Yogo Mizuki wrote:"What does wise Moto-san think of the Clans?"

“That is a deep question for one so new to this Green world,” he counters.
Sivlia then says, “But you have asked and I shall answer as best as I can, though I pray I do not insult your beautiful ears with coarse words. The Clans are old and new to us, we learned of them but what we leaned and what you are not the same, yes? The Lion have shown themselves to be of much Honor and strong, and yet they hold anger to us for not knowing all. It is sad and makes Silvia’s heart ache.”
“The Crane are perhaps the most like what were told, beautiful and artistic to the exclusion of all other things. They will paint the forest even as it burns around them. The Crab… are… well I guess they are like crabs, hard exteriors that you don’t think much about until they pinch your toe.”
“The Phoenix have been good and mysterious and we hope they shall be good friends in time, as good as the Dragon have been to us. The Scorpion… ahh the Scorpion.”
“Silvia did not think well of them, they are painted as villains and killers of frogs, but the Scorpion have surprised us for they have a deep understanding of what needs to be done, there is beauty and simplicity in such acts, Sayyeda,” he finishes.
“Before I take my leave, Sayyeda may show you a greeting from the outside world… one reserved for the most beautiful of women?” he says with a smile.