by Shinjo Taichi on Tue May 02, 2017 8:33 am
The fact that she was not wearing a mask surprised him a little, as he'd heard that the Scorpion were loath to remove them in front of people outside their clan. For her to make such a gesture was likely significant. Oh dear, another one's fallen for me. What's a man to do.
His smile was broad as he bowed and entered. "The pleasure is all mine, Yogo-sama. It is not every day that one gets invited to dine with one such as yourself." Noting the spread, he says "I'm glad that our hospitality seems to be to your liking."
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Vain and Glorious • Tough • Idealistic • Bad with Money • Shiny Metal Shield
Glory: 0.2 • Status 1.0 • Honor: What is Expected • Just a little bit (in)famous • CP: 0
Carries: Daisho, Targe, Yumi, Knife
Wears: Expensive kimono, haori, Light armor when appropriate.
Horse: Harukaze