Moto Khulun wrote:“I would rather he just be Nintoku than some version of Nintoku he thinks I want him to be, best to be person you are I say. A goat dressed as a horse is still a goat,” she says.
“Not that Sayyed Nintoku is goat, more handsome than goat.”
Soshi Taira wrote:Tumbling.
He had some experience taking falls of this nature, though, so he rolled out of it, coming to a stop a few paces away, in a crouch.
"Very good. Try to remember that feeling. Your best bet is going to try and use the momentum of your enemy against them. You won't be able to use the same sort of leverage some styles rely on, so it will become about energy and strength; use the enemy to your advantage."
Rising to his feet, he nodded.
"Do you feel comfortable with that theory? Would you like to see how you could initiate a hold of your own? Or repeat the exercise with a different hold?"
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Judging from what she had seen of Nintoku and Khulun making out, she could honestly say that she hadn't become as close as that to anyone of the Unicorn. "Not yet, but I've had the chance to meet many nice men of your clan. Shinjo Monkubatarru-san is very nice and honorable, and Shinjo Taichi-san has showed himself to be very brave. And I've met Iuchi Don-Ha who seems very interesting and intelligent too."
Tomoe too watched the instructional match going on. "I'm not certain yet, to put it simply, Moto-san."
Soshi Taira wrote:And Taira, instead of pulling away, instead moved closer. One arm snaked around hers, locking tight and removing her freedom of motion, and the other he tucked behind his back.
By the time she realized, he had a foot stable behind her forward leg, his foot gently, but firmly, holding her back foot on the floor.
With a wry grin, he stated, "Without holding back." He was so close his breath could tickle her chin, just inches separated them.
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