Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Tue May 02, 2017 1:19 pm

He nodded with each word, mimicing each action with the fan Fukawa had given him. "There is.... a lot, isn't there." he laughed.
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Tue May 02, 2017 1:29 pm

Fukawa smiled.

"Hundreds of years of courtiers having to sit in court silently while someone more important spoke." she said, glad to focus on this topic.
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Tue May 02, 2017 1:40 pm

"I suppose that is true. Though wouldn't all the fan movement get distracting, or is it subtle enough that most don't notice?"
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Tue May 02, 2017 1:57 pm

Fukawa nods.

"It's pretty subtle. Most courtrooms are fairly large. Though if it does reach a point where it's easy to hear, you can definitely tell something the court finds significant was said." she says.
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

Carrying: Extravagant clothing, jewelry, money, (Day 6) Violet Fan with Horses Charging Forward (Day 8) Accompanied by Dog, Takahiro

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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Tue May 02, 2017 2:11 pm

"I suppose the question then is whether whatever was said was good or bad," he considered. "Have you ever been present for something of grand significance?"
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Tue May 02, 2017 2:18 pm

Fukawa shakes her head.

"No, I have not been." she admits.

She bends down as the puppy has switched to demanding belly rubs.

"I will admit a lot of what I say is based on what I learned from my sensei. This winter court will be my first not as a student." she says.
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Tue May 02, 2017 2:19 pm

Akil smiled as he watched the dog and Fukawa interact. "I suppose, then, in a lot of ways, right now you are my sensei, eh?"
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Tue May 02, 2017 2:24 pm

Fukawa smiles.

"I suppose, but I think I'll be learning a lot from you as well, A-kun." she admits.
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Tue May 02, 2017 2:35 pm

"True, tough I think you will be learning from Setem more than I," he nodded. "I look forward to us learning together, though."
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Tue May 02, 2017 2:37 pm

Takahiro barked at being ignored.

"And Takahiro too." she added with a laugh. "We'll be quite a family starting out, ne?"
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

Carrying: Extravagant clothing, jewelry, money, (Day 6) Violet Fan with Horses Charging Forward (Day 8) Accompanied by Dog, Takahiro

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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Tue May 02, 2017 2:41 pm

He laughed lightly at Takahiro's bark, dancing his finger across the floor to pull the pup's attention. "We will, yes indeed." He considered, "Oh, that does I suppose beg the question: how long should we wait to start having children?"
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Tue May 02, 2017 2:47 pm

Fukawa smiles.

"Well, until we're married and set up in our own house." she allows. "But I don't see any reason to wait longer than that."
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

Carrying: Extravagant clothing, jewelry, money, (Day 6) Violet Fan with Horses Charging Forward (Day 8) Accompanied by Dog, Takahiro

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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Tue May 02, 2017 4:46 pm

"Naturally," he nodded, "I just know that kids can beat handful, though I suppose it's different when you have a place to stay full time."
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


Equipment: Daisho, tanto, flute, sturdy clothing, sake cup

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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Doji Fukawa on Tue May 02, 2017 4:50 pm

Fukawa nods.

"Hai, no having to try to raise children from the back of a horse." she agrees. "Though I suspect their father will be instructing them in the ways of horse riding as soon as he can get away with it."

She smiles.

"We'll have to make sure our new place has a stable and some land for riding."
Crane Clane * Courtier * Pretty *Perfumed *Prized *Petite* Perfect Pitch

Glory: 1.0 Honor: Exceptional Status: 1.0 CP: 13

Carrying: Extravagant clothing, jewelry, money, (Day 6) Violet Fan with Horses Charging Forward (Day 8) Accompanied by Dog, Takahiro

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Re: Learning to be proper (Day 9 EM, Akil's yurt)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Tue May 02, 2017 8:15 pm

"You best believe that to be true," he smirked, "And you better prepare for more learning as well. I cannot have my wife dragging behind me out on the plains."
Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


Equipment: Daisho, tanto, flute, sturdy clothing, sake cup

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