Doji Fukawa wrote:"I am well, thank you for asking and for the compliment, Seppun-sama." she offered with another bow. "Today's challenge is a very interesting one. How has Seppun-sama's role as trainer gone today?"
Kakita Nanami wrote:She gave the Iuchi another bow, "This one is pleased to meet you. I am Kakita Nanami." She gave a polite smile as she turned back to the Moshi.
"Of course, Moshi-san. Such a display would be of great benefit to the Unicorn, I am sure. I would hate for one of their priests to be called into such a duel without understanding what it is."
Seppun Hideo wrote:Doji Fukawa wrote:"I am well, thank you for asking and for the compliment, Seppun-sama." she offered with another bow. "Today's challenge is a very interesting one. How has Seppun-sama's role as trainer gone today?"
"I cannot say I have done well as a teacher. I have attempted to educate those I have spoken with, but with all that has happened during my time here..." Hideo sighed gently "I don't believe I have truly done a good enough job."
Moshi Asakiko wrote:"I explained to Iuchi sama one thatnis developing in Isawa lands. So not many are aware of their mechanics. So we shall do.the traditional way." She looked at the Iuchi. "In hope you understand. It will be some what a flashy display." She notes Aramoro and Hideo but Hideo seemed to be talking to another crane so she called Aramoro. "Seppun Aramoro sam... would you be so kind to direct the duel as a magistrate would?"
Moshi Asakiko wrote:Asakiko looked at Akira and sighed. "Iuchi sama would you take care of Akira san?" She motioned to the pup.
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