by Yuzuki on Wed Apr 12, 2017 10:37 am
Well, shit.
She wasn't sure if the problem was her own explanation, or the Moto's ability to understand.
"I apologize, Moto-san."
Yuzuki bowed, to underscore the words.
"That is not what I had intended to say. I'm merely trying to explain why things are as they are in the empire. The purity of a samurai's soul of course depends on many things, and none of us manage to be perfect in that regard. Eating unclean food, touching blood, these sorts of things many feel might threathen their purity because of theology. But I think that at worst, they're minor offenses. Unimportant when placed next to a samurai's great deeds in life."
Mantis Clan • Bushi • Cursed • Easily Distracted • Tough • Eccentric • Fashionable
Glory: 3.0 • Status 1.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • CP: 1
Carries: Daisho, Kama(2x), odds & ends.
Wears: Expensive kimono, haori, hakama, Light armor when appropriate.
Yuzuki /