Moto Khulun wrote:A shrill ululation breaks out over the fields as the sound of thundering hooves announces the presence of Moto Khulun… it seems she would not allow a sister in need to go un-chaperoned!
She circles the duo of Imane and Suteichi at a respectable distance before bringing Oguro to a gentle stop near her cousin. She laughs heartily, “I am sorry I overslept, I blame Butaj and his love of kumis! And this would be?” she looks at the Scorpion, he looked familiar but she had met so many suitors who could tell.
“No matter, Scorpion…” she reaches down and grabs a skin of kumis and tosses it to Sutechi before dismounting.
“Never let it be said Khulun comes without gifts.”
Moto Khulun wrote:Khulun looks at the Otaku, that was a lot of words she got the sentiment she thinks but she kind of blanked in and out with all the big words and stuff. “Tea sounds fine.”
“You have hands, you can catch things. My cousin in arms asked me to be here Scorpion, so carry on with your date… meeting whatever. Shiba’s Sunset, huh? Never had it,” she adds.
She turns Imane and adds, “He’s a pretty one, a bit wordy for my tastes. You look well Sayyeda Imane, strong and fit. Please carry on with music and tea.” She produces some jerky and begins eating it as she inspects the Scorpion from afar.
Moto Khulun wrote:Khulun takes a bite of the apple and then feeds the rest to Oguro, “Good food, Scorpion. I like this one, thus far. I can hold him down to throw him over your horse if you want Sayyeda Imane.”
She chuckles at her levity. Oguro chomps happily at the fruit.
Moto Butaj wrote:Butaj rubs his stubble restlessly, frown appearing on his forehead. "So this is what you assume about us, Doji Fukawa? That with us, doom is coming?" He smiles ruefully. "Butaj and his brethren wish your tormented Clan no ill. Our ways are very different sometimes but we can be great friends, with renewed ties of kinship after this pairing kurultai." Something else comes to his mind. "Have you been compelled to grow up quickly by difficult times? Butaj now knows you have an adult mind, much sharper than that of Butaj, but still a body of a growing girl that could take a few more years before childbearing... Same is true about a few Unicorn..." Khulun's ululation draws his attention to where Imane is. "Butaj wonders what woes have befallen the Crane lately then."
Otaku Imane wrote:The little Otaku was aware of Oguro just slightly after Almatar and they both turned to see Khulun's approach with a smile. Rising to her feet Imane moved to greet her chaperone with a forearm handshake, her other hand placed gently on the woman's opposite shoulder.
"Good morning Sayedda Khulun, so good to see you and Oguro on this beautiful morning. Bayushi Suteichi-san was playing delightful music, and he is kindly going to show me the tea ceremony. It seems you may have met though?"
Imane watched the interactions between Suteichi and Khulun in bemused silence. She still didn't know what the man's song had been about.
"Why thank you Sayedda Khulun, you look the very image of a Moto war goddess. Did you hear the Shinjo will be testing our archery skills today?" She looked at her hand, curling the fingers as if pulling back a bow string.
Her face went slightly dark at the comment about throwing the Scorpion over her horse, perhaps a blush rather than anger. "That would be...Well, most inappropriate for a Shiotome, but your concern for my, ah, my well-being is most kind." She nodded and composed herself again. I am not my mother. I am not my mother.
Eventually her attention returned to the Bayushi and she gave him a warm smile. "Shakuhachi? That is the Rokugani word for a flute isn't it? I have had this one for many years, my father carved it for me. I suppose I have been playing it for half my life, but I am just a fan of music not an expert. I also play drums and some stringed instruments."
She looked at him questioningly. "I believe we were speaking about the music you were playing. I like this samisen of yours."
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