Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:52 am

Tomonaga found that he was quickly developing an ear for that musical lilt.

"Oh, stories and books?" Tomonaga said. "That's interesting. I spoke to an Iuchi who said that her family helped preserve scrolls, to keep a connection with your past..." He tapped his chin thoughtfully, perhaps unconsciously mirroring her gesture with the fan. "Have you had a chance to acquire any books since your return? Miya Chidori is one of the most famous authors in Rokugan right now, if you haven't read her..."

Her last comment made Tomonaga redden ever so slightly. "I wouldn't say that..." He said, giving her a slightly crooked smile. Actually, he had been having rather a lot lately; but it was his duty, not just... never mind. He cleared his throat, refocusing on her question. "I'm actually a bit interested in stories, too, although it comes from a different place. I always liked learning new things, or about new things, and stories seemed like a way to have experiences, even if you couldn't really try them yourself. If that makes sense, Ide-san." He said, inclining his head.
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:02 am

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga found that he was quickly developing an ear for that musical lilt.

"Oh, stories and books?" Tomonaga said. "That's interesting. I spoke to an Iuchi who said that her family helped preserve scrolls, to keep a connection with your past..." He tapped his chin thoughtfully, perhaps unconsciously mirroring her gesture with the fan. "Have you had a chance to acquire any books since your return? Miya Chidori is one of the most famous authors in Rokugan right now, if you haven't read her..."

Her last comment made Tomonaga redden ever so slightly. "I wouldn't say that..." He said, giving her a slightly crooked smile. Actually, he had been having rather a lot lately; but it was his duty, not just... never mind. He cleared his throat, refocusing on her question. "I'm actually a bit interested in stories, too, although it comes from a different place. I always liked learning new things, or about new things, and stories seemed like a way to have experiences, even if you couldn't really try them yourself. If that makes sense, Ide-san." He said, inclining his head.

"Oh, truly Yasuki-san?" She looked at him with interest, her smile wide and bright. "Do you have any you could tell me? Of the Crab perhaps?" She shook her head with a slight tinge of sadness. "No books yet, though I did talk to a pair of Phoenixes this morning. They are working on establishing a library! I have a few books that I would like to donate, that I received from the Lion, though I feel I am woefully missing some good books."

She tapped her chin again. "Miya Chidori-san? Hm... I will see if I can find any books of her. Thank you for the recommendation Yasuki-san!"
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:16 am

Tomonaga nodded. "Yeah, I think she'd be just what you're looking for. She writes sensationalist versions of real events. You'd have to do some extra reading to understand what actually happened, but it's certainly a good insight into culture, now. I'll bet there are plenty of people who only know her version."

He grinned. "But yes, of course! I could tell you a story. About the Crab, eh? Hmmm, let me think..." Carefully observing Tomonaga's handsome features, one might notice a series of tiny winces and grimaces, as he considered and discarded story after story. No, too gory. That one talks about the Shadowlands too much. That one's too crude. Geez, where did I learn all of these? Ah, from Hida. That makes sense.

Smiling, Tomonaga gave Samai a bow. "Ide-san, in my experience it's much better to match an item to a customer, than to give them just anything. If you'll give me time, I can come up with the right sort of story for you. Perhaps we could meet again, and I could tell it to you then?" He asked, smiling innocently at her.
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:30 am

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga nodded. "Yeah, I think she'd be just what you're looking for. She writes sensationalist versions of real events. You'd have to do some extra reading to understand what actually happened, but it's certainly a good insight into culture, now. I'll bet there are plenty of people who only know her version."

He grinned. "But yes, of course! I could tell you a story. About the Crab, eh? Hmmm, let me think..." Carefully observing Tomonaga's handsome features, one might notice a series of tiny winces and grimaces, as he considered and discarded story after story. No, too gory. That one talks about the Shadowlands too much. That one's too crude. Geez, where did I learn all of these? Ah, from Hida. That makes sense.

Smiling, Tomonaga gave Samai a bow. "Ide-san, in my experience it's much better to match an item to a customer, than to give them just anything. If you'll give me time, I can come up with the right sort of story for you. Perhaps we could meet again, and I could tell it to you then?" He asked, smiling innocently at her.

"Oh? You presume to me know well then, Yassuki-san?" She tilter her head backwards, a teasing challenge issued. She couldn't hold it for long, and giggled. "Who am I fooling? I am sure Yauki-san knows the best kind of service to be provided."

Her smile turned more friendly than teasing now. "I will be on the look out for Miya-san's books... and if I miss the context, I am sure I can ask you about it. If you have the time, of course." She fanned herself absently, the scent of roses wafting around her.

"Two days from now? Would that be enough time for you Yasuki-san?"
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:56 am

Tomonaga met her look with raised eyebrows, breaking into a gentle laugh as she did. "I will certainly do my best, Ide-san." He hesitated a moment. "Although, I'm not as good a storyteller as a am a trader. Perhaps just a hint as to the type of story you most enjoy. Adventure? Tragedy? Romance? Humor? I think that'll give me enough to go on."

There was that pleasant scent again. Some exotic perfume, perhaps? Tomonaga felt himself drawn by it, wavering, almost shifting closer to the lovely young woman. But, of course, they were as close as could be in this public place, and his courtly training held. Still, he took a deep breath, enjoying the scent.

"Two days would be more than enough time." He smiled, pleased. "And of course. Please feel free to ask me anything you like. I'm interested in seeing what sort of things you'd like to learn more about."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:06 am

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga met her look with raised eyebrows, breaking into a gentle laugh as she did. "I will certainly do my best, Ide-san." He hesitated a moment. "Although, I'm not as good a storyteller as a am a trader. Perhaps just a hint as to the type of story you most enjoy. Adventure? Tragedy? Romance? Humor? I think that'll give me enough to go on."

There was that pleasant scent again. Some exotic perfume, perhaps? Tomonaga felt himself drawn by it, wavering, almost shifting closer to the lovely young woman. But, of course, they were as close as could be in this public place, and his courtly training held. Still, he took a deep breath, enjoying the scent.

"Two days would be more than enough time." He smiled, pleased. "And of course. Please feel free to ask me anything you like. I'm interested in seeing what sort of things you'd like to learn more about."

"Well, I am sure you could still entertain me Yasuki-san. I do find your voice pleasant for my ears." Her own ears reddened as she said that, the fan going up again.

"Well, you could always tell me more about yourself, and your family. I know that you are quite famous for your sake. Anything else that falls under your Duty perhaps?"
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Wed Apr 19, 2017 4:13 am

"Why, thank you, Ide-san." He smiled at her. "For my part, I might be encouraging you to ask questions, because then we get to talk a bit longer." His brown eyes seemed to sparkle as he met her gaze above her fan.

"Hmmm..." Tomonaga said, his expression turning thoughtful. "My family certainly is a topic all by themselves. But, my Duty. Well, the family of course trades sake to supply the Crab with things needed on the Wall. Iron, coal, wood, stone, food, jade. Sake itself." He shook his head, smiling. "A great many things goes into keeping the Wall up and running."

He went on. "Within the family, I am often used as the initial point of contact. I introduce prospective new trading partners to our sake. I get them to drink a little, enjoy themselves, see us in a good light. I have a way with people." He shrugged. "It's... a good place to start, certainly." His eyes narrowed ever so slightly, glinting in an entirely different manner than when they met hers.
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 19, 2017 11:33 am

"Hm, my my, you are a tricky one Yasuki-san. Keeping me here with such motives." She stifled the next giggle successfully.

"Ah yes... warriors need steel, food and drinks after all. I take it that the Crab have a rather large standing army?" She was curious... the Lion did seem to have quite the numbers on them. Did the other clans have something similar?

"Oh, you certainly have, Yasuki-san. A good way." She averted her eyes quickly from him. "
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Wed Apr 19, 2017 12:02 pm

"I'm glad you think so, Ide-san." Tomonaga said, inclining his head, resisting a smile. "I've often worried that I'm a little rough at the first meeting. It's at the second meeting, which tends to be a bit more intimate, that feel I really am at my best."

He blinked, though, as he realized the implications of her question, his expression turning more serious. "Oh... yes. The Crab does have a large standing army. But it has a very specific purpose."

Now he did lean just a touch closer, but his flirting manner was gone. "I don't know what the Unicorn faced in their Dark Ride." He said, speaking in a low undertone. "But... I gather it was similar to the things that dwell in the far south. The Duty of the Crab is to stand against those things in the south, and keep them from entering the Empire. The Wall is a defensible structure, a barrier against them."

He straightened, clearing his throat. "It's not something that's often discussed in polite company." He flashed her an apologetic smile, his casual manner slowly returning. "But everyone knows about it, all the same."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:34 pm

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:"I'm glad you think so, Ide-san." Tomonaga said, inclining his head, resisting a smile. "I've often worried that I'm a little rough at the first meeting. It's at the second meeting, which tends to be a bit more intimate, that feel I really am at my best."

He blinked, though, as he realized the implications of her question, his expression turning more serious. "Oh... yes. The Crab does have a large standing army. But it has a very specific purpose."

Now he did lean just a touch closer, but his flirting manner was gone. "I don't know what the Unicorn faced in their Dark Ride." He said, speaking in a low undertone. "But... I gather it was similar to the things that dwell in the far south. The Duty of the Crab is to stand against those things in the south, and keep them from entering the Empire. The Wall is a defensible structure, a barrier against them."

He straightened, clearing his throat. "It's not something that's often discussed in polite company." He flashed her an apologetic smile, his casual manner slowly returning. "But everyone knows about it, all the same."

"No, you haven't been rough Yasuki-san. Though no I'm looking forward to our second meeting." She seemed excited a she smiled at him.

Her eyes widened in surprise. Unbidden images of the Dark Ride came to her. Fear, death, despair... she shuddered at the thought, but steeled herself. "The Crab are courageous warriors ten. My respect for your clan." It was bad enough to fight day by day, but there was hope that one day they would emerge. To know that the enemy will be there each day.... it was a terrible thought.

"Well, I am grateful for sharing with me. As I mentioned, I like to learn, and you have been a great teacher so far."
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Wed Apr 19, 2017 1:53 pm

"So am I, Ide-san." Tomonaga said, his tone sincere, and his brown eyes intent. The excitement he could see in her sent a little thrill through him.

"Thank you, Ide-san." Tomonaga inclined his head. "It's why we consider our duties so important. I may not be able to fight-" He grimaced slightly at this, perhaps indicating a sore spot, "-but I know that if I do a good job, others can continue to fight at their best. Everyone serves their Clan in their own way, eh?"

"As for being a teacher... well, I'm glad." Tomonaga smiled at Samai. "While there are many subjects that I'm unfamiliar with, I'd be happy to share with you whatever I do know. Although I'm sure there's a lot you could share with me, as well."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Ide Samai on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:28 pm

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:"So am I, Ide-san." Tomonaga said, his tone sincere, and his brown eyes intent. The excitement he could see in her sent a little thrill through him.

"Thank you, Ide-san." Tomonaga inclined his head. "It's why we consider our duties so important. I may not be able to fight-" He grimaced slightly at this, perhaps indicating a sore spot, "-but I know that if I do a good job, others can continue to fight at their best. Everyone serves their Clan in their own way, eh?"

"As for being a teacher... well, I'm glad." Tomonaga smiled at Samai. "While there are many subjects that I'm unfamiliar with, I'd be happy to share with you whatever I do know. Although I'm sure there's a lot you could share with me, as well."

She unconsciously extended her hand towards him, but stopped just short of touching his sleeve, and pulled it back, trying to be discreet. "We know the importance of your duty... do you truly want to see a bushi without sake Yasuki-san? We know how... anxious they can be." She recalled the bushi of the other families becoming paranoid by the end of the ride.

"I hope to share with you what I know. Any topic that you are particularly interested in?"
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Wed Apr 19, 2017 2:38 pm

Tomonaga's eyes flickered down, catching the movement of her hand. His eyes sought hers, glinting understanding. Indeed, he was having a difficult time, too. She was close enough that he could almost sense her with his eyes closed. And yet, not so close that any brushing of elbows, or hands, could be mistaken for anything but deliberate. And so, Tomonaga kept his hands carefully at his side, as concerned for her reputation as his own.

Besides, proximity didn't make her jokes any more or less funny. Tomonaga laughed softly, genuine laughter. "Indeed I do not, Ide-san. I don't know if you've ever seen a Crab bushi, but Hida tend to be pretty big. And covered in armor. And they favor the tetsubo as a weapon. I certainly don't want them angry at me when the sake supply dries up."

The answer came fairly quickly. "Actually, I would love to hear a tale from your travels, Ide-san. So many places the Unicorn have been, that I'll never go. Maybe you can take me there, eh? In a way, anyway."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Ide Samai on Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:38 am

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga's eyes flickered down, catching the movement of her hand. His eyes sought hers, glinting understanding. Indeed, he was having a difficult time, too. She was close enough that he could almost sense her with his eyes closed. And yet, not so close that any brushing of elbows, or hands, could be mistaken for anything but deliberate. And so, Tomonaga kept his hands carefully at his side, as concerned for her reputation as his own.

Besides, proximity didn't make her jokes any more or less funny. Tomonaga laughed softly, genuine laughter. "Indeed I do not, Ide-san. I don't know if you've ever seen a Crab bushi, but Hida tend to be pretty big. And covered in armor. And they favor the tetsubo as a weapon. I certainly don't want them angry at me when the sake supply dries up."

The answer came fairly quickly. "Actually, I would love to hear a tale from your travels, Ide-san. So many places the Unicorn have been, that I'll never go. Maybe you can take me there, eh? In a way, anyway."

"Oh? They do seem to be skilled warriors...." She nodded in grave understanding. She has seen Moto without kumis for days. Not a good sight. Or a safe one.

"Hm, a tale from my travels? Or we could always hop on my horse and take a real journey." She leaned in a bit, winking at him. "Anything in particular that you are interested in?"
Unicorn Emissary * Gaijin Rose * Storyteller
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Re: Trade Summit (D4 LA, outside Ide Samai's yurt)

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Thu Apr 20, 2017 1:53 am

That particular question, combined with leaning closer and winking, couldn't help but draw a reaction from Tomonaga. "There is." He said, his voice a little rough. Again, his hand twitched down at his side, as he leaned a little closer... and again, he glanced quickly around, remembering himself. "Ah... I'm most interested in just hearing what life was like, day to day, as you traveled. I travel more than most, and I still spend half my time in the same spot."

"And as for horse-riding..." Tomonaga said, smiling at Samai. "As it happens, I have a bit of experience with it. Not much, but enough that I'd be glad for the chance to show you what I can do."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
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