by Shinjo Hanashi on Fri Apr 07, 2017 8:33 pm
He frowns, "If I write down a story as I remember it, and three others do as well, there is bound to be discrepancy. I choose a different word, for instance, because I'm used to a certain audience while they are used to others. But in writing down the story I have only an imagined future audience, that can be anyone and at any time."
Another jabbed shrimp. "Those differences show the stories history. And can be celebrated by those listening to it, by those that remember. When its written down, people will start seeking to insure they know the truest version of the tale. When they were all true; it is simply that the duty of a storyteller is to insure that the truths can be heard by the audience. Not all audiences, like moments, are the same."
Unicorn Clan • Marta Family • Teller of Tales • No Right Eye • Well-Voiced • Wounded
Status: 1.5 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship points: 0
Generally Equipped: Daisho, Eyepatch, Sturdy Unicorn Clothing, Tanto, Chopsticks
When with Horse: Daikyu, Willowleaf arrows, Blanket
A voice to lighten the weight of those who travel.