Matsu Kogo wrote:Kogo nods. "They are. The Matsu are also notable for requiring that men who marry into the family take the Matsu name and that women who stay within the family keep their own. Men who marry out lose their Matsu name. It is a long standing tradition, based on the stories of our ancestress."
Moto Butaj wrote:Butaj listens with keen interest. Having Mizuki's words supported by Kogo only reinforces his positive image, if not comprehension. He rubs his stubble. "It sounds like it is not easy to understand the Scorpion even by those who's lived with them long. We share being open to new things. Butaj wonders if the Unicorn can understand the Scorpion better because of it."
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:Her attention shifted to Mizuki and Butaj for a moment. She decided to down the rest of her sake and shake out any jealousy in her head. "The Scorpion are mysterious and yet loyal," was all the she had to add at the moment.
Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:Yue smiled faintly. "Hai. It was a hard-fought battle. I was nearly consumed by the monster." She let out a soft sigh. "I wish I had more time to spend with her too. I suppose that is why we are here today in mourning."
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