[Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

[Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:05 pm

She'd meant to meet some of the other people here, but her health hadn't let her be as outgoing as she was meant to. Couldn't spread good will when you couldn't function properly. Still, now was as good a time as any, since she had to be out training her puppy. She'd even brought it with her, getting it to do little tricks on the way there.

Still, she scratched at the entrance to the yurt of Usagi Tomoe once to arrived and looked at the puppy steadily. "Behave."
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:10 pm

Tomoe had just finished washing herself after the excersise out in the field when a visitor announced themselves at her door... errr... tent-flap.

"Oh, no no no... don't eat the sandals, Chibi-Usa!" Tomoe exclaimed with some surprise as she found the puppy happily gnawing away at one of her zori.

After a brief wressling-bout with the puppy, reclaiming her rather soggy-sandal in one hand, and an unremorseful puppy in the other, Tomoe peeked out the tent-flap. "Oh, hello? Sorry about taking so long... who would think such cute fuzzballs could be such a handful, neh?"
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:27 pm

"They certainly are," the extremely pale girl chuckled, leaning down to pick the tiny puff of fur she'd been granted up, who wriggled in her arms a little before she scritched him behind the ears gently. "I apologize for interrupting... I had meant to introduce myself sooner, but haven't gotten the chance. I was hoping you might have time for a friendly chat. I'm Doji Ameka. It's a pleasure to meet you."
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:31 pm

Tomoe couldn't help but to admire the alabaster-whiteness of Ameka a little... the Doji almost reminded her of some of these fantastic sculptures the Shiba artisans would make.

"Of course, I always have a moment for a friendly chat," she smiled and bowed. "Usagi Tomoe, an honor to meet you, Doji-sama. And this is Chibi-Usa. Would you care for some tea, perhaps?"
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Fri Apr 28, 2017 8:55 pm

She returns the bow, berating herself a little internally for not giving one earlier. Well, she didn't seem to be too upset, so no sense beating herself up. "Please... My thanks for your hospitality, Usagi-sama," she replies with a warm smile. "I brought a gift to make up for the long time it took before we were able to speak." She takes out a pair of what appeared to be tiny, cute sculptures of bunnies dressed in kimono. It looks a bit like a miniature clay sculpture at first until a delicate sweet scent hits.

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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:03 pm

"Oh, they're adorable!" The Hare practically had to contain herself from gushing in girlish glee at the sight of the candy art. "I couldn't possibly take these, Doji-sama... they're such cute works of art."
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:10 pm

"That's why I want you to take them, Usagi-sama... Cute works of art match the person they're intended for quite well, I think," she offered again with a warm smile. The puppy, meanwhile, had managed to make it's way down and was sniffing the other puppy present curiously.
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:24 pm

Tomoe put Chibi-Usa down, as it would be rather hard to be a good hostess when one only had two hands and they were occupied with a furry bundle of energy and curiosity. The puppy wearing the red cloth around her neck eagerly wagged her tail as she looked at the newcomer.

She giggled a little. "But, I'd feel bad about eating them... when you've put so much effort into making them."
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:30 pm

The ball of fluff goes into a playful position and lets out a cheerful little yap at his new partner in crime, now on the ground for him to greet properly.

"It's a joy to do so, and it's art meant to be enjoyed with most of your senses. If that makes it temporary, then there's a beauty in that, too," she says, holding the miniature bunnies toward the ordinary-sized Usagi.
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:34 pm

Chibi-Usa stood up on her hindlegs for a moment as she regarded the other puppy, then made a cheerful little hop at the new playmate with a happy little yip. Play!

"Ah, it is as you say, Doji-sama... well then, knowing it is your joy, I will accept them, happily knowing it makes you happy," she smiled and bobbed her head as she accepted the gift. "Thank you. Uhm... may I have one now?"
Hare Clan • Sly Courtier • Sage • Soul of Tamamo-no-Mae • Herbalist • Fox-Child
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:43 pm

Ameka breaks into a chuckle. "Please, be my guest. And give me your honest opinion... I always like to hear how I can improve my art," she replies warmly. Her energetic little dog raises himself awkwardly on his kind legs as well, moving in to playfully pounce Chibi-Usa.
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 9:50 pm

"In the artistic departement, I do not know if I could say much about how you could improve... they look so wonderful and cute. It reminds me of the mochi-animals I would make with my family when I was younger to place at the family shrine, or for the holy days at the shrine to Inari."

She looked over the two candy-rabbits, and after some thinking chose the 'empress'-rabbit of the two to sample. Normally she'd quickly devour sweets, but she decided to take it slow now and focus her senses on Ameka's artwork.
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:00 pm

"Er... My apologies for being a poor guest, Usagi-sama, but do you mind if I take a seat? I'm afraid the first part of the morning, my little inu has tired me out a bit," she admits, looking a little embarrassed.
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Usagi Tomoe on Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:03 pm

The Hare was surprised at the delicious taste of cherry in the sweet, but realised she had been a poor host as Ameka spoke. "Oh, right... please forgive me for being a poor host, Doji-sama. Please, take a seat and make yourself at home!"

Tomoe rushed a little to find another teacup for her companion, as she already had tea and her own cup on the low table. "It is simple green tea with jasmine... I hope you don't mind?"
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Re: [Day 8, LM, Tomoe's Yurt] Two Out of Three Ain't Bad

Postby Doji Ameka on Fri Apr 28, 2017 10:12 pm

"Thank you." She lets out a small sigh as she slides down onto one of the chairs, resting a hand on her chest gently. Damned body... She smiled at the offer of tea. "Not at all, that sounds lovely.
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