by Kitsune Takeo on Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:12 am
He fell slightly inside, fearing he had saddened her. As she changed the topic he was more than willing to go along with her, lest he cause her anymore dismay.
"That is something of a story, I suppose," Takeo said, patting Gekko gently as he looked back at Kitakuhime.
"In the Kitsune Mori, foxes are protected creatures - not just because they are the namesake of our clan, but due to the history of those who took us in when we arrived at it. We were adapting to a new and unfamiliar land and the early years were not necessarily easy ones. Still, we were not without allies - natural guardians of the forest...the kitsune spirits were kind to us and blessed us with their knowledge and kindness. They showed us how to live in harmony with the forest - a tradition we have done our best to honor and continue to this day," he said, pride creeping into his voice.
"And for that reason we have extended that kindness to their more mortal kin," he cast a glance down to the fox, smiling Abriefly, before his face turned dark, "Regrettably not all regard such creatures with the respect they are due. In recent years...a dark force fell upon the forest. It was defeated, by honorable and more skilled samurai than I. But as with all things in darkness, the effects lingered. Remnants remained that sought to harm our forest with every bit the dark ardor of their progenitor, if not its power.
"I cut my teeth against such remnants. I did not have a traditional gempukku in that sense - I told my sensei that if I waas to be heir to the forest, I needed to be willing to die in its defense. And so I went into the woods. The nights were as different as winter and summer depending on where we were. Some nights were as clear and pleasant as any I had enjoyed in the boughs around Kyuden Kitsune. But as we drew closer to the darkness, the nights changed. There is a sickness that one can feel in the air, in the presence of such evil. One must steel itself against it, lest they lose themselves. My ancestors protected me and my honor saved me.
As he spoke, he turned and knelt next to Kitakuhime, reaching out his own hand to pet his small friend.
"But such was not the case for Asahi - I found him during the trip. The sole survivor of his litter, his family members - his mother and the other kits - had been sacrificed by the darkness to taunt us for trying to stop it. How it had missed him - who knows? Perhaps one of the kitsune had been looking out over him after all? I followed the trail. I avenged his den. And he became my responsibility and my friend - my companion and my reminder of what is at stake when we do less than our duty demands."
Fox Clan * Bushi * The Fox Prince * Honorable * Hero of the People * Uncompromising * Idealistic
Status: 3.0 ; Glory 1.0 ; Honor: Exceptional ; Courtship Points: 5
Carries: Daisho, yumi, light armor
Accompanied by: a red fox named Asahi