[D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is true

[D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is true

Postby Ide Samai on Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:23 pm

Samai was slowly moving towards the yurt that she found out belongs to Asako Hirase's tent as discussed. She chose carefully what tale to tell, but she finally settled, and it should be an interesting one.

Scratching on the door, she announced herself. "Ide Samai, Asako-san."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sat Apr 22, 2017 4:28 pm

The door was opened, not by the Phoenix, but by a middle-aged woman in an understated brown kimono with only hints of red. After the expected bow, she looked the younger woman up, then down, then huffed.

"You're that one, then. Come in. Asako-sama is expecting you."

Indeed, Hirase was, settled comfortably on one cushion with another left for his guest set at a polite conversational distance. Upon Samai's entrance, he rose, smiling, to bow.

"Konbanwa, Ide-sama. Thank you for coming. Would you like tea? It is not anything particularly fancy, I'm sorry to say, but it is a refreshing green that I myself have always enjoyed this time of day."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:04 pm

"Kon-ban-wa?" She greeted the middle aged woman awkwardly.

She showed a warm smile to the Asako ."Asako-san, konbanwa. Green sounds wonderful, thank you for your hospitality."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:08 pm

Tea was dutifully poured into a small cup, earthenware decorated with a simple outline of a mountain done in darker brown. After serving Samai and himself, Hirase settled back in. The woman, in the meantime, tied the tent flap open and then moved to sit at a small writing desk, grinding the ink and mixing in the water with the ease of long practice.

"I am pleased that you were still able to spare the time. I confess to a certain degree of excitement over this meeting. I've always loved stories and you promise to know many which will be completely new to me." Hirase's smile was warm. "I hope I can return the favor, in time. I have learned some fascinating stories from the Yobanjin that most Rokugani never hear."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:11 pm

"The yobanjin?" Samai asked curiously. She hasn't heard of those yet...

"I am happy to spare the time. There are centuries to cover between our respective sides, and this is a fine start. I only have one story for today, though it is a piece of our most precious history as a clan." She smiled. "I hope to learn from you as well."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:20 pm

"They are the people to the north. Sprung from the same root as the Rokugani, they refused to join the Kami and left." It was a brief explanation, but enough for now....he didn't want to detract from the story he was about to hear. "I will share those stories with you later, but now I am eager to hear of your History."

He glanced over at the woman, who nodded curly. If her scowl bothered him, he paid it no mind, looking back to Samai with anticipation lighting his expression.

"When you are ready..but before you begin, do prefer your questions to wait until a tale ends or during the telling?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:23 pm

"That would be lovely Asako-san. As for questions..." She took a breath befor she continued. "Storytelling is a noble tradition in the Burning Sand. A storyteller is a wise man and an entertainer all at once. Some of our own traditions have been studied from them, so I would appreciate it if questions would be left after." She felt nervous... the story was one that was central to the Unicorn... and the Ki-Rin. She really did not need to mess this up.
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sat Apr 22, 2017 5:28 pm

"I will contain myself, then."

He settled in, eyes alight, and awaited for the moment to take her. As a storyteller himself, albeit a novice one, he well understood the need to collect oneself before they begin.
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 23, 2017 11:04 am

Samai smiled, before starting.

"I tell my tale, and my tale is true. The Ki-Rin journeyed through the centuries and through the miles, in search of threats foreign and exotic, lest Hante's reign be threatened. Countless adventures were experienced, but I shall recall one. The time when the Ki-Rin became the Unicorn." She held a breath for a moment.

"The Ki-Rin tried returning the way they left. Once. The path was sealed in jealousy and envy by the enemies of the Ki-Rin. Lady Shinjo, seeing the path blocked, broke her magic mirror and her forces. Each of the families would leave to find a way home, and message when one is found.

The Ide and the Moto forged a friendship through their trek east, meeting mystics with mastery of magic. Yet the followers of Ki-Rin would not stay long for any one place, and moved on to the ports of East.

The Otaku revisited a fortress of foul in the south, and found freedom for the spirit of horses within through grueling battles fought with honor and skill.

The Iuchi journeyed north, finding beings of smokeles fires. Exchanging pleasantries and secret, the Iuchi stayed until the call came.

The Shinjo moved west, led by the immortal kami herself.. They visited the Lands of Darkness, and the hospitality of the vile land took them by surprise. Caught but for Lady Shinjo and her inner circle, the leading family of the Ki-Rin was imprisoned in deceit and despair. Yet hope was not lost, as a vision swarmed over the mirrors held by the other families, who stood up and rode hard for the rescue."

Another quick breath followed before the continuation of the story. "The Lands of Darkness thought themselves reay for the new visitors. They almost were, yet no force or enemy can be ready for the prowess of the Otaku, the might of the Moto, the wisdom of the Iuchi nor the Compassion of the Ide. Battle after battle, more and more of the Shinjo were rescued. Slowly, but surely, the children of Rokugan were winning. The lord of the land would have none of it. Lady Shinjo was still fighting the monstrosity that dared to oppose her, and she bid her clan to leave. She was staying behind, to hold the darkness at bay, even at the cost of her own life. Her own shadow, which has accompanied her since her fall to Ningen-Do, turned against her, swallowing her essence and body. When all seemed lost thogh, Shinjo Martera, heir to the Ki-Rin, son of the kami herself, stood in front of the shadow, and joined his mother in the darkness. The rest of the clan left as per their founder's commands. Anxiety, fear and sadness was their companion, though mixed in with joy, for they triumphed in rescuing the leading family."

She looked Hirase in the eye, her voice wavering a bit. This was a difficult tale. "The elders of the clan have decided. The Ki-Rin saw too much, fought too much and lost too much. They were something else, than those who have left Rokugan. They were Ki-Rin no more. They are Unicorn."

She let out the rest of the air she was holding, awaiting the Phoenix's response to her story.
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:50 pm

He was riveted, leaning forward a bit. Even the scribe, busy at her trade throughout the telling, looked impressed, seemingly against her will.

"So...that is why the change was made." He let out a long breath, trying not to bombard her all at once with questions. "A monumental tale, albeit not a happy one, and very well told. It explains a few things about which I had been curious, even as it opens up a dozen questions I hadn't even known to ask."

For a moment, Hirase was silent in thought, ordering his thoughts.

"This darkness, this shadow...that is different from the touch of the Lost Brother?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 23, 2017 12:58 pm

Samai smiled slyly at first. "A good tale leaves its audience wanting for more. Hopefully it was satisfactory." His mentioned of the... influence though.

She frowned at first. "I.. would not necessarily Asako-san. We left just after the Ninth has been defeated. I can perhaps describe what we've encountered, as I heard it. I am not knowledgeable enough to make the distinction." She tilted her head. "Also, Asako-san, I would have a question in return?"
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 23, 2017 1:22 pm

"Oh, of course." He set aside the topic for latter musing, resolving to ask his older Cousins about it at some point. "This is to be an exchange, after all."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 23, 2017 1:24 pm

"The topic of the Ninth seems to be something that is avoided being mentioned. Is that correct?" She was curious, especially in light of his frank speaking of it.
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Asako Hirase on Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:17 pm

"In public, yes, with the possible exception of in Crab lands, since fighting that force is the Crab's primary Duty." Hirase's expression grew serious. "There are a few schools in other Families that have such a focus, too, but again, it is not considered a polite conversational topic. My own Family has such a sect, the Inquisitors, so I am less uncomfortable with it than some. I'm not a scholar about those things, being more interested in people and their history, but I do not shy away from helping with the little knowledge I have, either."
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Re: [D6 EE Hirase's Yurt] I tell my tale, and my tale is tru

Postby Ide Samai on Sun Apr 23, 2017 2:25 pm

Samai nodded. "I see. Thank you for the information Asako-san. The Ninth and his fate... it is not something we know of too much yet, though it seems like useful information." She raised her cup to her lips, taking a sip.

"Any other questions Asako-san?"
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