Mei returns the bow.
"I look forward to participating. Thank you for the company. "
Asako Yuki wrote:Seppun Aramoro wrote:He lifted and eyebrow at her latest comment: "Seems the Unicorn I have met are from a different Clan to ones you have met. " He breaks into a chuckle "I have met one lady Ide, she seems more relate-able."
He pondered at some of her strikes earlier: "Certainly you are looking forward to more martial events, neh? I myself have some talent at carrying a blade, though I am not so well trained."
Yuki smiled. "That's good, Seppun-sama. I'm glad that, though you have not found everything to be to your liking, you have found someone to enjoy your time here with." Her smile faltered a bit as she thought about her own someone and she gripped her boken more tightly again in annoyance.
"Ano... Hai, I think that's where I am most likely to receive points, at least. I've enjoyed all of the events so far, even the egg hunt, aside from all the weasels." She shrugged a little.
Seppun Aramoro wrote:By now he could no longer be oblivious to her discomfort at the subject, he was after all trained at courtly affairs, but he did have a taste for drama. "Well Asako-san, once you have obtained enough favour from the events you could pick a musclar Moto-warrior to help beat down as many straw poles as the two of you like." He teased with a smile.
Miya Mei wrote:Mei returns the bow.
"I look forward to participating. Thank you for the company. "
Asako Yuki wrote:Yuki, it seemed, was in no mood to be teased. Especially about burly Moto. She placed the boken back down in it's stand hard and then turned back towards the Seppun. "Hai, perhaps. Which will be preferable to being alone and miserable." She said, looking directly at him with a look very similar to what she'd had while beating the bamboo dummies to near breaking point.
"If there is nothing else, Seppun-sama, I believe I have had enough of practice today." She bowed to the man.
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