The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evening]

Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Moto Butaj on Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:49 pm

Butaj is making little of the embarrassment he has become. He eats, drinks and is merry, faithfully using the chopstick as a toothpick, toasts with kumis right after cracking a lobster, laughs a lot and looks like he is about to burst into singing.
Scorpion Clan | Bushi | Big Bad Keshig | Black Horse | Slacker | Soul of the Steppe | Honest
Profile | Expected Honor | Status 1 | Glory 0

Has: furs & leathers, daisho, knife, one of musical instruments, skin of kumis, keepsake, Yuki's fan
Sometimes also: bow, horse, light armor, other musical instruments, tent
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Matsu Yurio on Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:53 pm

Yurio was still there. Banquet defeated, he had a small cup of sake and was viewing the room with interest, his usual slight smirk touching his lip.

She looks all right . . . as does he . . . oh impressive . . . what the? . . . what do they grow those Crab in? He's huge.

/ooc Once again, PM if approaching please.
Lion Clan * Bushi * Scout * Small * Daring * KITTEH *
Soon to be Purple KITTEH Doggeh Trainer

Glory 1.0 * Status 1.0 * Honour Exceptional * Courtship 3!

Carries: Daisho, fan, sake cup.
When permitted: No-dachi, light armour.
Sometimes accompanied by: Neko

Panthera leo matsu militarus-minimus
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:54 pm

Iuchi Batul wrote:"It is a flavor that is very new for me." The sweet smell of her perfume reached the Crab. It was fragrant as the earthy smell unfurled into an airy aroma. "I have a sbecial liking to this liquid you call sake. It makes my nose tingle and makes me habby and laughing."

"As for something to try... have you tried yet the sbiced vegetables? There are rare bebbers in the desert that give a strong flavor, added to the skewers of meat and squash and bell bebbers, now that's a dish!"

Tomonaga can't help but smile at that first. "Rrrreally?" He drew out the word, even as he exchanged a glance with Hiroji. "Not so different." He murmured, before turning back to Batul. "Iuchi-san, as it happens, my family makes sake. I would be honored if you would try some of it later." He brought none here, of course; that almost certainly would have been rude.

With her description, Tomonaga is able to find the indicated dish. "Ah, this one. Huh. I think it'll go best with..." He chases a bite of the food with a sip of the kumis. "Yeah, that's the one." He nods. "I'm trying to match the food with the best alcohol. It'd harder than it looks."
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
Status: 2 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Courtship points: 6
Carries: Sake bottle, sake cups
Final Drinking Count: 22/38 threads
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Yasuki Tomonaga
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Shinjo Liu Fei on Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:55 pm

Yuzuki wrote:"Much of the Empire's silk and spice comes from the Mantis. Hence why our islands are named after those things. And we boast one of the largest fleets in the empire too, so that helps. We are well located for trade too."

She paused, thinking of a response to the bit about the ocean.

"You are from the desert, yes? Quite the opposite I suppose. You should visit some of our islands some time. They're quite beautiful. You would find the City of Lightning a welcoming place."

"We have traveled the north, many different variations of lands up there Mantis-san. Home is wherever we make it at the time, here and now as an example. How far from shore are these islands of yours, Mantis-san? If we are truly going to be staying here I might have time in my life that I am afforded the chance."
Unicorn - Bushi - Cursed - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Friend of Fire
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 0.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship: -1
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin
Carries: Sturdy Clothing (Leather, Fur), Courtiers Fan, Small Knife, Coin Purse, Wakizashi, Tanto, Naginata (Where Appropriate)
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Soshi Yuuru on Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:55 pm

Yuuru too sat at his spot and tried this and that of the things presented before him. He was a fairly adventurous type and bounced back and forth between stuff he was familiar with and stuff he wasn't. His stomach was fine and he found himself enjoying the surroundings with general curiosity.

(PM to talk)
Scorpion Clan • Unlucky • Bushi • Cartographer • Explorer • 'Big Fish' Honesty • Engaged to Moto Khulun
Honor: Untrustworthy - Glory: 1.0 - Status: 1.0 - Courtship Points: 5
Carries: Daisho, Parangu, Sturdy kimono, Travel pack, Naga-shaped Netsuke
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Kitsune Kumahime on Thu Apr 06, 2017 5:56 pm

Shinjo Liu Yue wrote:Yue's eyes widened at the new display of food. However, she thought she had a good plan. Oh! I know! There's a custom where I refuse a gift! Maybe she will let it go!

The Unicorn woman shook her head. "Arigatou gozaimasu,Kuamahime-dono," she replied, making sure to pronounce each and every syllable correctly and fully. This was, to some, excessive. "However, I cannot accept your offer. It would be improper for me to take more food. Others in my Clan have yet to try as much as I."

Hm? Oh, that refusing gift thing. But at the dinner table? That seems like it would slow down a meal!

"Oh, do not worry, Shinjo-sama, for today there is plenty! Let's explore and share together, ne?"
Fox Clan • Bushi • Large • Gullible • Student of the Proud Bear • Amateur Veterinarian • One Eye
Status 1.0 • Glory 1.0 • Honor 3.5 • Courtship 0
Carries: Daisho, tanto, medicine kit
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Iuchi Batul on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:02 pm

Kaiu Hiroji wrote:Hiroji gives a small laugh and his smile deepens. He glances at Tomonaga and then back to Batul. "Yes, sake. The most marvelous substance. I and Tomonaga-sama are very familiar with it, although in slightly different ways I am sure."

"In the desert there are not many blants from which to make drinks, but we do make our own tybe of strong licor, or we did." She recognized as she remembered that the new home of the Unicorn was in Rokugan. The samurai-ko reached out for another rokuganí sweet and bit a tiny bit of it. "All that we make is for consuming in the moment. We have no time to wait for the vine to become strong."

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga can't help but smile at that first. "Rrrreally?" He drew out the word, even as he exchanged a glance with Hiroji. "Not so different." He murmured, before turning back to Batul. "Iuchi-san, as it happens, my family makes sake. I would be honored if you would try some of it later." He brought none here, of course; that almost certainly would have been rude.

With her description, Tomonaga is able to find the indicated dish. "Ah, this one. Huh. I think it'll go best with..." He chases a bite of the food with a sip of the kumis. "Yeah, that's the one." He nods. "I'm trying to match the food with the best alcohol. It'd harder than it looks."

"I see that Crab-sama is an exbert in drinks then." She giggled as she finished her fried dough sweet. "I would love to try your family sake." She added as she finished her own cup of sake. "Now this dessert deserves some milk with it. And you should try the fermented milk as well, it is one of my favorites."
Unicorn Clan Samurai * Meishodo Shugenja * Perfume of Desert Flowers * Greedy * Gaijin Name * Player * Age 14
Honor: Expected| Glory: 1.0 | Status: 1.0 | Courtship: -1

Wearing: Robe, Wakizashi, Knife, Scroll Satchel, Coin Purse, Set of Dice, Perfume, Jewelry, Fan.

"If the wind blows, ride it."
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Iuchi Batul
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Moto Baatar on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:04 pm

Kakita Nanami wrote:"Hm?" The Crane opened her eyes, leaning forward slightly and turning to the source of the voice. "Of course I haven't had-" She fell silent when she saw the speaker.

"I mean, of course not - " her eyes fell to the mon - "Moto-san. I'm just enjoying the..." She glanced down to her cup; this Moto definitely wasn't as hairy as the others she'd seen wandering around. "The textures of the choices of tea." Yes - that would be a fair enough explanation.

Before her stood a very young Moto warrior with a slightly concerned expression. He nodded at Nanami's explanation.

"The texture of the tea?" he asked. "Is there too much bark in it or something? They're supposed to grind it finer than that. If there's too many big chunks, you can just pour it out when no one's looking. I won't tell anyone."
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 4
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, puppy. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor
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Moto Baatar
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Shinjo Liu Yue on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:05 pm

Kitsune Kumahime wrote:Hm? Oh, that refusing gift thing. But at the dinner table? That seems like it would slow down a meal!

"Oh, do not worry, Shinjo-sama, for today there is plenty! Let's explore and share together, ne?"

Liu Yue looked down at the food from behind her fan. Even in her eyes it might have been obvious that she feared it. She paused, trying to find another excuse to not partake in the food. "The lobster broth was a suitable last course for me," she finally stated, closing her eyes and hoping that would work.
Unicorn - Bushi - Horrible Burns - Missing Left Arm - Damaged Eye - Rather Tall - Unfamiliar (Gaijin) Name - Dauntless
Status 1.0 - Glory 2.0 / Infamy 0.2 - Honour: Untrustworthy - Courtship: 5
Languages: Mekhem, Yobanjin

Typically Carries: Sturdy Clothing, Daisho, Fan, Small Hand Mirror, Finger of Jade, Coin Purse, Small Knife, Medicine Kit, Sake Cup

Riding Horse: Hikazume, Puppy: Gon
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Shinjo Liu Yue
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Kakita Nanami on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:09 pm

Moto Baatar wrote:Before her stood a very young Moto warrior with a slightly concerned expression. He nodded at Nanami's explanation.

"The texture of the tea?" he asked. "Is there too much bark in it or something? They're supposed to grind it finer than that. If there's too many big chunks, you can just pour it out when no one's looking. I won't tell anyone."

"Too... too much... bark?" Her eyes widened slightly for a moment before Nanami regained her composure, "Ah, no, no." She gave a polite smile and a bow, "I was just... it is unique compared to the blends I am used to drinking. Very... earthy."
Crane Clan • Agasha Trained • Shugenja • Small • Description
Status: 1.0 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: What is Expected | Courtship Points: 2
Carried: Wakizashi, Tanto, Straw Hat, Cricket in a Cage
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Kakita Nanami
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Kaiu Hiroji on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:09 pm

Iuchi Batul wrote:
Kaiu Hiroji wrote:Hiroji gives a small laugh and his smile deepens. He glances at Tomonaga and then back to Batul. "Yes, sake. The most marvelous substance. I and Tomonaga-sama are very familiar with it, although in slightly different ways I am sure."

"In the desert there are not many blants from which to make drinks, but we do make our own tybe of strong licor, or we did." She recognized as she remembered that the new home of the Unicorn was in Rokugan. The samurai-ko reached out for another rokuganí sweet and bit a tiny bit of it. "All that we make is for consuming in the moment. We have no time to wait for the vine to become strong."

Yasuki Tomonaga wrote:Tomonaga can't help but smile at that first. "Rrrreally?" He drew out the word, even as he exchanged a glance with Hiroji. "Not so different." He murmured, before turning back to Batul. "Iuchi-san, as it happens, my family makes sake. I would be honored if you would try some of it later." He brought none here, of course; that almost certainly would have been rude.

With her description, Tomonaga is able to find the indicated dish. "Ah, this one. Huh. I think it'll go best with..." He chases a bite of the food with a sip of the kumis. "Yeah, that's the one." He nods. "I'm trying to match the food with the best alcohol. It'd harder than it looks."

"I see that Crab-sama is an exbert in drinks then." She giggled as she finished her fried dough sweet. "I would love to try your family sake." She added as she finished her own cup of sake. "Now this dessert deserves some milk with it. And you should try the fermented milk as well, it is one of my favorites."

Hiroji frowns for a moment, but quickly makes his face blank. "Yes, I had the pleasure to taste some of them. They were quite good, although I'm afraid I am not built for milk."
*Crab Clan *Rather Stoic *Large *Possibly has a drinking problem *Allergy to Milk based Products *Dragon-Slayer

Status: 1.0 - Honor: What is Expected - Glory: 3.0 - Courtship Points: 2


Carries with him: Sturdy Clothing, Walking Stick, Chopsticks, Small Mirror
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Kaiu Hiroji
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Yuzuki on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:09 pm

Shinjo Liu Fei wrote:"We have traveled the north, many different variations of lands up there Mantis-san. Home is wherever we make it at the time, here and now as an example. How far from shore are these islands of yours, Mantis-san? If we are truly going to be staying here I might have time in my life that I am afforded the chance."

"I'm not a navigator myself. So I don't know exactly. But not too far. One can easily reach them from the Crane coast."
Mantis Clan • Bushi • Cursed • Easily Distracted • Tough • Eccentric • Fashionable
Glory: 3.0 • Status 1.0 • Honor: Untrustworthy • CP: 1
Carries: Daisho, Kama(2x), odds & ends.
Wears: Expensive kimono, haori, hakama, Light armor when appropriate.
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:10 pm

Usagi Tomoe certainly seemed cheerful as she sampled the different kinds of food the hosts had prepared. The Hare girl had dressed in one of her fine furisode kimono, depicting a group of rabbits against the backdrop of a full moon, accented with a golden obi tied in an elaborate knot for the festive occassion. The long glossy hair that reached to the back of her knees was tied near in the and she had decorate it with local wildflowers help in place with her shiny haircombs and pins.

The rabbit had at least taken care to dress to impress on the first day of the miai!

(PM if approached please, since this thread expands very fast!)
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
Honor: Exceptional • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 1.0 • Courtship: 6!

Has: Wakizashi, pet tortoise (Ganko), fan, scroll or book, jade, stone, med-kit.
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Yasuki Tomonaga on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:18 pm

Iuchi Batul wrote:"I see that Crab-sama is an exbert in drinks then." She giggled as she finished her fried dough sweet. "I would love to try your family sake." She added as she finished her own cup of sake. "Now this dessert deserves some milk with it. And you should try the fermented milk as well, it is one of my favorites."

"Great!" Tomonaga flashes a quick grin. "I bet you'll love it. Maybe you can help me find the dish that it goes best with." He doesn't quite wink, but his eyelid does shiver just a touch.

He gives Hiroji another sympathetic look. "Here. Trade you." He intercepts the milk-based drinks, nudging a small bowl of rice towards him instead. He drinks a bit of the fermented milk, his eyebrows going up. "Whoa! That's... that's good. And strong." Almost experimentally, he shakes his head. "Here, Iuchi-san, try one of our desserts." Towards her, he nudges a red-bean bun.
Crab Clan • Courtier/Brewer • Benten's Blessing • Hero of the People (Golden Carp sake brand) • Gullible
Status: 2 | Glory: 1.0 | Honor: Untrustworthy | Courtship points: 6
Carries: Sake bottle, sake cups
Final Drinking Count: 22/38 threads
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Yasuki Tomonaga
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Re: The Welcome Dinner (Post-Event Thread) [D1, Early Evenin

Postby Moto Baatar on Thu Apr 06, 2017 6:24 pm

Kakita Nanami wrote:
Moto Baatar wrote:"Is there too much bark in it or something? They're supposed to grind it finer than that. If there's too many big chunks, you can just pour it out when no one's looking. I won't tell anyone."

"Too... too much... bark?" Her eyes widened slightly for a moment before Nanami regained her composure, "Ah, no, no." She gave a polite smile and a bow, "I was just... it is unique compared to the blends I am used to drinking. Very... earthy."

"Oh, I'm sure you'll get used to it," the Moto assured her. "It's good for the digestion, or at least my ma always says so. But if you don't like it, I bet we can get you something else to drink; shochu, maybe, or kumis. Orrrrr maybe bark tea would be best if you're already sleepy."

"Where are you from, anyway?" he asked. "You're a Crane, right?"
Unicorn Clan • Samurai • Gaijin Name • Failure of Courtesy
Honor: Untrustworthy • Status: 1.0 • Glory: 0.0 • Courtship: 4
carries: scimitar, wakizashi, shochu, puppy. when appropriate: Unicorn horse, riding armor
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Moto Baatar
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