D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide Samai

Re: D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide S

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 25, 2017 3:46 pm

Samai smiled while walking. The forthrightness of Amarano was appreciated. "A wise approach Seppun-san." She tilted her head slightly. "You are an observant man."

She giggled at the horse comment,, trying to hide her face behind her fan. "Hai, we can be quite fond... I try to spend some time with Scirocco every other day, but it is difficult with the pressure here." She reached up behind her ear, tucking a stray piece of hair away.

"Mhm, well I am sure we can think of something... perhaps singing, or something else?" She smiled at him as she asked the question.
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Re: D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide S

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:18 pm

Initially his smile fades when she mentions him being "observant" as though she struck a nerve. But then he put his fist to his lips trying to hide a smile at almost putting his foot in his mouth. The Ide actually have horses as well??

"Scirocco, is that the name of your horse Ide-sama?" Oh please let it be it He asked following with his eyes her hand as she brushed back the silky hair strand.

Had it not been for his teachings in etiquette, his eyes would have betrayed his thoughts. "The spirit is willing to entertain lady Unicorn-sama and as mentioned, the Unicorn seem to make me perform quite well when the spirit is involved."
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Re: D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide S

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 25, 2017 4:32 pm

Seppun Aramoro wrote:Initially his smile fades when she mentions him being "observant" as though she struck a nerve. But then he put his fist to his lips trying to hide a smile at almost putting his foot in his mouth. The Ide actually have horses as well??

"Scirocco, is that the name of your horse Ide-sama?" Oh please let it be it He asked following with his eyes her hand as she brushed back the silky hair strand.

Had it not been for his teachings in etiquette, his eyes would have betrayed his thoughts. "The spirit is willing to entertain lady Unicorn-sama and as mentioned, the Unicorn seem to make me perform quite well when the spirit is involved."

Samai frowns gently as his mood seemed to change. And change again. "Hai, Scirocco is my mount." She answered, unsure about the question.

"The spirit Seppun-san?" Her confusion didn't seem to abate.
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Re: D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide S

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:21 pm

He shakes his head at himself. "I apologise Ide-sama, my manners has caused awkwardness. My expression was not aimed at you, it just reminded me of some inner issues that bother me. I did not mean for you to feel that you offended me."

He looks at her with sheepish smile "And then again. You must understand I am a shugenja, a priest. When I spoke of my spirit, I meant my own will, inner self or connection with the Void and not the kami. If my inner self is in-tuned with a task, my body follows well.

So in short, I said my inner self will be willing to entertain you with whatever task you might find pleasing. And so my body will not disappoint." He mentions, hoping he could recover from this faux pas.
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Re: D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide S

Postby Ide Samai on Thu Apr 27, 2017 1:26 pm

Seppun Aramoro wrote:He shakes his head at himself. "I apologise Ide-sama, my manners has caused awkwardness. My expression was not aimed at you, it just reminded me of some inner issues that bother me. I did not mean for you to feel that you offended me."

He looks at her with sheepish smile "And then again. You must understand I am a shugenja, a priest. When I spoke of my spirit, I meant my own will, inner self or connection with the Void and not the kami. If my inner self is in-tuned with a task, my body follows well.

So in short, I said my inner self will be willing to entertain you with whatever task you might find pleasing. And so my body will not disappoint." He mentions, hoping he could recover from this faux pas.

Samai's confusion seemed to ebb this time. She smiled at the imperial. "Ie, no problem Seppun-san. Your forthrightness is appreciated." She titled her head at him her eyes shning with sympathy. "I am sorry for bringing up any issues, I hope I did not cause any pain for you."

Her face was half-hidden behind her fan as she listened. "Well... I am going to leave than the choice of entertainment to you Seppun-san. As a dedicated priest, I am sure you have the right idea what wold be good for my spirit."
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Re: D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide S

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Sun Apr 30, 2017 7:47 am

He looks at her sincerely. "No Ide-sama, there is nothing to apologize about. You are not the custodian of my memories, if they wish to appear at inappropriate moments, then you have not to be concerned Ide-sama. I would not want you to worry, it something few can help me with." he looks to the sky "but I am still actively trying to solve it"

He returns his eyes to her with a slight smile. "Then I will consult the kami to determine the perfect way to return the favour of a story." he motions with his hand "May I escorts you back to the path to the tents Unicorn-sama?"
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Re: D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide S

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 30, 2017 10:11 am

"Well, I would wish you luck Seppun-san." She replied with a polite smile. She nodded gently. "I would appreciate that, Seppun-san. There is much of the day ahead of us, eh?"
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: D6 EM Hopeful Hearts, and some Forgotten (awaiting Ide S

Postby Seppun Aramoro on Mon May 01, 2017 6:04 am

Aramoro continued with small talk as he escorted the Ide to the path exiting the Shrine area.

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