Schedule of upcoming games

Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Lyahdan on Fri Jul 27, 2018 11:34 pm

Since I am too new to reply to PMs here (at least I think that's what's going on.

Yes, new GMs are welcome. I'm expecting to run around dealing with the forum technical headaches (like settings that don't allow new members to do certain things until they've posted a bit first), so this is likely to be one of the less intimidating ways to try out forum GMing.
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Lyahdan on Sat Jul 28, 2018 12:08 pm

More information, also posted on the Hollow Throne Facebook group:

The Goal:
A fun space for shorter games online, that's a bit more focused on this community than say, Obsidian Portal. I'm hoping the shorter time and the technical support makes it a little less daunting for people to run a game, so that new GMs might give it a try, and oldtimers might find inspiration when not fettered by the need for elaborate forums and multiple subplots for a cast of dozens.

If it goes well, I'd like to do this once or twice a year, possibly branching into different systems (it seems like it would work well for WoD/CoD, for example.)

Aiming to have forum information to April when I get back in town mid August. I'll have a submission form together at that point for folks who want to GM. As a heads up, I'll be asking for a short game blurb and details on what forums you want set up.

This lets me get sections on the forum set up for people between then and mid September or so.

Tentative convention dates October 6-20. Closing down game posting Oct. 24, though the con ooc space will remain open.

Game setup:
Much like a meatspace convention, my intention is to provide the organization and infrastructure, but leave individual GMs in control of most aspects of their game other than the offline timeframe. There may be technical limitations in some directions that I won't know until you ask if it's possible.

How many players per game? Up to the GM. Which books are legal? Same. What's the official place to roll dice? Well...everyone uses Orokos, but feel free to rebel (no forum integrated dice roller though...that's beyond my current technical prowess). Want to set up with pre-generated characters or run a published game module? Sure. As long as you're running in the L5R World (so things like LBS and Second City are fine); have some connection to the Bon Festival Theme; and keep the time limit in mind, you're probably fine.

Unless requested, your game section will be publicly viewable. I'd prefer that you not request privacy unless there's a solid reason, like using an organized play module. Yes, I can still tuck private character forums into a public section.

Forum setup:
If you look at this forum, it is set up with three (visible) sections: Rules and Registration, OOC Forums, and Dark Edge Village. For the convention, each game gets a section like that. Which means you can organize the game into forums and subforums, but you won't have sections. Given the more limited scope, I'm thinking this should work out ok.

There will be a section for convention-wide forums like a convention ooc for everyone to chat.

My inclination at the moment is to allow multiple accounts per email so players can create separate accounts/avatars/etc. for separate characters in different games. I am expecting most GMs to limit player numbers for these smaller-scope games, so I'm not sure how many people will actually be in multiple games. Hopefully this means setting up all those permissions won't be too much of a headache.

I believe I can provide GMs with the ability to admin their own sections without having board-wide admin rights to deal with (i.e. you won't be getting pinged with alerts that are in games you aren't responsible for). I cannot provide folks with those permissions the ability to do all the backstage player registration and permissions. Much like a regular convention, you will not be handling the registration database and badge printing and so forth. I think communication channels are decent enough to allow me to coordinate with GMs and players reasonably well for this. But it does mean that it's probably wise to have a registration deadline for your game that is at least a few days before game start, or you risk technical difficulties delaying some players. First time convention and all that.

I'd like to hope that people do not do something to get themselves banned in just two weeks. But, if you do get banned from an individual game for cheating or harassment, you will probably be banned from the con. Less serious offenses may leave your status up to the discretion of the individual GMs of games you are in. Likewise, I'm going to be harsh on folks who decide to snark on other games. You don't hang outside a con game room sharing your opinions on how much you hate that setting or that GM, so please don't do it here either.

Other stuff?
Feel free to ask questions. I've been fielding a few here and there already.
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Matsu Yurio on Sat Jul 28, 2018 7:09 pm

A scroll floats down beside Lyahdan.

We're in!

<fox pawprint>
Lion Clan * Bushi * Scout * Small * Daring * KITTEH *
Soon to be Purple KITTEH Doggeh Trainer

Glory 1.0 * Status 1.0 * Honour Exceptional * Courtship 3!

Carries: Daisho, fan, sake cup.
When permitted: No-dachi, light armour.
Sometimes accompanied by: Neko

Panthera leo matsu militarus-minimus
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Lyahdan on Sun Jul 29, 2018 4:40 am

*wild cheering* Happy to have some foxes around. They're good luck.

I'll have official submission forms after my trip (so around the 15th of August) so I can extract the information I need to set up the forum spaces. *tucks scroll in correspondance to reply to file*
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Doji Fukawa on Thu Aug 09, 2018 9:44 am

Character submissions open for a quick game in the Painted City:
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

Carrying: Extravagant clothing, jewelry, money, (Day 6) Violet Fan with Horses Charging Forward (Day 8) Accompanied by Dog, Takahiro

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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Lyahdan on Sat Aug 18, 2018 11:26 am

The form for game submission to Pop-Up Con is now live: here

Convention Dates: October 6-20
---with spillover to October 24 before posting is shut off in game spaces

Forum open to GMs for setup: September 15
---Possibly earlier, depending on when it goes live for me to start tinkering with. Definitely not until after Labor Day weekend.

Forum open for player registration: September 22
---There will be GM/Admin space for communication on registrations since the individual permissions will be a bit more complicated than usual.
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Lyahdan on Sat Sep 15, 2018 10:34 am

The Popup Con forum is live!
Still working with the powers that be on the banner. At worst, it's a coffee cup for the duration. We'll pretend it's tea for an L5R con.

GMs will be getting access tomorrow, 9/15, or as they run through submission.

I will accept submissions through the 29th.
-submissions can be through the Google doc here
Or by sending me the requested info. through email to or PM here.

Forum open for player registration: September 22
Yes you can register whether or not you're already accepted to a game. GMs will have their own submission requirements. Register under whatever name you prefer and we'll change it to character name once you're in a game.

Convention Dates: October 6-20
---with spillover to October 24 before posting is shut off in game spaces.
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Lyahdan on Sun Sep 23, 2018 11:16 am

The forum is open for player registration:

Guests should now be able to see the game forums to look over GMs houserules.

Register under whatever name you like, I'll change it when you join a game and pick up a character. Should we end up with folks in more than one game, I will allow multiple registrations from one email, and we'll deal with it as it happens.
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Kitsu Takashi on Sun Sep 30, 2018 9:07 am

Lyahdan wrote:The forum is open for player registration:

Guests should now be able to see the game forums to look over GMs houserules.

Register under whatever name you like, I'll change it when you join a game and pick up a character. Should we end up with folks in more than one game, I will allow multiple registrations from one email, and we'll deal with it as it happens.

I've tried registering several times and keep getting this same message:
The submitted form was invalid. Try submitting again.
The confirmation code you entered was incorrect.

I'm very carefully entering the code correctly each time, but still getting the error. I had the same experience when I tried to register for Noventa, but I've never run into this in several previous Fallen Ash games.
Lion Clan * Bushi/Courtier * Sensational * The jolliest Kitsu
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: As expected | Courtship points: 4
Always carries: Daisho, unremarkable clothing, and some writing supplies (calligraphy set if planning ahead, but always a bit of charcoal and parchment).
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Kitsu Takashi
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Lyahdan on Mon Oct 01, 2018 1:15 am

First: responding to the question:

That's new. Give me a name you'd like to register with and I'll set you up from the Admin panel, then PM you your password here (which you should probably change once logged in).

Then the quick promo I dropped in here for:

Highlighting the games available at Popup Con: There are three games planned, about as different as they could possibly be.

In a timeline where the Lion have invaded the Valley of Centipede, representatives of the clans gather to celebrate Bon in the Valley amid the tension.

Medinaat al-Salaam celebrates the Day of Remembrance, as the Qolat/Kolat plot in the shadows of baked stone buildings. Part of the ongoing Shifting Sands setting. If you're a Kolat fan, this is your chance to play one and definitely see Kolat plots making a mark on a setting.

Far in the future, the Empire has encompassed the stars, but the people still return to Rokugan to honor their ancestors. One group has Walked the Way from far distant planets to remember their Phoenix ancestors this Bon festival season.

Player registration is open. Register with any name; it will change as needed when getting into a given game.

Play begins October 6 and runs until October 20.
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Re: Schedule of upcoming games

Postby Doji Fukawa on Tue Dec 18, 2018 6:53 am

The applications for players for the second chapter of Shadows Over naishou Pbp are now open. For those unfamiliar, this game takes place in a divergent timeline where the four winds era ends with Kaneka dying, and Tsudao becoming empress. The game takes place in the Naishou province from said sourcebook.

Chapter Two sees the Cranes taking the reigns of the trouble province. There are hostile Lion and Scorpion forces, crime, and a good deal of spiritual turmoil. Can the players bring harmony to this troubled land, or will disaster tear the province apart?

For those who have played in previous games, you're already approved for participation. Simply PM Obsidian Dragon on Discord, on Facebook, or on the Naishou Hub board with a character name and I'll get your account set up.
For players new to Naishou, please send an e-mail to , to include the following information: preferred faction, preferred character name, and previous play-by-post and L5R experience. Once the GM team approves you for the game, we'll add you to the event's forum.

Chapter 2 applications are open, game'll be starting mid-January.
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

Carrying: Extravagant clothing, jewelry, money, (Day 6) Violet Fan with Horses Charging Forward (Day 8) Accompanied by Dog, Takahiro

Theme Song
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Doji Fukawa
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