Soshi Yuuru wrote:He smiled, "What does she like?"
He paused for a moment before asking, "And what does her master like?"
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Tomoe carefully began to stretch her arms.
"Well, it happened the year 442, so it was some time ago. Two years before the battle, a group of foreigners from the distant land of Merenae approached the Empire, and according to some records, it was said they had an ancient banner of the Ki-Rin clan even to show as a sign of goodwill to grant them audience. They were allowed a two-year period to prove themselves in the eyes of the Empire, by the grace of Empress Hantei Yugozohime. When the two years were up, it was decided that they would no longer be welcome and they were ordered to leave. And well... to cut a long story short, they took offense to that and launched an attack on the Imperial City with cannonfire, killing the Empress and the Lion Clan Champion who was protecting her. They were successfully beaten back by the superior tactics of the Lion and the justified outrage of the city's people who rose up to avenge their Empress, their fleet shattered and defeated."
"It is an event that certainly affected the Empire's view on gaijin for centuries to come; the use of cannons and firearms were banned by Imperial proclamation, for instance."
Soshi Yuuru wrote:He smiled and nodded, "I don't think I'd expect any of you to get drunk easily."
He then smiled, "It was definitely an interesting beverage when I had it at the banquet."
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