Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga led Samai back to her seat, offering his hand to help ease her down if needed. That done, he sat next to her.
"Mmm, that sounds pretty nice. Do check out Miya Chidori if you get a chance." He reminded her. "I read more when I was young... my parents didn't really encourage it. Somewhat the opposite, in fact." He frowned gently.
His expression cleared. "But you're right, there is a lot to do in Unicorn lands. In fact, I expect to be spending a great deal of time here, myself. Trade deals take time to work out, after all, and I'm going to be involved in that. Or so is my hope."
Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:"I have, yes. Only a very little on my own." He said, his smile dampening just a touch. "But actually, this batch I did help with, working with my eldest sister." He nods towards the sake they had been drinking. "There's a few stages that require a person, especially at first when you're creating the mix, but later on, it can require a judgement call as to when it's ready to pour from the barrel."
"Please, go ahead." He handed the bottle to her, seeing her desire to examine it more closely. The ceramic was cool to the touch. "Maybe." Tomonaga said slowly. "But my wife has a lifetime with me, of course."
His expression on Samai softened further. "Samai-chan... I don't want to give you false hope, because that wouldn't be right. But... I don't know that it's being honest to leave it like this, either." He leaned a little closer, his brown eyes intent. "Right now, I'm compelled to try with Yukarin. But if, at the end of this, it turns out that you are my new bride... well, I don't think I can tell you how happy I'll be."
Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga grinned, clearly pleased. "Thank you, Samai-chan. Your confidence really means a lot to me. For that alone, I'd give you a complimentary bottle."
Once again, his expression turned sympathetic as he watched hers fall. She'd seemed so happy just those two days ago. It made his heart ache to see her so sad now. "I hope so too." He said. His smile brightened once more. "Well, in the meantime, I'm gonna do my best to make sure that you at least walk away from this yurt happy. Just have to figure out what it takes." He eyed her speculatively. "Jokes? Singing to you? Another kiss? Punching someone in the nose?" He swiped the air with his fist at this last one. "Maybe not that last one. I may be a Crab, but I'm not a warrior. Still..." His lips twitched as he looked at her.
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