by Asako Hirase on Sat May 06, 2017 2:26 pm
"I liked her, but she is a quite busy woman." Hirase chuckled. "Plus, I think Kaizen is interested in her and it isn't in me to backstab a Clanmate over a woman. Though, I haven't seen him around today..." For a moment, the Phoenix frowned, then waved it away. Surely, if something dire had happened, he, being the man's chosen executor, would have been told? "But if I am not picked, I still have the chance at a wife. She just won't be someone I've met. I talked to some people, other friends...Samai, Liu Yue. They both think I'd do well with an Otaku and she with me, especially since a lot of men are too tied up with silly notions of machismo to be able to be the one who stays at home."
Chuckling now, he shook his head.
"As if it matters which spouse goes out and which stays home with children. Both are samurai; both serve the Empire and the Clan with their efforts."
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu YueGlory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected
Orange Text = Speaking Yobanjin * Description
Always Carries: Writing materials, healthy snacks, fan