IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Mindshred on Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:05 am

The Ide have decided to test the linguistic skill of the competitors. To that end, they have created a new language composed of its own unique characters. Over the course of two hours, the competitors will have to learn the language, decode and answer a series of written questions in the new language, and then hold a short conversation with an Ide who is speaking the new language.

Competitors will be scored by how quickly they understand the language, how much they understand, how easily they are able to converse in it, and how thick their accent ends up being.

Time Slot: Late Afternoon

Magic: Not Allowed

Basic Rules: There are six twenty minute "Time Segments" to this event. Each time a character makes a roll in this event, it takes up a Time Segment. If a character fails a roll in this event, they must attempt it again, and the new attempt takes up another Time Segment. When the character has used all six Time Segments, they are finished with the event.

Squiggly Lines and Weird Shapes: Before the character can do much else, they must first attempt to understand the language that has been put in front of them. Understanding the language requires a Calligraphy (Any Cipher)/Intelligence Roll against TN 15. A character with the Precise Memory advantage gains +1k1 on this roll. A knowledge of other languages is also helpful to this process; for every additional language a character speaks beyond Rokugani, they gain +1k0 to this roll.

On a success, the character understands enough of the language to proceed to the next portion of this event. If the character called any successful Raises on this roll, they gain +1k0 to every other roll in this event per successful Raise.

On a failure, the character must attempt this step again.

Story Problems
Once the character has a grasp on the made-up language, they may begin the written questions portion of the event. A written list of relatively simple story problems written in the new language is given to the characters, who must interpret the questions and then respond in same language.

The character must succeed on a TN 15 Commerce (Mathematics)/Intelligence roll to solve the problems. On a success, the character gains 1 Linguistics Point, plus 1 Linguistics Point per successful Raise. The character may then progress to the next portion of the event. This use of Commerce does not result in a loss of Glory.

On a failure, the character must attempt this step again.

Bilingual Conversation: Next, the character must hold a short conversation with an Ide who has already mastered the made-up language. The character must make a TN 15 Etiquette (Conversation)/Intelligence roll. On a success, the character gains 1 Linguistics Point, plus 1 Linguistics Point per successful Raise.

On a failure, the character must attempt this step again.

Extra Credit: After completing all three steps of this event, if the character has any remaining Time Segments left, they may use them to make additional Story Problems or Bilingual Conversation rolls for additional Linguistics Points.

It's possible for a character to make mistakes on these extra attempts which place his or her previous successes in jeopardy, however; on a failed roll, the character loses 1 Linguistics Point, plus 1 Linguistics Point per failed Raise.

This does not prevent the character from attempting the Story Problems or Bilingual Conversation sections again, if they have another Time Segment available to do so.

Scoring: Once the two hours have passed, the Ide will confer among themselves and pick out the samurai who easily learned the made-up language and mastered its use. The character(s) with the most Linguistics Points will earn 3 Courtship Points, the character(s) with the second most Linguistics Points will earn 2 Courtship Points, and the character(s) with the third most Linguistics Points will earn 1 Courtship Point.
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Yogo Yuichi on Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:50 am

Now this seems like an interesting test. First, Yuichi had to decode the language. It was not hard for him to generally understand the code. Understanding the kami's prayers is way more difficult than this first step.

The second part was difficult for him. Although he had discovered the language, using it for real was very difficult and he used an hour to solve these problems.

The third part was a conversation with an Ide. Yuichi was not very fond of conversations but he was interested in this little game, so he tried. He had a 40 minute conversation in this language and overall he succeded the test. He did not expect to be the top participant but he enjoyed this game.


[OOC - Rolls]

1) Calligraphy (Ciphers)/Intelligence - 33 |Pass [TN 15]
2) Commerce/Intelligence - 12 |Fail [TN 15, Untrained]
3) Commerce/Intelligence - 8 |Fail [TN 15, Untrained]
4) Commerce/Intelligence - 17 |Pass [TN 15, Untrained]
5) Etiquette/Intelligence - 27 |Pass [TN 15]
6) Extra Etiquette/Intelligence - 24 |Pass [TN 15]

3 Linguistic Points
Last edited by Yogo Yuichi on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
*Scorpion *Shugenja *Soul of Gold *Discoloured Eye *Oni Mask * Spirits, Spirits Everywhere
|Glory/Infamy: 1.0/0.0| Honor: Honorless Dog| Status: 1.0| Courtship Points: -2
Mon: Scorpion, Yogo
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Akodo Runno on Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:52 am

The current test laid out was....trying to say the least, but Akodo Runno was not one to simply give up because the task seemed pointless.

Deciphering the Calligraphy seemed easy enough. She quickly came to grips with the fundamentals of the language. And begins the second phase of actually using this new knowledge...

Calligraphy/Intelligence Roll - Passed - no raises

Which turned out to be more difficult then initial success would indicate. Still Runno stumbled for only a few moments before the correct solutions became apparent to her. Finishing up with the written portion, the Akodo pressed on...

Commerce/Intelligence Roll - Failed 1, Passed 2

Only to stumble again. Her first attempts at speaking were less then impressive. So Runno clenched her jaw took a moment to collect her thoughts and finally made a passable attempt at the Ide's made up language.

Etiquette/Intelligence Roll - Failed 1, Passed 2

With that the Akodo set down the papers and took her leave. Happy to put this exercise behind her.

Discarding final time slot - Ending with 2 Linguistic points
Lion Clan • Samurai • Tactician
Status: 1.0 • Glory 1.0 • Honor: Exceptional • Courtship: 2
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Ide Amaya on Mon Apr 10, 2017 2:56 am

Amaya arrived at the Administrative Centre, calligraphy kit tucked under one arm, almost trembling with nervousness. She hadn't even been this anxious the day before, somehow the one-on-one nature of the linguistics competition seemed much worse than the huge gatherings.

Examining the strange glyphs of the made-up language, she quickly noticed the inherent patterns and confidently deciphered the text she'd been provided.

The next segment was more difficult. She was much better with the ebb and flow of songs and poetry, not so much with numbers and puzzles. On her first attempt, she accidentally transposed two glyphs and came up with the wrong answer, but not by much. She was given different problem to chew over, this time she took extra care to double- and triple-check her working, and arrived at the correct solution.

Finally, she moved on to the conversation portion of the test, this was more her speed and she felt more confident despite the difficulties she'd had with the problems. She conversed easily with Ide administrator assigned to her, and gladly accepted the opportunity to gain some additional credit. Her next conversation went excellently as well and, when she requested a third conversation, she over-reached.

Stumbling at a critical moment almost cost her dearly but, as had been their wont all her life, the Fortunes smiled and she recovered before her slip of the tongue could ruin her final test.


[Slot 1/6] Squiggly Lines [Calligraphy/Int + Precise Memory TN15] - Pass!
[Slot 2/6] Story Problems [Commerce/Int TN15] - Fail!
[Slot 3/6] Story Problems [Commerce/Int + Void Point TN15] - Pass (just!) +1pt
[Slot 4/6] Bilingual Conversation [Etiquette (Conversation)/Int + CR TN20] - Pass! +2pts
[Slot 5/6] Bilingual Conversation [Etiquette (Conversation)/Int + CR TN20] - Pass! +2pts
[Slot 6/6] Bilingual Conversation [Etiquette (Conversation)/Int + 2CR TN25] - Fail
[Slot 6/6] Bilingual Conversation [Luck Advantage Reroll] - Pass! +3pts

Total Score: 8pts
Last edited by Ide Amaya on Mon Apr 10, 2017 1:12 pm, edited 2 times in total.
• Unicorn Courtier • [Profile - Updated 4/29]
• Small • Gullible • Voice • Inner Gift (Animal Ken) • Love Actuary •
• Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Infamy: 0.2 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 5 •
Carries: Wakazashi, Seppun Fan, Personal Chop, Book of Poetry, Hand Mirror, Wooden Hair Comb, Partial Makeup Kit, Satsujin - a weasel.

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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Iuchi Batul on Mon Apr 10, 2017 3:21 am

Linguistics... Batul was not very given to learning languages, but she was a fast learner, so at least it did not take her long to identify most of the symbols on the Ide script. She read through and understood well, making her way to the written exam. Since it was related to Commerce, the samurai-ko did not have trouble going through it translating in her mind all that she knew related, and applying it to the text. Then she continued to her spoken part, with the Ide samurai. Using her natural charm, and the learned things, she was able to ace her exam before time, so the Ide offered her the opportunity to get some extra points in the exam.

Batul did another portion of the exam, but this time it was on a topic of commerce that she did not quite understand. As she tried to overdo herself she felt uneasy and could not find the proper words and ways, so after an estranged look from the Ide, she defended her position through the spoken part of the exam, which helped her regain the trust of the samurai, and even scrape off some extra credit.


Slot 1: Squiggly Lines, 1 Raise, TN 20: 28
Slot 2: Story Problem, One Raise, TN 20: 24; 2 LP
Slot 3: Bilingual Conversation, One Raise, TN 20: 43; 2 LP
Slot 4: Story Problem 2, One Raise, TN 20: 18 - Luck: 18; -2 LP
Slot 5: Bilingual Conversation 2, TN 15: 32; 1 LP
Slot 6: Bilingual Conversation 3, One Raise, TN 20: 47; 2 LP

Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

"If the wind blows, ride it."
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hitako on Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:04 am

Seppun Hitako had enjoyed learning the language of the Burning Sands, and looked forward to this test as it was explained.

Then, she learned she would have to decipher it herself. That - she was not so good at. Nonetheless, she perservered, and though she could see others jumping ahead to start the next part of the test, she waited until she believed she completely understood this made-up language.

Though she had not been trained in how to manage a household, it wasn't really that hard to understand what was going on, and she did decipher the written portion of the test. Not fun, but not as bad as it could have been!

She turned to the vocal portion with relief, and began the conversation with the examiner. He seemed pleased with how she had learned the faux-language, and replied readily. Then, her mouth took over. She kept talking, stretching the boundaries of the language, trying the different parts of it out. She was so excited, she didn't even notice the looks the examiner was giving her, as she left the part the Ide had made up, and started making more up herself. When the bell was rung to tell them time was done, she gave the examiner a bow, and headed off, pleased with how she had done.

Then she saw the scores....


Squiggly Lines and Weird Shapes: Calligraphy(Cypher)/Intelligence, Prodigy, VP, Extra Lang, 2 CR, TN 25: 22, for a fail.

Squiggly Lines and Weird Shapes: Calligraphy(Cypher)/Intelligence, Prodigy, VP, Extra Lang, 2 CR, TN 25, take 2: 40, for a pass.

Story Problems: Commerce/Intelligence, unskilled, +2k0, TN 15: 20, to gain that first point.

Bilingual Conversation: Etiquette/Intelligence, Prodigy, +2k0, 2CR, TN 25: 40 for 3 more points.

Bilingual Conversation 2: Etiquette/Intelligence, Prodigy, +2k0, 2CR, TN 25: 20 to lose those 3 points.

Biligual Conversation 3: Etiquette/Intelligence, Prodigy, +2k0, 2CR, TN 25: 20 again? And negative.

Total is -2 Linguistics points. Got greedy, paid for it.
Seppun Hitako
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Moto al-Kalb on Mon Apr 10, 2017 6:55 am

While al-Kalb held some respect for his cousins in the Ide he could not help but feel that their job was to prevent him from doing his job. And he really liked doing his job. As such he had never had the least desire to study their arts. But the miai dictated he should be here so he'd at least give it a shot.

His lack of concern with the Ide and things like traditions and manners would also explain him arriving bare chested, other than his myriad scars, and with a simple, if functional, loincloth to beat the heat. He preferred his furs but did not need to hide behind them - as much as his cousins likely now wished he would, at least in front of the Rokugani.

It takes most of the event for the massive Moto to decipher the basics of the language though he surprises himself in eventually managing to. However there is not enough time remaining for him to puzzle out any of the actual applications of what he learned.

Squiggly Lines and Weird Shapes: Fail, Fail, Success

Story Problems: Fail, Fail, Fail

0 Points
Unicorn Clan • Bushi • Hellhound • War Dog Overseer • Massive • Savage
Status: 1 • Glory: 1 • Honor: Untrustworthy • Courtship: 0

Carries: Furs and leathers, daisho, coin purse
Where appropriate: Heavy Armor, ono, no-dachi, two war dog pups

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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Shiba Kaizen on Mon Apr 10, 2017 7:39 am

Kaizen was curious about this challenge though his enthusiasm dimmed a bit. He had never learned another language before real or otherwise. The language of the Empire was all he had needed, well at least up to this point. Still the young Shiba enjoyed reading and puzzles so perhaps this would work out. Kaizen focused and examined the odd lines and shapes and after a time of intense study he had earned nothing but a headache. Kaizen closed his eyes for a moment, stretched his arms, and rubbed his stiff neck. Taking a deep breath he tried to relax. The more he relaxed the more he could see the complete picture then zero in on the intricate consistencies before him. A while later he thought he had it figured out.

While Kaizen was no fool with money he was certainly no merchant or even a savvy consumer. Still normally simple mathematics were not beyond his grasp. Though this was not normal by any stretch. Perhaps something was getting lost in translation or this was beyond the scope of Kaizen's education. Regardless Daikoku was being rather merciless and the Phoenix could but relent under the Fortune's searing gaze. Feeling chastened, yet wiser and more pious for it Kaizen signaled his defeat.

Roll 1 attempt 1 vp for skill 11 failure
Roll 1 attempt 2 unskilled 18 success
Roll 2 attempt 1 unskilled 13 failure
Roll 2 attempt 2 unskilled 14 failure so close yet so far
Roll 2 attempt 3 unskilled 6 failure
Roll 2 attempt 4 unskilled 11 failure
Phoenix Clan * Yojimbo * Previous Year Topaz Competitor of Renown * Crane are not Fans of.. * Short
Glory: 2.0 * Status: 1.0 * Honor: What is Expected * Courtship Points: 5
Carries: daisho, fan, samisen, and wears decent quality clothing with a haori and hakama
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Seppun Hideo on Mon Apr 10, 2017 8:25 am

Hideo approached the event with curiosity; it was certainly not what he had expected! However, he was a man who was always willing to try more unique ideals, and the Unicorn seemed to be the master of unique in the Empire right now.

Sadly, it seemed that Fate was determined to work against him.

To begin with, he struggled to understand the written down language, eventually clicking but longer than he would expect it to take. The written part of the test goes past without any issue at all, and so it went on to having conversations with the Ide who had mastered this strange language.

It all started so well...then slowly went downhill, as he made error after error. Eventually he finished the conversation. Frustrated at his poor performance, and annoyed at the made up language. It was safe to say he wouldn't be attempting to learn this language again.

(ooc: Rolls
Timeslot 1) D2 LA event - (quit yo') Jibba Jabba. Roll 1, Calligraphy/Int TN15: 4d10o10k3 13 fail
Timeslot 2) D2 LA event - (quit yo') Jibba Jabba. Roll 2, Calligraphy/Int TN15: 4d10o10k3 22 Passed 1 LP
Timeslot 3) D2 LA event - (quit yo') Jibba Jabba. Roll 3, Commerce/Int TN15 unskilled: 3d10 24 Passed 1 LP
Timeslot 4) D2 LA event - (quit yo') Jibba Jabba. Roll 4, Etiquette /Int TN15 +2 raises (TN25) VP spent: 5d10o10k4 28 passed 3 LP
Extra! Timeslot 5) D2 LA event - (quit yo') Jibba Jabba. Roll 5, Etiquette /Int TN15 +1 raise (TN20) VP spent: 5d10o10k4 13(really....) failed, -2 LP
Extra! Timeslot 6) D2 LA event - (quit yo') Jibba Jabba. Roll 6, Etiquette /Int TN15 +1 raise (TN20): 4d10o10k3 19 (sigh...) failed, -2lp

Total: 1 LP and an annoyed Imperial
Imperial * Shugenja * Scholarly * Description
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 1.0 | Honour: Exceptional
Courtiship Points: 7
Always carries: Robes/Kimono, Amaya's Fan, Wakizashi, School Satchel, Calligraphy kit, Paper, Chopsticks, Medicine Kit
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Soshi Yuuru on Mon Apr 10, 2017 9:49 am

Yuuru arrived and sat at his appointed spot with a neutral expression as he waited for his task to arrive. He nodded graciously as the Ide brought his language to him and he began looking it over carefully. He began to sense the differences in the characters rather swiftly as most Scorpion are fairly used to messages that are difficult to decipher. He figured out the tasks put before him with skill and quickly navigated his way through the basic portions of the test.

In the conversation portion of the test he wowed his instructor a bit at the speed in which he could master the general concepts, and then settled into a peaceful conversational pace that lasted to the end of the time allotted.

"Thank you for the lovely conversation." Yuuru said with a smirk in the new language as he prepared himself to leave.


Step 1: Pass w/ 1 called raise (+1k0 for all remaining rolls)
Step 2: Pass (1 LP)
Step 3a: Pass w/ 1 called raise (2 LP)
Step 3b,c,d: Pass all three (3 LP)
Total: 6 LP
Scorpion Clan • Unlucky • Bushi • Cartographer • Explorer • 'Big Fish' Honesty • Engaged to Moto Khulun
Honor: Untrustworthy - Glory: 1.0 - Status: 1.0 - Courtship Points: 5
Carries: Daisho, Parangu, Sturdy kimono, Travel pack, Naga-shaped Netsuke
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Asako Hirase on Mon Apr 10, 2017 10:01 am

Though Hirase was a student of peoples and, indeed, had managed to master another language in addition to the one to which he was born, it hadn't been easy. Now, with his nerves frayed from his own discomfort, compounded by the fact that his boy had been feeling a bit poorly too, making him anxious, the Asako did not look forward to this new challenge.

Still. He would try.

The characters weren't too much of a problem. He'd seen enough styles of Yobanjin writing, plus some rather archaic styles of old Rokugani lettering, in his time in training to be able to make sense of what the Ide had done. It was almost artistic, in fact.

Then the written. 'If Shurei rides her horse at 3 ells an Hour into Humi who is riding widdershins at 1.2 knots, how far does Shurei fly off of her horse?"

This is why I always let Miyako handle the finances.

Grumbling, the man bent his head and, after a lot of effort, finally got the cipher handled.

As he went to turn the paper in, he spent some time with the proctor, discussing the value of humility, before making his way from the Center.

{Lines and Shapes:Pass
Story Problems: Fail, Fail, Fail, Pass!
Bilingual: Pass

1 Point}}
Phoenix Clan * Courtier * Widower * Single Father * Husband-elect of Shinjo Liu Yue
Glory: 1.0 Status: 1.0 Honor: What is Expected

Orange Text = Speaking Yobanjin * Description

Always Carries: Writing materials, healthy snacks, fan
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Kitsu Takashi on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:20 am

(placeholder for narrative)

Squiggly: miss.
Squiggly: yay.
Story problems:ugh.
Story Problems:got it.
Convo:yay, with 1 raise.
EC convo: yay, 1 raise.
Total 5 points , all void spent.
Lion Clan * Bushi/Courtier * Sensational * The jolliest Kitsu
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: As expected | Courtship points: 4
Always carries: Daisho, unremarkable clothing, and some writing supplies (calligraphy set if planning ahead, but always a bit of charcoal and parchment).
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Iuchi Yukarin on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:24 am

Yukarin was unsure of what to make of this new challenge; She had never learned another language before, so she wasn't sure how qualified she would be. But she would give it her best!

The first challenge proved tough, trying to put the strange characters into some order... but she managed to figure them out.

From there it suddenly dawned on her that this was all pattern recognition, just like figuring out market values! Giving the small statue of Daikoku she carried with her a rub for luck, she tucked into the work with gusto.

She was briefly interrupted by talking to one of her brethern from the Ide school, but he was flabbergasted when she actually knew the language BETTER than its inventor, and let her get back to work.


(OOC - Rolls)

1) Calligraphy/Intelligence, 2CR - 27 | pass (tn25)
2) Commerce/Intelligence, 2CR - 44 | pass (tn25)
3) Etiquette/Intelligence, 2CR - 22, Luck reroll to 33 | pass (tn25)
4) Commerce/Intelligence, 2CR - 32 | pass (tn25)
5) Commerce/Intelligence, 2CR - 26 | pass (tn25)
6) Commerce/Intelligence, 2CR - 51 | pass (tn25)

15 linguistic points
Unicorn Clan · Courtier · Merchant · Lucky! · Blingin' · Pacifist · Greedy · Scholar · Nerd · Shellfish Allergy · Gambler · Queen of Commerce
Honor: Expected | Glory: 0.0 | Infamy 0.1 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 8
carries: wakizashi, dice & cup, heirloom jewelry, pearl & jade necklace, tiny Daikoku statue, coin purse, hand fan, silk umbrella, bottle of shochu, sake cups, personal seal
profile · full summer robes
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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Shinjo Akil on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:30 am

Unicorn Clan | Bushi | Permanent Injury | Hero

Honor: What is expected | Glory: 3.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship Points: 1

"Want to be a hero? I have some advice for you. It hurts like hell."


Equipment: Daisho, tanto, flute, sturdy clothing, sake cup

Character image

Setem- his Horse

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Re: IDE EVENT: Jibber Jabber (D2, Late Afternoon)

Postby Moto Baatar on Mon Apr 10, 2017 11:41 am

Moto Baatar paled as the details of the test were explained. He had to learn a new language and solve riddles to get married? This was madness!

Baatar reluctantly accepted the piece of paper with the weird squiggles on it, and sat down to try and decode it. At first the bizarre symbols meant nothing to him; but after he turned the paper upside down to get a new perspective, he spotted two symbols that, if put together, almost made the character for "cow". True, the symbols weren't actually together... but he could fix that!

Carefully he tore a piece of paper from each side of the document, then lined up the paper shreds to form the character "cow". This was the answer, he was sure of it! Scanning the coded document once more, he spotted two symbols that, if stacked together, would almost look like the character for "water".


"I've almost got it," Baatar said when the Ide proctor came to collect his work. "I just need a little more time!"

But, unfortunately, time was up.

Squiggly Lines and Weird Shapes:
Calligraphy 8 missed TN15
Calligraphy 8 missed TN15
Calligraphy 14 missed TN15
Calligraphy 10 missed TN15
Calligraphy 11 missed TN15
Calligraphy 8 missed TN15

0 Linguistic points
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 4
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, puppy. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor
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