[D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Doji Fukawa on Thu Apr 27, 2017 3:10 am

Fukawa considered the passionate words.

"There are two thoughts I would offer on that, Shinjo-san. While new ideas might be needed, the best way to introduce them is if you can introduce them as old ideas. For example, anything you can trace back to the founding members of the Ki-Rin will be easier for people to accept than ideas traced from the founder of the Moto. Anything that can be presented as a refinement, rather than a bold new idea will be assimilated much faster." she offered.

"Secondly, you must be very careful about offering to help. I am not certain what your clan's philosophy on help is, but in the Empire, while a samurai is expected to help others, asking for help is typically considered a sign of weakness. You need to phrase the offer very carefully, so they don't think you are saying that you don't think they can't handle it.....even if they obviously can't."
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Shinjo Taichi on Thu Apr 27, 2017 7:50 am

Taichi nodded emphatically at her suggestions. She was smart. He'd clearly made the right choice in coming here.

"Shinjo-kami has made a number of laws and guidelines for us to live by that I think the empire as a whole could benefit from considering. I understand what you say about offering help though. It is true of my clan as well. Since we are fewer in number and have travelled through such difficulties though, I think that more are aware of the dangers of overconfidence. If one falls, it increases the pressure on all others. Better to offer and accept aid freely."
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Doji Fukawa on Thu Apr 27, 2017 11:44 pm

Fukawa nods.

"It really depends on the situation and how urgent it is." she replies. "You wouldn't, for example, not haul someone out of a burning building because they could not give you permission to touch them. On the other hand, offering to train someone can easily be viewed as an insult against their sensei."

Fukawa shrugs.

"But insults require only one person to take something as an insult. Even a simple good morning could be grounds enough for someone truly wishing to engage you in a duel. Likewise, how much and what help you can offer really depends on the person."
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Shinjo Taichi on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:44 pm

That got a raised eyebrow. "People would really duel over something like that?"
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Doji Fukawa on Sat Apr 29, 2017 3:50 am

"I am...somewhat exaggerating...somewhat not. I'm trying to impress that even very minor incidents can be blown up to much more significant ones. If I said good morning to you, and you thought my tone was disrespectful or mocking somehow, you could claim I was being discourteous to you. If I didn't apologize because I felt it was ridiculous to apologize for that, you could escalate it further." she explains.

"I would like to say honorable duelists don't do that. However, extremely honorable people are going to typically be very sensitive to insults given to their honor, no matter how slight or unintended."
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Shinjo Taichi on Sat Apr 29, 2017 9:43 am

"Isn't it more honourable to ignore minor slights than to draw attention to them? I would think that gaining a reputation as engaging in duels without proper cause would be more harmful."

He realised that he was being slightly confrontational, and bowed his head in contrition. "My apologies, I'm merely trying to understand. It is a different way of thinking that what we are used to. Shinjo-kami decreed that no Unicorn is to draw the blood of another, so things are different for us."
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Doji Fukawa on Sat Apr 29, 2017 10:47 am

Fukawa nods.

"Not at all, Shinjo-san. Part of this miai is helping the Unicorn become more familiar with the Empire to avoid such incidents. Fortunately, it seems that those sent here are quite tolerant, as there have been no misunderstandings that have led to a duel yet." she says, for the Moto event of doom had not yet befallen them.

"When one can no longer ignore small slights to their honor honorably is an interesting topic at winter court from time to time. Theoretically, it's always honorable, or at least not dishonorable to ignore small slights to one's own honor. But in debate, people will put forth the idea of people who are so honorable that their very actions define honor itself, rather than they being defined by honor. If such a person were to be slighted, then would not the person offering them insult be insulting honor itself? As for reputation, it has little to do with honor. Yes, gaining a reputation as a bully duelist is bad. And sadly, if you accuse someone of being a bully duelist, they'd be within their rights to challenge you to prove that they weren't." she offers, pausing before overwhelming the Shinjo.
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Shinjo Taichi on Sat Apr 29, 2017 8:05 pm

He raises his head. "I can understand that. Some of the high ranking members of my clan, as well as many of the Shiotome are viewed in this way. Much is expected of them, and they are expected to act honourably at all times. Conflict can arise from time to time, it is true. My clan has many warriors, and some are too headstrong." He pauses for a moment to think. "We have always had strong threats outside of the clan though, so causing internal conflict is seen as a waste. And when your clan depends on efficiency to continue existing, waste is not tolerated. Those who start problems often hurt themselves far more than their intended targets."

"Wouldn't challenging someone to a duel for saying that you readily challenge everyone to a duel prove the point?"
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Doji Fukawa on Sun Apr 30, 2017 3:48 am

"Which one, Shinjo-san? It would prove that you dueled at the drop of a sandal, or if you won such a duel defending yourself against such an accusation that you didn't?" she asked.
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Re: [D6LA - Fukawa's Yurt] The House of Culture

Postby Shinjo Taichi on Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:21 am

"If someone were to say that I was someone who duelled for even the flimsiest of reasons, if I were to challenge them for the slight, it would automatically prove the other person to be correct, whether I win or not."

"As with all things, moderation and control is important. I will definitely concede that there are situations where a challenge of some sort is necessary to protect the honour of yourself or another, but to do this all the time cheapens not just the duel, but also the system as a whole."
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Vain and Glorious • Tough • Idealistic • Bad with Money • Shiny Metal Shield
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