Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Otaku Imane on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:10 pm

It had taken time for the news to filter through the ranks but eventually everyone had heard about the battle with the great serpent and the death of Otaku Chi-Pu. Imane was angry that she hasn't been there fighting at her sister's side. She wasn't sure what to do so she went to the stables and collected Almatar. Together the two of them tab laps of the field and tried to put their grief aside until the funeral.
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Flute, Light armour (where appropriate)
Carried by: Almatar (Otaku warhorse, where appropriate)
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Seppun Hideo on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:19 pm

Hideo had gone for a walk when he heard about the death and the fighting. His mind wandered to how Amaya would be - he was sure she would be crushed. He also wondered how the Otaku would be taking it, losing one of their kin at a miai of all things.

His walk took him by the Horsemanship field, where a flash of colours caught his attention. The flash of colours on a mane.

Almatar! That means Imane is here and she was indeed. Hideo remained by the side, watching the woman ride the rainbow horse hard.
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Otaku Imane on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:30 pm

Thunderous hoofbeats excited around the field. Rather than tiring they seemed to be getting faster. It was an accelerating blur of colours and she was either ignoring the Imperial or had failed to notice him.

It was obvious though that she was changing their patterns, and pushing then both hard. Different strategies were being tested, even if it wasn't obvious what they might be.
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Flute, Light armour (where appropriate)
Carried by: Almatar (Otaku warhorse, where appropriate)
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Seppun Hideo on Thu Apr 20, 2017 5:35 pm

Hideo studied the running. Mentally timing how fast the horse can push at speed, noting how quickly it can turn. And admiring the blur of colour. It was an impressive sight.

Sensibly, he makes no attempt to stop woman or horse, or get any closer.
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Otaku Imane on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:32 pm

Eventually the quiet persistence of the Seppun paid off. Almatar's pace slowed to a trot as they approached and she offered a bow from her saddle.

"Seppun-sama, are you well this morning? I am glad you were finally able to see an Otaku in full stride."

Her words were polite but there was less warmth in them than there had been in the stables
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Flute, Light armour (where appropriate)
Carried by: Almatar (Otaku warhorse, where appropriate)
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Seppun Hideo on Thu Apr 20, 2017 6:36 pm

Hideo returned the bow. "Good morning Otaku-sama. I am well, I hope you are also?"

He looked to Almatar, giving the horse a bow also.

"You two were quite the sight. Almatars mane creates a dazzling display of colour with the quite incredible speeds she can reach. Her reaction speed also is quite something, as is yours Otaku-sama" Hideo turned back to Imane with a polite smile "it was truly an honour to see you both in action."
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional
Courtiship Points: 7
Always carries: Robes/Kimono, Amaya's Fan, Wakizashi, School Satchel, Calligraphy kit, Paper, Chopsticks, Medicine Kit
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Otaku Imane on Fri Apr 21, 2017 7:11 am

The horse watched Hideo intently, its rider nodding in response. "I am well, thank you Seppun-sama. Troubled by the loss of a sister, but in good health."

She patted Almatar's shoulder. Up close the horse seemed to be mostly muscle after all​ that running around.

"I am truly glad that you were able to watch us this morning. Have you been enjoying the miai?"
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Flute, Light armour (where appropriate)
Carried by: Almatar (Otaku warhorse, where appropriate)
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Seppun Hideo on Fri Apr 21, 2017 9:13 am

"My condolences for your loss Otaku-sama. I met Chi-Pu a few days ago, she was a paragon of honour and like yourself, a shining example of the grace that the Shitome have been since I have been here" Hideo lowered his head for a few moments, before looking back up at the woman and her horse.

"I have enjoyed the miai, and it's only halfway completed as well. I have heard rumour that your family are choosing the events today, I don't suppose you know what they will be?"
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Otaku Imane on Fri Apr 21, 2017 2:43 pm

"Oh, thank you Seppun-sama. I certainly hope to live up to this description of yours. Have you met Otaku Kitakuhime-sama yet? She was closer to Chi-Pu than I, and an inspiring woman herself."

Imane looked across towards the Yurt city and shook her head.

"No, I am unaware of the events that my people will choose. It would not be proper to give one's own family the advantage of early Intel. I am curious myself."

Of course she was hoping for horsemanship, or riding at targets while wielding weapons of some sort.
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Seppun Hideo on Fri Apr 21, 2017 6:08 pm

"I met Otaku Kitakuhime-sama at the same time Chi-Pu" Hideo nodded "it was clear they shared a bond; Otaku-sama referred to Chi-Pu as a mentor. She is indeed an inspiring woman, and very focused on ensuring the connections held between the Unicorn and the Imperial Families. I must confess though, I found Otaku Imane-samas company the more enjoyable of the Shitome I have met so far" he nodded approvingly towards the woman "you and Almatar both."

A pause as the woman looked over to the yurts.

"Ah, I understand. A shame, but I am curious what the Otaku would consider an important skill for a husband or wife of the Unicorn to be. I would assume there would be some test around horse riding. What other subjects would you hope or expect to see from your kin?"
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Otaku Imane on Fri Apr 21, 2017 8:04 pm

"That is kind of you Seppun-sama, though I am neither a veteran nor a close relation of our daimyo. Still, I am pleased to learn that you enjoyed our company.". She patted the fabulous horse. "As we enjoyed yours."

The little Shiotome allowed a slightly warmer smile at the testing questions. "Well Seppun-sama, I would expect to see one test appropriate to a spouse and one to an Otaku warrior. So for a husband marrying in perhaps a test of their artistic or management abilities? Of course for displaying my own abilities I would hope for a test involving horse riding and/or weapons."
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sat Apr 22, 2017 3:26 am

"Hm...I would assume there would be a test of horse riding from the family who have the best riders in the Empire" Hideo nodded "and going by your own artistic skills, I would believe that a test of art would also be expected. Although I'm uncertain I would wish to dye a horses mane without knowing the horse better" he smiled at her "many of the samurai here will have no horse, if such a contest were to happen would the Otaku allow others to ride their horses, or would they find horses among the other members of the Unicorn for them to ride?"
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Otaku Imane on Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:14 am

"Seppun-sama you are once again too kind. My artistic skills are not so great, though Almatar seems to like her colours. My preference is for performance: music and dance."

She smiled and looked back towards the stables.

"I would be very surprised if my people allowed the guests to ride Otaku steeds. It would be more likely to see regular riding horses offered up. Then again I may be wrong, we could see a contest of strategy or swordsmanship instead."
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Flute, Light armour (where appropriate)
Carried by: Almatar (Otaku warhorse, where appropriate)
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Seppun Hideo on Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:32 am

"A performer?" Hideo looked interested "do you play instruments, or sing?"

A chuckle after that.

"This may be surprising, but I would prefer a test of horsemanship over a test of swordsmanship. I have spent more time studying horse riding than any time wielding a weapon; the priests of the Imperial Families are not usually ones to need to wield weapons."
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional
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Re: Sad little pony [Day 5, LM]

Postby Otaku Imane on Sun Apr 23, 2017 7:14 am

"A bit of both actually Seppun-sama, although I am a better player of instruments, my father and I used to play regularly."

She nodded as he explained his preference for riding.

"Ah yes, so the priests of the Empire do not tend to fight? Or does it depend? I recall you said the Seppun are often bodyguards. Your family servers two roles then?"
Unicorn • Shiotome • Prodigy • Musical • Honest • Gaijin Name • Archer • Lancer • Singer
Status: 2.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy: 0.1 | Honor: A Soul Above Question | Courtship Points: 9
Languages: Mekhem
Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Flute, Light armour (where appropriate)
Carried by: Almatar (Otaku warhorse, where appropriate)
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