Matsu Nintoku wrote:As usual the Lion made his way to the dueling fields ready to conduct his morning ritual of perfecting his jiujutsu form. This time however he wouldn't be alone as he had agreed to entertain both Tomoe and Kogo and teach them about proper defense.
This time however he would not remove his top part instead choosing to endure training with his utilitarian garment rather than risk being the subject of giggles and mean jokes from the Hare's side.
He crouched in wait as the two girls were sure to arrive soon.
Matsu Nintoku wrote:"Indeed, congratulations on your performance there Usagi-san." he commended her "Your performance overshadowed my meager success there."
Usagi Tomoe wrote:"As the warrior families of the Unicorn put forth their challenges, I imagine you two will do much better than I," she nodded with a smile, though lamenting that yesterday was probably the last chance she had to impress, unless they offered an obstacle course or something.
"So, how shall we proceed, minna-sama?" Tomoe adressed them both, but looked more to Nintoku as he had seemed to be the expert on unarmed fighting.
Matsu Nintoku wrote:"Perhaps. I am certain there will be more events that will favor you Usagi-san. The Unicorn seem to be adept storytellers and there is no word to describe you better than storyteller." he complimented the woman before turning to the Matsu "The test was interesting to say the least."
He pondered "The best way to gauge how you are performing would be to pit you against eachother." he said "Usagi-san already saw me wrestle yesterday and Matsu-san is, well, a Matsu."
Usagi Tomoe wrote:Please don't crush me, please don't crush me, please don't crush me...
"... That does make sense," she had to agree. At least Kogo wasn't twice her size. And was probably not going to be a groper like Yuuru. "It sounds agreeable to me."
At least she didn't have to worry about any warcats pouncing on her today, hopefully, though she wondered how she would manage to compare to someone like Kogo who seemed so strong and fierce.
Stepping into the circle, Tomoe bowed to her sensei and fellow student. "Ready when you are, Matsu-sama."
D3 EM Initiative for sparring: 3d10o10k2 16
Stance: Attack (Armor TN 15)
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