"Kakti? What are those?"
Yuzuki poured herself a drink as well. She definitely needed one after catpocalypse.
Otaku Imane wrote:Imane was unable to recollect anything in the Unicorn histories about lizard riders, although it could have been in there somewhere. She would have to ask the Ide and Iuchi.
"Hmm, I don't remember that my people have fought lizard riders. Rocs yes... They were giant eagles."
She looked over to the women chatting with Butaj and smiled. "It is nice to see my cousin meeting many people. Yes, perhaps we could join them soon? The ocean. I would like to see it one day!"
She thanked him for his food choices. "These look delicious Ichiro-san, I am sorry to hear that the cheese did not agree with you."
Matsu Kogo wrote:She nods and ponders a change of subject. "What are the lands around your home like, Yogo-san? I have never journeyed to that area."
Moto Butaj wrote:"Butaj doesn't think so, maybe some, but their cuts are painful enough without being poisonous. Some needles are like small daggers. In the desert, venoms of snakes and scorpions are most dangerous of things of that kind."
Moto Butaj wrote:"What is the better thing Usagi Tsukimi would like to find tomorrow?" Butaj asks, putting the cup away for now. Yuzuki has promised him a special drink but it takes ages for her to bring it and the little Asakiko has grown quiet, so his attention is on the Bunny.
Yogo Mizuki wrote:Matsu Kogo wrote:She nods and ponders a change of subject. "What are the lands around your home like, Yogo-san? I have never journeyed to that area."
"It is a small area. Generally, the Yogo keep their lands largely by no one wanting them. What about the Matsu lands? I have hear they are quite beautiful."
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