Yuki looked a little uncertain about all this hubbub. Yuki is given several bags with which to work with, and little explanation. The Iuchi explains in a mixture of Rokugani and Mekhem that only the truly enlightened can find the path to the future, and that path cannot be taught. Yuki sighs at the logic behind it, and begins to carefully mix the herbs before throwing them into water and putting the ceramic container into the fire. After several moments, Yuki feels a whisper behind her shoulder that the time is right and she pulls the container from the fire, pouring it into the bowl she has been given. Yuki only gives a moment for the brew to cool before lifting the container and drinking the entirety of it.
Closing her eyes, Yuki focuses on the self, and begins her meditation, she begins to use the constant rhythmic thumping of her heart as a beat as she begins to feel something slide diagonally, she blinks as she finds herself floating above the fire, and then everything turns to mist. "Ano..." She looks around, seeing figures arise and fade from the mists. The future, the past, it is almost overwhelming. Yuki stops, seeing Butaj, clad in white.

"Butaj!" She calls out to him, reaching out and moving in his direction before an elderly voice from behind her arrests her progress.
"Yuki? What are you doing here?"
Yuki turned to see a wizened old woman, smiling warmly in a way that felt somehow... safe. "Ah, I am sorry, I don't know where I am."
The old woman laughed a little. "Of course you don't dear, I don't think you're supposed to be here, but it is good to see you again anyway."
Yuki paused, looking confused. "Ah, I am sorry, have we met?"
The old woman laughed again and looked straight at Yuki. "Don't you know me? Children these days..." She shook her head, tsking a little.
Suddenly, from some animal part of her brain, Yuki realized. "Ah, Asako-Shiryo!" She cried out, kneeling before the founder of her Family.
The woman smiled kindly. "Up you go dear, it is good you are here. I have something to show you." Asako turned and started to move through the mists. Yuki got to her feet and dutifully followed after her founder. Coming to a stop shortly after she did. Asako stood quietly, holding open one scene, samurai fighting one another, some glowing, others looking normal. Yuki watched for a moment, then turned to Asako.
"I don't... what does it mean?"
Asako sighed a little. "Some souls are not content, and want more than what they were given by the heavens. War is coming child, a war for which the seed was planted in our very home. Go now, dear, warn the others."
Before Yuki could say anything more, she suddenly awoke from her trance, sweating profusely. Leaning over, Yuki vomits up whatever was left of the juice she had ingested and groans.
Mixing up Herbs: 21Enter the Spirit Realm: 30Glimpse the Future: 193 Spirit Points