Day 9 (5/1 - 5/3)

Day 10 (5/4 - 5/6)

Day 9 (5/1 - 5/3)

Postby Mindshred on Mon May 01, 2017 1:29 am

Day 9

14th day of the Month of the Monkey, 758

The warmth of the day is once again tempered by a cool breeze, a bit stronger than the day previous. From time to time, the wind actually picks up quite a bit, strong enough to blow away loosely held parasols, but never for very long. The wind calms with the arrival of the evening, ushering in another cool, pleasant night.

Iuchi Event: Spirit Quest (Early Night)
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Re: Day 9 (5/1 - 5/3)

Postby Mindshred on Mon May 01, 2017 1:37 am


Someone as swiftly and easily seduced as Ide Amaya probably isn't suited for the Imperial Court. That's all the Otomo do during the winter, right?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Ide Amaya is so young, her parents must be trying to get rid of her, neh?

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

If Shinjo Liu Fei is always out drinking with other men, she probably won't make a very good Scorpion bride.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

There were a lot of barely-withheld tears yesterday as many samurai were forced to part with their canine companions. I guess it's not surprising that everyone got so attached after only a day, what with how quickly everyone's been hopping into bed with each other.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Poor Seppun Hideo. It appears that Ide Amaya has been seeing Shiba Kaizen on the side.

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I hear that Ide Amaya got her weasel because the poor Imperial wasn't up to her rather unorthodox appetites.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Iuchi Dong-Ha and Usagi Tomoe would make a good couple! Tomoe would make a good Iuchi, don't you think?

~ ~ ~ ~

Soshi Yuuru is a really eligible bachelor. Girls should be fighting over him!
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