by Iuchi Dong-Ha on Fri May 05, 2017 3:17 pm
"I'll try to make is as understandable as possible." Dong-Ha nodded to the Lion. "So, as Matsu-san might know, the shuganja of Rokugan, that is your priests, call upon the spirits to work their magicks. Now, the Iuchi way, hailing from Iuchi-shiryo himself uses talismans." his fingers brushed against the amulets hanging from his belt. "Now, our talismans do not call upon the spirits of the land, for we know they don't exist beyond the Rokugan... where the land, if you may, is godless. Instead our amulets command the elements themselves."
"See the earth..." Dong-Ha tapped to ground with his foot."Is just that, earth. However, in Rokugan the spirits of the land are attuned.. tied to these elements." He brought his hands together as if to explain this union. "Your shuganja cannot command the one, without commanding the other. That is, they ask request the spirits and they compel the elements to obey. Our magic, however, bypasses this calling for the elements themselves." the young mystic paused, hoping she was following.
"We were debating whether the spirits of the land took offense to our magicks." Relevant question, all things considered. "So I devised an experiment with Isawa Nonin-san and Moshi Asakiko-san. It was Moshi-san who communed with the spirits... and it turns out that they....actually do not feel our powers. They are connected to the elements, and can cause them to move, but they are not the elements, and don't sense what others might do with the elements."
Unicorn Clan • Mystic
Honor: Expected • Status: 1.0 • Infamy: 0.3 • Courtship: 2"Power is what you think it is."Languages: MekhemCarries: Wakizashi, assorted shamanistic trinkets and baubles, woolen robes, knife
Gaijin riding horse: Poppy