by Shinjo Monkhbaatar on Fri May 05, 2017 12:04 am
"Well, I'm not much of a storyteller, but I'll give it a try." He nods before thinking a bit. "Well, there's Shijo Hama. For as lucky as I am he was equally unlucky. But for as kind hearted and happy as I tend to be, he was twice so. That boy could not catch a break if you threw it into his hands. And it's not like it was truly bad things either... just incredibly inconvenient and unpleasant at times."
"We were both in our first year of training and we were practicing archery from horseback. He was actually a pretty decent shot, but sometimes the arrows... they seemed to get a mind of their own. I remember one of the incidents we were all practice shooting and his string snapped. It was a brand new string too. We had all gotten new ones that day. But the arrow stayed snagged on the string as the bow whipped open, drug it at an odd angle, and sent it flying off through the air."
"We all assumed that it flew off somewhere harmlessly, but a couple minutes later one of the Ide traveling with us showed up to the training field... exhausted, a bit beaten up, and red from head to toe. Apparently he had been doing some inventory work and Hama hit a bottle of red paint that he Ide had been using, causing it to burst and get all over the place. It surprised the Ide enough that he shouted and spooked a nearby herd of goats who didn't take kindly to the surprise themselves. A couple of them decided to play "ram the noisy person"."
"When everything calmed down and he saw that it had been a training arrow, he came to see us and find out just who had made this mess with their ineptitude. There stood Hama, assuming it had been his fault since he's pretty accident prone. The Ide walks up to him, and in a fit of revenge, turns a bottle of black paint upside down over his head. The paint didn't wash off completely for 2 weeks. We all had a good laugh at that for a while."
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Fortunate • Daring
Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 2Equipment: Daisho, armor, yumi, sake cup, bottle of water, knife,