by Yogo Mizuki on Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:55 pm
Mizuki was disappointed, but not surprised by her cousin's response. He was always a surly one. "No need for apologies, Bayushi-san."
She turns to the Yogo. "I admit, some of their customs will take time getting used or be quietly phased out as they readjust to our lands. But this is an opportunity. And our Clan, if anything else, knows how to take advantage of opportunity. Worrying about wearing fur will not help us." I need to give him a distraction. "Worry about their magic. I have heard they have some sort of trinkets that let anyone speak to the kami." I want that. "We need to know if they are safe. And if we can use them. It would make sense they would sense us a graduate of the Yogo Shugenja school to keep a safe watch on our souls."
She pauses. "As for the Curse, I have already told a man I am considering. As I will tell any man I consider. And if necessary, I will tell them about my whore of a mother and why I look as I do." Mizuki takes off her mask revealing a Kakita beauty. Not only does she have blue eyes, but even her hair is naturally white. Anyone who would have met the former Kakita daiymo will instantly notice a strong resemblance. "As I said, I want the Unicorn to trust us. It would be pointless to hide easily found truths." She takes a sip of her tea. "If you don't care about your marriage, then find the Iuchi and learn. Marry in and make sure they didn't bring anything from some gaijin spirit realm we need to worry about."
Mizuki hoped she balanced out telling Yuichi to cool it and to make sure he knows they're on the same side. Of course, Mizuki always made a better merchant than courtier.
She turns to Taira. "I will have need of any remedies you may have. I can offer some medical bags I bought on the way here."
She turns to Yuuru. "Hai. At the very least, that we are not accidentally sabotaging each other. Preferably, we will not compete with each other. But that is a bit too much to ask. Just if we must compete with each other, let's keep it friendly. I am also curious if any of you have intention to the Otaku heir."
She gives a nod of acknowledgement to Chieri's idea about the two working together. It could work out well. Or terribly. If she has an idea, Mizuki will listen, but hopes directing Yuichi's intentions at scoping out dangerous magic will distract him from the Unicorns' eccentricities.
OOC: Taira, you can have my two medical kits that I bought before realizing I didn't take Medicine!
Scorpion Merchant * Kuge * Blessed By Daikoku * Wealthy * Black Sheep
Honor: Untrustworthy * Status: 3.0 * Glory: 1.0 * Infamy: 0.2 Courtship Points: 6