Bayushi Hotaru wrote:"I wouldn't mind seeing the flowers for myself!" She said with an optimistic smile. "I've been riding a few times, but I could probably use more time on the saddle. It's a bit hard to get used to it, with the movement and the sitting up. In this case, you'll be riding and I'll be just riding with you, right?"
Bayushi Hotaru wrote:"Ohhh...No, you didn't. I didn't know that you were a singer." She said as she took a few small bites from her food, looking more at Baatar than the food now. "Do most Moto take to singing...and is everything that you do endurance related?"
Bayushi Hotaru wrote:"Uhm, so, what's your favourite animal?"
Bayushi Hotaru wrote:"Arts and games are good," She gave a few more nods again. "I don't really play Go or do much poetry, really...Which Scorpion have you been spending time with?"
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