by Bayushi Hotaru on Thu Apr 20, 2017 10:46 pm
Won't she get angry with me if I yank on her hair? She thought to herself when Dong-Ha gave her the suggestion of grabbing onto her mane. It was one of the reasons why she didn't keep her hands there, fearing that Poppy would eject her from her back. "...Okay! I hope she doesn't mind it! She seems like such a kind horse..."
She blinked at the fields, seeing little in the ways of landmarks and civilization. There was much wilderness surrounding Tengoku's Path too, where she grew up and stayed, but the town and its meagre farmland provided a familiar anchor. "I can see why any Unicorn needed to ride a horse, to go where you wanted without difficulty. Like, flying, as you put it," she smirked fondly.
"The Soshi?" She corrected for him, wondering if he met any of the Soshi yet to be butchering their names this badly. "No, not quite. Not at first...My parents did the best for me, the best parents can do without knowing much about the gifts of a shugenja. They found a place for me at the local temple, the Shining Retreat, where I volunteered most of my time. I aided the monks there in everything and anything, doing chores around the temple and learning religion. When I got older, I was groomed more to serve as the temple's miko, I learned how to dance and divination. My time with the Soshi was really more to hone my skills with the kami, which only complemented my relationship with the kami and devotion to the Fortunes. Before studying with the Soshi, it was a bit strange to be at home, nobody understood my gifts and treated me differently."
Scorpion Clan • Shrine Maiden • Diviner • Dangerously Cute • Slightly ShortStatus: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Honour: Untrustworthy • Courtship Points: 9
Description, Artist Details in Description
Personal Effects: Wakizashi (where appropriate), scroll satchel, fan, jade charm, mask, fortune sticks, kawaru coins
Mamoru, Protector of Shrines