Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Wed May 03, 2017 10:18 am

Fukawa blushes a little bit.

"Assuming that your clan approves of it, Otaku-sama, I hope to be matched to Shinjo Akil." she reveals.

She looks at the painting rather than the Otaku.

"And yourself, Otaku-sama?"
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Otaku Kitakuhime on Wed May 03, 2017 10:24 am

She smiles. "Akil-san is the gentlest of the souls. I pray you both find a perfect match."

At the question, Kitakuhime stays quiet, almost giving the impression she wouldn't say anything. When Fukawa is about to either say something or do something else, the Otaku turns her eyes to the list board with all their names.

"I will be grateful If I'm entitled to select. But I presume I'll be chosen. I haven't met all of those that ranked higher than I did, though."
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Wed May 03, 2017 11:13 am

Fukawa turns her attention to the lists.

"Hmmm, I know a decent number of these samurai, Otaku-sama." she reveals. "Togashi-san is quite an amazing person who is looking for someone to love. Seppun-sama seemed like a good man from my brief encounter with him. I haven't met the Otomo or the Shosuro. Yasuki-sama is looking for someone who can help him commercially expand with the Unicorn."

She considers the list again.

"Hmm, he's equally ranked to you, but Kitsune Takeo might be a good match for you, Otaku-sama, depending upon how you feel about the Kitsune rejoining the Unicorn." she offers.
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Otaku Kitakuhime on Wed May 03, 2017 11:31 am

Kitakuhime listens to Fukawa attentively, contributing with some of her own thoughts, "I've met Togashi-san and Otomo-san. Both are exemplary samurai. Otomo-san is a true gentleman, polite and well-mannered. Togashi-san is an adorable soul that would surely make his wife extremely happy –– if that contributes to the reasoning. Shoruro-san... well... I've met him this afternoon. He's... mysterious..."

...and so damned handsome I have to think on food not be embarrassed while looking at him.

The shiotome's eyebrow twitch a bit for no apparent reason, while she continues explaining her heart and mind, "Kitsune-san is indeed an interesting political choice. He better pray Fortunes grant him their favor."

She looks at the door again, mentioning with a hand over her cheek, "I'm actually waiting for Seppun-san to arrive to meet him here."
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Wed May 03, 2017 11:36 am

And as the Kami would have it at that very moment Aramoro walks through the door. Hair neatly and tightly tied in a top knot. He wears a colourful jacket over his kimono. As he walks in, he notices the two striking ladies. Realising he stepped right into a conversation he bows deeply to them from afar where he is standing and slowly approaches at a leisurely pace to allow the ladies to finish their conversations. He inspects the paintings in pit-stops to admire the art and then proceeds closer and closer in their direction.
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Otaku Kitakuhime on Wed May 03, 2017 1:57 pm

Gentlemen are always on time!

Kitakuhime smiles at the theatrical entrance that always seem to bless the Seppun, and bows to him respectfully. "Good evening. This one is Otaku Kitakuhime, Shiotome and heir to the Otaku. Fortunes bless you, Seppun-san. It is an honor."
Unicorn Clan • Kuge • Shiotome • Heir • Benten's Blessing • Dangerous Beauty • Contrary • Gullible • Overconfident
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Wed May 03, 2017 3:19 pm

Fukawa bows to the two important people, excusing herself.

"It's been an honor to meet you Otaku-sama. Seppun-sama, good to see you again. Congratulations on your standings. If you two would excuse me, I should go check on Takahiro." she says.

It was pretty obvious to Fukawa why these two were meeting, and she didn't think they'd appreciate her standing around interjecting. With important people, it was better to be within easy reach, rather than in the way of.

Assuming no-one objected to her excusing herself, she would move back over to the entrance of the center to find her puppy playing just outside. She could at least give the two the illusion of privacy.
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Wed May 03, 2017 5:31 pm

He gives the Doji a bow as she leaves offering a greeting as well as a farewell: "Crane-san"

He turns to and presents a deep bow to Kitakuhime: "Your name precedes you honourable Otaku-sama. Let me first thank you for the wonderful letter you forwarded in invitation, and again thank you for choosing such a splendid locale. It is indeed what I had hoped to see before leaving the Dark Edge Village."

He did know she was important, but not as the heir of a family!
"I offer an apology for being a bit late, but having the lovely Doji-san as a substitute in conversation must have made the wait easy to bear." He tried hard not to look at the scar on her cheek.
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Otaku Kitakuhime on Wed May 03, 2017 6:54 pm

She shakes her head slightly with a faint smile. "Please, Seppun-san, no need for an apology. I confess I made my way here earlier. Doji-san, oh--," she bows ferewell to Fukawa, "may the Heavens bless you and good fortunes," and then returns to Aramoro, "Doji-san has been lovely to spend time with. The Crane have much to each us, and do the Imperial Families, I believe."

Kitakuhime looks to the paintings and around, waving for him to take the lead, "I am not as knowledgeable in the arts as I would like. Doji-san gave me some insights. Which kind of art does Seppun-san enjoy the most?"
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Thu May 04, 2017 1:43 pm

He smirks "The ones that move me the most Otaku-sama." He continues to escort her past each piece of art whilst conversing with her "Limiting one to a specific form of art is to close one's mind to the possibility of the art's expressions" He waves his hand at his own words "But one would notice I tend to have a more of an open mind to art of more tragic stories" he smiles at himself.

"Have you been inspired by any of the Rokugani arts in particular since your arrival here Unicorn-sama?"
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Otaku Kitakuhime on Thu May 04, 2017 1:54 pm

Her cheeks turn a bit pink when she nods again, telling him with happiness crossing her lips, "Poetry, Seppun-san. I am a wretched failure at it, but I adore the art. How synthetic few words can become to express emotions and ideas that cannot bear description."
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Thu May 04, 2017 2:48 pm

He could not help but enjoy the happiness she beamed. "Oh? Was there a specific one that moved you the most, Otaku-sama? Throughout mys studies I have read some poetry, perhaps I know it." He reached for his fan awaiting her answer before he offered another interesting point.
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Otaku Kitakuhime on Thu May 04, 2017 2:52 pm

"My family founder. Otaku-shiryo, wrote poems that are marked into my very soul." She bites her lips after explaining him that. "I am terrible in reciting, Seppun-san, forgive me. I wouldn't want to ruin her art so much, speaking out loud would shame myself."
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Thu May 04, 2017 3:04 pm

He bows his head in acceptance "Then you are a true lover of art. In any regard, if it is of Unicorn origin, I would not be so fortunate know it as it is part of the scrolls I have studied"

"Odd, that I to have come across poetry in an unsuspecting manner. " He folds open a nearly flawless fan containing a heart touching poem

Once filled with high hope
having lost what was granted
now filled with blackness

"During one of your wondrous Clan's events I was blessed with the ability to brush my very soul to this exquisite piece of paper. I have grown quiet fond it." He stares at if for a few minutes so they both can observe it.
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Re: Day 9 [EE] Ooooooh No They Didn't! (Expecting)

Postby Otaku Kitakuhime on Thu May 04, 2017 8:35 pm

Kitakuhime wasn't expecting that. Not those exact words. To hope for a loving and honorable marriage, to lose what was her birthright, to blacken her heart with bitterness of the unaccomplished was the only thing left.

The Otaku stays silent, trying to figure out the ominous message the Seppun priest had written days before. Her precious smile is touched with sadness and disappears. She bows to him in thanks.
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