Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:38 am

"Perhaps a bit unfortunate in my mother's eyes, I did not quite inherent her talents or her interests in many arts, and thus far my work has left me little time for practice. Calligraphy is an exception and I enjoy writing in private moments, however. Most of those games I have at least some inkling of, though this one prefers the elaborate game of letters. I should warn, however, that one avoid mention of Shogi and participating in such a game in the future: it is not likely something the Unicorn might yet know, of course, but the Imperial Court has found strong ties between that game and those that practice the dark magics of the Ninth and it is thus discouraged in the strongest of terms," he politely explained with a bit of a heavier tone before quickly lightening up.

"This other game that you speak of - mancala, was it? - is quite unfamiliar. What does that game entail?"
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:23 pm

Shogi... and demon worship? That made as much sense as saying those who preferred honey in their tea were more likely to steal... But it was what it was, and she would roll with it.

"Well, mancala is a game from the Sands. Each player uses different coloured stones, like go, but it plays very differently. Each player has a row of containers, and each turn you can move the stones from one container down the line, capturing enemy stones based on positions of their stones and yours. It's actually somewhat more easy to show than tell... Mmm; And easier to play while traveling since the containers keep the stones in place unlike a go board."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Mon Apr 24, 2017 9:30 pm

"So still a game of strategy, then, only slightly different: perhaps a game that the Crab or the Lion might wish to study further. And yes, I can but only imagine how over time one might see quite a number of go stones be lost to the sands. I... think it might be faster to go down this way, if I recall correctly, Iuchi-san: I do believe you and your books will indeed make it before the rain breaks," Tenzo said, a smile as he directed around the corner and down another street.

"Mmm... given that we are at a miai and all, I might inquire: what does Iuchi-san look for in a successful match?" he asked politely with a slightly shy glance in her direction.
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:16 am

"What do I look for? Hmmm... well, a complex yet simple question; Intelligence and honor are probably the two highest priorities in a partner, followed by kindness, flexibility, and sensibility. Handsomeness and ambition being more distant. Honestly, if my future husband can balance his duties and supporting me while not being too foolish, I think that about sums things up there."

Yukarin looks thoughtfully at the clouds as she walks and talks, hands behind her back.
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Mon May 01, 2017 10:09 pm

"Those are fair qualities to look for, I believe. I seek one of intelligence and thoughtfulness, perhaps with a head for numbers, though not required. One of flexibility, surely, particularly in one's duties as the Imperial life can have a certain fluidity to it depending on courtly season just as much as it might be perfectly still. Someone able to be honest with me and I them in all things. Importantly for my family, someone that can carry out duty alongside me without ambition - it is good to find one's purpose, and I would do all I can in helping my spouse find it for themselves, but mine is a family which lacks nothing and desires nothing." He stayed quiet for a few steps in thought.

"Truth be told, though, Iuchi-san, I think in many ways I might find myself happy with just about anyone. And I know that there are many differences between the Unicorn ways and the traditions of the Imperial Families, but I would do everything to see my future spouse find comfort in a new family and new role," he added with a nod. "But that is not to say she must give up her ways - far from it, as I would hope she might incorporate them into the lives of what future children might be had. That, I think, is important too."
Imperial | Seiyaku | Archivist | Wealthy | Blessed | Fortunate... or not so much?
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Tue May 02, 2017 1:34 am

"So... in other words, you have things you might prefer, but are flexible in how you think you will handle the outcome? That is a very admirable mindset; I hate to think there are those here who will be very strict and harsh with my cousins here, especially those marrying out."

She truly hoped for that, "Can I ask why you mentioned a head for numbers though? I did not think the Otomo scholars or merchant patrons, so something with the treasury then?"
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Wed May 03, 2017 12:07 am

"I think that is a very apt way of putting it. There are some in my family that are more... 'traditional' shall we say in their outlook on such things, and surely there are some here that are the same. I do not believe myself to be one of those people, however. Perhaps all that time with my nose in-between various books has offered me a more balanced perspective on such things, but who is to say? All I know is that, even if we are vastly different and it will take time to get used to each other's ways, I do not foresee it bothering me a bit," he nodded affirmatively.

"While I would not call myself a merchant-patron, my family does have some wealth to it that, beyond taking care of our home and affairs, has been used for various purposes such as patronizing many artistic works or helping to fund a new shrine or temple with one of the Brotherhood sects, you know, philanthropic works of one kind or another. It is much like what the Miya might do with the Emperor's Blessing, only on a much smaller scale and with the assistance of a few Otomo families together. One that might join in overseeing such distributions and ensuring the greatest value in funding such works would be nice, but it is not a necessary quality truly for beyond that I believe my home will take care of itself and require little management."

"There are some of us that are trained in the matters of exchange for taxation purposes, of course, and I am one of them should the need arise for me to participate in that part of the Bureaucracy. I believe more generally, though, a willingness to learn new things is a good quality to have, numbers in particular being an example of that among others."
Imperial | Seiyaku | Archivist | Wealthy | Blessed | Fortunate... or not so much?
Honor: What is expected | Glory: 1.0 | Status: 2.5 | Courtship Points: 8

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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Wed May 03, 2017 1:24 am

"Hai, learning in general is a good thing. Though I can hardly fault people for having preferences in the material they're interested in. And I can certainly understand how mathematics might be less interesting to others... I have little interest in learning how to swing a sword, for instance, so I would probably begrudge someone pressuring me into such. Probably for the best that you seem so flexible then."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Wed May 03, 2017 11:07 pm

"Flexible as I might be, there are still limits to that in some regard: this one would be quite the sight, for instance, with a spear shoved into one's hands because his wife wished it so," he noted with a chuckle while he turned down another street, the center now closer yet so was the impending storm. "Then again, I thought the same regarding horses and riding when one of my dear Miya cousins offered to teach me when on a visit to Kyuden Miya when I was a child, but now I take to the fields now and again upon one of their horses. And even here on the first night, at the celebratory dinner, did I partake of food and drink most exotic..." he trailed off for a moment in thought, a hand catching and repositioning the top-most book he carried when it started to slip a little bit.

"Life around the Imperial Court and in the Capital is different than out in the provinces and very much different from what experiences I have had here in the village. I would hope that my spouse would be just as flexible as I am but in regards to Imperial life and ways and all that encompasses it just as much as I would be for theirs. That which might be strange one day, I would hope, would be no longer to them in due time," Tenzo revealed with a nod.
Imperial | Seiyaku | Archivist | Wealthy | Blessed | Fortunate... or not so much?
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Thu May 04, 2017 2:55 am

"Marriage, and flexibility within it, is a two way path. No matter where one is marrying into or whom one is marrying. I suppose we can but try our best to make sure that much is assured before we pick at the end of this all. ...and probably why nakados are so highly regarded when they are effective in making their matches; I imagine there are many such things for them to consider, and here we rank amateurs are expected to follow suit."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Sat May 06, 2017 4:23 pm

"Ah, we most surely are - and even then that may be underestimating the nakado still, at least from what I have heard particularly of the Imperial matchmakers. I remember years ago when a distant and much older cousin of mine was staying with my family in the Capital to meet with the Imperial nakado at that time... mmm, I wish I could remember her name, but I think she may have been a Phoenix, perhaps a Lion? In any case, my tutor at the time had me sit in the corner and watch how the process worked and all that was required for an arrangement of that kind to be found. It was quite impressive, and even if I did not understand half of it being that young and all, I was truly fascinated to the depths of which this woman seemingly knew the names, the deeds, the marriage pairings and the other details of not individuals but entire family trees!" Tenzo excitedly explained.

"She did a lot of writing - a whole lot of writing, her papers of ink spread out and drying all over the room we were in - but it was only on a handful of occasions did she have to consult the lineage charts and other records that she brought with her. At the end of it all I do believe she found for my cousin quite a harmonious match - last I heard of him by way of my father's writings, he was living quite happily with his wife and two children out of an ambassador's manor in the Doji lands - but the skill and the detail to which she did it... it was as if she had spent her whole life raised and trained in a dozen families all at once."

He closed his eyes for a couple seconds, thinking back to that moment before opening them again, a grin spreading. "And here we are to fend for ourselves, as you point out - Benten-no-kami bless us all."
Imperial | Seiyaku | Archivist | Wealthy | Blessed | Fortunate... or not so much?
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Sun May 07, 2017 12:39 am

"Or if not, at least Hotei-Okami. Though... I did run into a monk dedicated to Benten-Okami around the village here the other day, so at least it seems someone representing that particular Fortune around here; She said she was offering wisdom and counsel."

Not advice of course; Advice from a monk to a samurai couldn't be called such.
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Sun May 07, 2017 1:16 am

"Did you really? Most intriguing. It makes sense that one of that temple might find themselves at a miai, though I do not recall ever having a run-in with one having such a dedication - certainly quite a number have I seen to Ebisu-Okami, even a couple to Bishamon-Okami, maybe one if not two at most in service and meditation to the others of the Seven, but never one to Benten-Okami," Tenzo said, shaking his head after a moment or two of recollection. "Did you have chance to speak with her yourself? The wisdom of monks can be... most interesting at times, to be sure," he added.
Imperial | Seiyaku | Archivist | Wealthy | Blessed | Fortunate... or not so much?
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Sun May 07, 2017 2:06 am

"Hai, a most interesting discussion at a little shrine between some tents... but I never got anything about my situation at least."

Yukarin gives a small chuckle, "She seemed very tranquil and wise though; Perhaps I would be remiss in not seeing what she could shed light on for me at least."
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Re: Calm Before the Storm [D4 LA, expecting]

Postby Otomo Tenzo on Sun May 07, 2017 12:30 pm

(figure it's time to wrap up!)

"Insightful as they are, this one has... not done so well in interpreting the riddles and koans offered by the monks in the past until after the fact. Hopefully a monk of Benten-Okami would be different, but I have a feeling to the contrary." He made one turn around one final corner and there it was, the administrative center in full view in front of them.

"Aha, here we are, Iuchi-san! I did believe it was going to be down this street and it appears my intuition was correct - and just in time too as well, I think," Tenzo said, shifting the books so that he could point up to the sky which had now become very dark with the rain likely to break at any moment. He continued to walk, escorting all the way to the center's entrance before coming to a stop.

"While I was unsuccessful in finding some gifts today for my little siblings, this venture outside this afternoon was very much worthwhile. Thank you for the most lovely and insightful conversation, Iuchi-san, as well as the honor and pleasure of escorting you and your books safely, soundly, and still dry. I hope your enjoy your book club meeting," the Imperial offered with a warm smile as he managed to hold the books tightly with a curled arm in order to offer her a respectful bow.
Imperial | Seiyaku | Archivist | Wealthy | Blessed | Fortunate... or not so much?
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