- Brotherhood Monks
- Brotherhood Monks begin the game with base Status 1 and Glory 0.
Kitsu Shugenja School
- The Eyes of the Ancestors technique cannot detect the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage possessed by characters with less than one Rank of Shadowlands Taint.
Kitsune Shugenja School
- Summoning flying animals uses the Air Ring, summoning swimming animals uses the Water Ring, and all other animals use the Earth Ring. A summoned animal spirit is friendly towards you and those with the Blessed by the Realm (Chikushudo) advantage, ambivalent towards others, and hostile towards those with the Curse of the Realms (Chikushudo) disadvantage. Summoned animal spirits will defend you from immediate harm and attack easily indicated enemies, but are otherwise still animals and will react to stimuli as appropriate. Note that the Summon spell is permanent; if you summon an animal, it will remain in the area until it chooses to leave or is driven away. You may only summon animals native to Rokugan (no elephants or manatees).
Matsu Beastmaster
- Lions act upon the same initiative as their beastmaster. They may each choose a stance each round (except for Center stance), and once commanded to attack a target will continue to do so until they have been called off. A new action is necessary to send a lion after a new target. Lions do not count as additional characters for the purposes of Events, and thus may join a combat thread with their beastmaster without taking up any additional character slots. The beastmaster's lions cannot take part in threads without the beastmaster also being in the thread as well.
Meishido Shugenja
- *Affinities and Deficiencies affect the Rank of spells the shugenja can turn into Meishido.
* Meishido Shugenja may not engage in taru-jiai duels unless they have at least one rank of another shugenja school.
* Meishido Shugenja may begin play with any six meishido of their choice from their known spells.
Togashi Tattooed Order School
- * The Togashi Tattooed Order school should have the Artisan: Tattooing skill instead of Craft: Tattooing.
- * The Kirin Tattoo may be used a number of times per day equal to 2 + your school rank. Activating the tattoo is a free action, but it still counts towards your limit of only having one tattoo active at any given time.
Yoritomo Courtier
- Add this line to the end of the school's Rank 1 Technique: "All Intimidation rolls the Yoritomo makes use Willpower instead of Awareness."
- Iaijutsu
- Add the "Strike" emphasis, which applies to the Iaijutsu/Reflexes roll made during the Strike phase of an Iaijutsu duel.
- The Antidote emphasis is required to treat poisons. The Disease emphasis is required to treat diseases. The Herbalism emphasis allows a character to make Medicine Skill Rolls without requiring the use of a Medicine Kit, provided that they have access to a medicinal garden or other well vegetated area. The Non-Human emphasis is required to treat members of races different from your own, and must be purchased separately for each such race.
- Characters may not Meditate in Event threads, and may not Meditate more than once per non-Event thread.
- The Ninja-to may be used with either the Ninjutsu skill or the Kenjutsu skill.
- Add the "Taryu Jiai" emphasis, which applies to Spellcraft rolls made during Taryu Jiai duels.
Characters may not Importune for spells during Event threads.
- Allies
- You may purchase allies at Influence 3 (not just 1, 2, and 4).
Child of Chikushudo
- This advantage is banned, as we are not allowing Spirit (or Spirit-ish) characters.
Dangerous Beauty
- The bonus to Temptation provided by the Dangerous Beauty advantage applies regardless of gender or sexual preference.
Different School
- You do not need the Different School advantage to begin with a ronin path.
Forbidden Knowledge (Black Scrolls)
- You are familiar with the true purpose of the Black Scrolls and know of the dangerous power they possess. You gain one rank in Lore: Black Scrolls, and may make a Lore: Black Scrolls/Perception Roll (TN 30) to identify a particular Black Scroll. This advantage costs 1 point less for Phoenix characters.
Forbidden Knowledge (Dooms)
- You are familiar with the final prophecies of Uikku, known as the "Dooms," and are aware of their significance. You gain one rank in Divination, and a Free Raise on all Divination checks. This advantage costs 1 point less for Phoenix characters.
Forbidden Knowledge (Gozoku)
- This advantage grants characters knowledge of the original Gozoku conspiracy, which has long since been disbanded. Characters may also choose to be members of Doji Masato's New Gozoku, which has goals very similar to those of the ancient Gozoku; such characters should also choose the Dark Secret (Gozoku) disadvantage. This advantage costs 1 point less for Crane characters.
Forbidden Knowledge (Maho)
- You may choose to begin the game with a single Rank 1 spell from the Maho spell list. If you are Rank 2 or higher, you may begin with a second spell of Rank 2 or less from the Maho list. In addition, if you are a shugenja, you may exchange any of your elemental spell scrolls for maho spells of the same rank and element.
- If you take Inheritance (Iaijutsu), the bonus only applies to Iaijutsu rolls made during the Assessment and Focus phases, and not the Strike phase.
Multiple Schools
- You do not need the Multiple Schools advantage to learn a ronin path. If you only possess Ronin paths, you do not need Multiple Schools to move from a ronin path to one of your Clan's schools.
- The Sage advantage does not provide ranks in Lore skills that are gained through the Forbidden Lore advantages, such as Black Scrolls, Dooms, Gozoku, and Maho.
Seven Fortunes' Blessing (Benten)
- This advantage only applies to Courtier, Etiquette, and Sincerity Skill Rolls.
- Consumed (Perfection)
- Possessing no ranks in a skill does not prevent you from calling the Raise required by this disadvantage.
- The TN of the Willpower roll is always 20.
Cursed by the Realm (Maigo no Musha)
- This advantage is banned, as Maigo no Musha does not yet exist.
Forced Retirement
- This disadvantage forces you to become an unaligned monk. That means you do not gain a technique for belonging to a specific sect of the Brotherhood (though you still gain kiho as normal).
- This disadvantage is banned due to not working well in a forum environment.
Shadowlands Taint
- Because of the many Lion samurai who were injured by tainted creatures or cursed by dark magic during the Bloodspeaker War, this disadvantage is worth one extra point to Crab and Lion characters.
For 5 points, a character may instead begin the game with one full Rank of Shadowlands Taint.
Touch of the Spirit Realms (Maigo no Musha)
- This advantage is banned, as Maigo no Musha does not yet exist.
Touch of the Void
- If you are spending a Void Point to enhance a roll of any type, you make the check to see whether or not you are Dazed before you make the enhanced roll.
- Altering the Course
- This spell has proven to be highly unbalancing, but its effects are simple enough that any fiddling with the spell will essentially just make it into a new spell. As a result, this spell has just been banned.
Mental Quickness
- Change the spell's Area of Effect to "One target" and its text to the following: "The target's Intelligence Trait increases by 1 for the duration of the spell." Add the following: "Raises: Increase Intelligence (+1 per 2 Raises)."
Path to Inner Peace
- If cast using a method that does not involve making a Spellcasting Roll (such as Meishido), or if stored in a character with Silent Waters, this spell heals wounds equal to the Insight Rank of the caster (including affinities and deficiencies) multiplied by their Water Ring.
Silent Waters
- Add this line: "The stored spell consumes one of your spell slots of the appropriate element until it is cast (at which point the character may rest to recover the expended spell slot as normal)."
- Arrows
- Because the price of arrows in the core book is somewhat...high...we've decided to make them a bit more affordable. When purchasing arrows for your character, change all prices in bu to zeni. If you have a bow in your starting package, you may begin the game with ten arrows of any type.
- Kata cannot be activated outside of combat, and once active, only last until the end of a given combat. Activating a kata is a simple action, as noted in the book.
Spell Scrolls
- This is not an errata, but a simple reminder to shugenja characters about their spell scrolls. As per the core book, pulling out a spell scroll is a free action, but putting away a spell scroll is a simple action. You can drop a drawn scroll as a free action, but this will (obviously) leave the scroll on the ground at your feet, and may result in damage to the scroll if the ground is wet or otherwise hazardous to paper. Picking up a scroll from the ground is a simple action.
Reading a scroll requires two hands.
- The Yumi has the Samurai descriptor.