(Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Closed)

Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Moto Butaj on Sun May 07, 2017 11:09 am

"Dancing? I am coming, Sayyeda!" Butaj calls back and rushes to them. "Are we going to dance biyelgee, all three?" He beams looking between Imane and Hirase. "We could teach Hirase!"
Scorpion Clan | Bushi | Big Bad Keshig | Black Horse | Slacker | Soul of the Steppe | Honest
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Otaku Imane on Sun May 07, 2017 11:49 am

Imane smiled at the ever so keen Butaj. "Yes, this was my plan. I was just showing him the male steps but now you are here."

She looked back at Hirase. "Asako-san was just telling me about his home. It sounds starkly beautiful. I must admit that the thought of so much snow is not so appealing. It would make riding quickly somewhat trickier. Worth seeing once though."
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Moto Butaj on Sun May 07, 2017 11:57 am

"Snow is the name of Butaj's beloved so he won't say anything bad about snow ever. Maybe snowing is not too good for riding, but when it snows time is good for other things." He winks. "Like dancing!" Then laughs, as he starts to add rhythm and song to their dancing, bringing them into the mood, so they could dance together like this. Since singing it is easy in ululation parts he encourages them to do that too! He assumes that if Imane and Hirase will understand each other in dance, they will do so in other things as well. Biyelgee is not easy though! A lot of energetic, bouncy moves and squatting and standing up and turning! Fun!

(Song & Dance)
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Has: furs & leathers, daisho, knife, one of musical instruments, skin of kumis, keepsake, Yuki's fan
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun May 07, 2017 12:09 pm

Hirase, being a courtier, had some inherent grace which had been, before this, largely used to make impressive sweeping entrances in and out of places without slipping on the snow or tangling up in the impressive garb of everyone else. Still, that sort of ability to read how other people moved made him able to follow along well enough, though it would be some time before he could lead.

"I wouldn't ride there, no." He said it between moves. "If I took a Unicorn bride home, I would request a reassignment to a plains holding. I would never deprive a wife of something so important and key to her way of life."
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Otaku Imane on Sun May 07, 2017 1:03 pm

Imane laughed as they danced. "Very good Asako-san, it is difficult to pick up in one attempt. And your compassion for a future bride says much about your character."

She offered a light bow when the timing allowed. Looking at Butaj she seemed pleased. "Your sweetheart is a snow maiden Sidi Butaj? That sounds ripe for a wild Moto tale!"
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun May 07, 2017 1:54 pm

That statement quite broke Hirase out of step...he was too busy making warding signs to actually dance.

"Snow she is named, but she is no Yuki no Onna. Be wary lest you invoke one." Hirase was good and spooked, it seemed. "Last time my Family hosted a miai, we had one show up!"
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu Yue
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Moto Butaj on Sun May 07, 2017 2:00 pm

"For Butaj Asako Yuki is very much divine for a very wild Moto tale!" He laughs as he draws out his tsur and brings it to his lips to give them back the melody to fall into.
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Otaku Imane on Sun May 07, 2017 2:37 pm

Imane raised a hand to her mouth in surprise. "Iye! That, that is a thing?" She looked at Hirase and then Butaj before making a series of gestures that seemed to be a combination of Moto and Otaku warding signs.

"A thousand apologies. Please leave gentle Sidi Butaj alone!"
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun May 07, 2017 2:52 pm

He didn't speak the language, but he knew warding when he saw it.

"Hai. They mostly live in the mountains, in snowy forests and such." His gaze slid to the nearby range as if he couldn't help himself. "This one came with her mother. At the end of the miai, she simply stole the man she wanted after freezing the most accomplished samurai-ko into a solid block of ice!"
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu Yue
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Moto Butaj on Sun May 07, 2017 2:57 pm

The spookiness of the tale gets to Butaj and he slows down and out of the dance, befuddled. He then looks around with a pout.
Scorpion Clan | Bushi | Big Bad Keshig | Black Horse | Slacker | Soul of the Steppe | Honest
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Has: furs & leathers, daisho, knife, one of musical instruments, skin of kumis, keepsake, Yuki's fan
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Otaku Imane on Sun May 07, 2017 8:53 pm


Imane looked from Hirase to Butaj and back. She then thought about the current scores in the miai.

"And how common is this sort of thing exactly?" Her eyes flashed to the mountains, looking for any sign of snow. "Should we warn Doji Fukawa-san and Moto Silvia-sama?"
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun May 07, 2017 9:12 pm

"Not terribly, not here, at least." He thought about where they were in relation to the nearest scary forest, the Shinomen, and relaxed a bit. "And I think that one enjoyed the seeming of being a competitor. If such a one was to wish to join, I think she would have done so already."

Bowing to both, he apologized. "Gomenasai; I have taken our time of dance and joy and darkened it. There is a time and place for such stories...night with a bonfire, by preference. Shall we resume, or simply take this as the will of the Fortunes and seek another place and time?"
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu Yue
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Moto Butaj on Sun May 07, 2017 9:21 pm

Butaj looks at Imane. It's really about what she thinks.
Scorpion Clan | Bushi | Big Bad Keshig | Black Horse | Slacker | Soul of the Steppe | Honest
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Has: furs & leathers, daisho, knife, one of musical instruments, skin of kumis, keepsake, Yuki's fan
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Otaku Imane on Sun May 07, 2017 10:04 pm

She thought about that and eventually said: "Let us ward off this unfortunate topic with a happy dance. Perhaps you would play something for us Moto-san? Something with a beat."
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
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Re: (Day 7, LM) I'll Make an Item out of You! (Butaj's, Clos

Postby Moto Butaj on Sun May 07, 2017 10:10 pm

Butaj is happy to provide! He grasps morin khur from his yurt and delivers a piece that is both upbeat and romantic!

Scorpion Clan | Bushi | Big Bad Keshig | Black Horse | Slacker | Soul of the Steppe | Honest
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Has: furs & leathers, daisho, knife, one of musical instruments, skin of kumis, keepsake, Yuki's fan
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