Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:27 pm

"Mhm, perhaps a copy of Leadership is due... though perhaps the Otaku and Shinjo wold be more appreciatve of it." She smiled at the Phoenix, pleased with the topics.

"May I ask, what would you recommend to understand the Phoenix then?" Her eyes moved between the two, the questions posed to both of them.
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:34 pm

"That is a difficult question." The Asako grew thoughtful. "Our Clan is different in many ways than the others, beginning at it's very conception when Shiba-no-kami knelt. We revere knowledge and spirituality in all forms and have produced a great many scholars on any number of subjects, yet we have no singular work that epitomizes who we are."

He glanced at his companion for confirmation, then continued.

"I think many people would say the Tao, but that, too, isn't entirely accurate. We learn of the little teacher, but we tend, at least in my Family, to be Fortunist first. Yet, because there are so many Fortunes, again, there is no singular work to describe them or the beliefs. Really, instead of being known for a single work, the Phoenix are known for libraries full of them."
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:41 pm

The Shiba nodded agreement, "I agree about the Tao, yet the Kami Shiba transcribed the words and placed great value in them. So it does express what many aspire to within the Clan." Kaizen said and went on, "As for the here and now there is a member of each of our Families' here with several dojos represented a conversation with an Asako, Isawa, and a Shiba one at a time may prove helpful. In fact other than a high Court the only other time I have seen such representation was the Topaz Championship. Would you agree Asako-san?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 2:59 pm

"Certainly there is a fine representation of the Empire and it's families present, our Clan included." Hirase smiled. "Though not all of our disciplines are in attendence, a good many are. We have our priests, our warriors, and me for the courtly side."

To Samai, Hirase asked, "What of the Unicorn? Do you have, if not a central book or tome, a central story that you think stands above all others to tell who you are?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Tue Apr 18, 2017 4:26 pm

Samai nodded, taking in every word. "Your clan does seems to have quite a varied interest, Asako-san. I may borrow your copy of the Tao then, to better understand you." She tilted her head. "Ah, have you prayed to Benten-no-kami then, Asako-san?" Her voice tilted towards the curious.

"Hm... I would not say there is a specific book, out of practical necessities. That said, I think there are a few stories that might act as such.... If you will give me some time, I would be happy to gather them and present to Asako-san and Shiba-san?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:00 pm

"That would be kind." Inclining his head in thanks, he returned to her other question. "And I have largely prayed to Hotei-kami for this event. Love can grow, certainly, and is a gift, but contentment is a blessing that is achieved more quickly and can be just as, if differently, satisfying."
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:21 pm

The lack of curiosity about the Shiba's beseeching of higher powers did not seem to strike him as he answered the question that was posted to them both, "I would be happy to read them after Asako-san of course." Kaizen would not stand between Hirose and a new piece lore.
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Tue Apr 18, 2017 5:31 pm

"It is my hope we'll all share." Hirase lit up again. "I'll deliver the copy of the Tao at your convenience. And if any of your storytellers are willing, I've actually brought my scribe with me. I would love to add some of what I've heard to the libraries."
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:26 am

"Perhaps in a couple of days we can have a gathering, and I would be happy to share a story with you all. Perhaps that it could be transcribed?" The thought seemed to excite her. The history of the Unicorn, written down for prosperity!!

"Contentment is important. It is always easy to grasp after something new, something better, but learning to love and live with what we have is important. It was a lesson for our ancestors during our travels, to find joy in the endless journey."
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Wed Apr 19, 2017 8:35 am

Kaizen was interested there was always something to learn in a story, worst case you learn that you don't want to hear that story again. Though he did not think that this would be the case, "I would gladly attend Ide-san, though I would leave the transcribing to those more suited. I would like to hear more about how the Unicorn persevered on their journey." Fortunes I need to work on my penmanship....
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:59 am

"A fine notion." Indeed, such literary discussions were part of what he'd hoped for with this project and Hirase was visibly pleased that it was going to come to pass. "Is this to be a large gathering, open to tellers and an audience alike, or a smaller affair?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:01 pm

She raised her fan in thought, her gaze unfocused for a moment. "Well, I would wish to honor your with a private telling, yet I feel it would be wrong to keep such a tale to ourselves, neh? If a tale is not told, a book not written, than what is its worth?"
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:21 pm

The Shiba gave a bow to his companions, "Might I suggest Ide-san and Asako-san meet privately and if Asako-san wishes I can mind your son for a time so your scribe could be available to you? This would likely be the first written collection of tales since the Unicorn has returned. It would be my honor to assist in some way." This did seem a momentous thing, not an exploit that gets written about yet important. After all if events worth putting to scroll were never put to scrolls...
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Asako Hirase on Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:39 am

The offer to watch Ichiro was clearly unexpected, for Hirase turned to Kaizen with wide eyes for a moment before grinning.

"Kind of you, Shiba-san. If you're certain you can manage a barrage of questions about your sword, your armor, and how life is as a bushi, plus random thoughts on the sky, grass, people who go by,and so forth, I think that you have found a wonderful solution. Arigatou."

Turning back to Samai, smile still in place, he asked, "Would such a thing be agreeable? Once the work is written, and a copy made, I would be happy for the original to remain with you to be given or shown to whomever you wish."
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Re: Reading Rainbow (D4 Early AM)

Postby Ide Samai on Thu Apr 20, 2017 2:38 pm

"Oh? He sounds quite the handful Asako-san." She gathered the person in question was a child... or a talking cat. One of the other.

"As for your proposal, it sounds more than fair. To be fair, the thought of having that written down to spread knowledge... it sounds daunting. I will definitely make sure my presentation will not lead to any inferior material for you Asako-san." She turned towards Shiba-san. "Arigatou for your sacrifice Shiba-san... you seem like a wise man who understands the intricacies of many things."
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