Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:"Sou desu ka." She placed a hand on her chin, contemplating on it. "Is this similar to meishodo, Yuichi-dono? The shugenja of my Clan use amulets in order to use their spells. I am unsure if these paper wards serve the same function, though."
Matsu Yurio wrote:Ide Samai wrote:Samai smiled politely. "Hard work as befits of a samurai, Matsu-san? I am sure your sensei is proud. You don't attend court then?" Her voice tilted curiously.
"There is not much for an army scout to do at Court beside watch the koi ponds for invading frogs. It is an arena we cede to the Ikoma in my clan."
Yuzuki wrote:"But the elements are only the elements because of the kami, is what the priests back home say. So if the shugenja there can call upon elements, then there must be kami there, even if they control the elements in other ways. I think that's how it works."
Ide Samai wrote:"Though one must always careful around frogs. They are jumpy beasts." She hid a smirk behind her fan. "Though I would think that a man with keen ears and sharp eyes is welcome everywhere?"
Ide Amaya wrote:"Yes, yes, an example of course," she clutched at the proffered escape from her social misstep. The young woman was making her feel flustered and she silently lamented, why must people be so complicated? I get along so well with animals, I seem to understand them so much better, and they seem to like me.
Amaya chuckled nervously, "I must admit how little I know of your family, but I do seem to recall something about the scorpion predaliction for water."
Matsu Yurio wrote:
"The courts are a dangerous place for the young and uninitiated. Courtiers need yojimbo at times, so perhaps I might see a full Winter Court eventually. For now, the barracks and the snow covered wilds are sufficient."
He half smiled.
"More than frogs about, even in Winter."
Matsu Yurio wrote:"Foxes, rabbits, birds, perhaps even a boar or two. The bears are mostly sleeping the Winter away but they might surface occasionally."
And a desperate bandit or three, but Akodo-sama said not to mention that kind of thing.
Usagi Tomoe wrote:"Carry the Fortunes, Bayushi-sama," the Hare said in a cheerful tone.
"I rather think Bayushi-sama thinks I'm annoying or something. He's rather different from the other Scorpion I know."
Yuzuki wrote:"Hmm?"
She still seemed skeptical, but seemed willing to drop the matter.
"Well, I'm a bushi. So I don't really get these things anyway."
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