sand. Small wooded posts surround the perimeter, each painted red and bearing tiny meishido charms to ward evil spirits away from the area. The heimin of the village rake the sands every morning, ensuring that they remain smooth and pleasing to the eye.

On the eastern and western sides of the main dueling field are two sets of stands, each about three rows high and constructed of lacquered red wood.

It is these fields that give Dark Edge Village its name. The darkest shadows from the eastern mountains does not fall upon the tournament grounds as the sun rises, and as it sets, the shadows from the western hills also fails to touch the grounds until the sun has completely set. The shadows brush the edges of the tournament fields in the morning and evening but never progress any further.
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