by Ide Dabo on Tue Apr 25, 2017 9:06 pm
"Moto-san, be quiet." Dabo's voice is harsh, though he does his best to keep his anger in check.
After a moment, he begins to pace. "Samai, perhaps you can introduce me to the two women you have brought to my office. At first, I mistook them for samurai of the Unicorn, but surely I must be mistaken. The women of the Unicorn are noble and honorable. They do not have to be told to behave like proper samurai, because they are proper samurai."
Dabo turns back to face his distant cousin. "So please, introduce these women to me. They surely must be the children of barbarians that accompanied the Unicorn to Rokugan. They have succeeded in embarrassing our Clan not once, but twice, in as many days, something a Unicorn samurai would simply not do."
Anger begins to creep into Dabo's voice. "Do you know their parents? If you do so, please tell me, because I wish to know to whom I must apologize after I slap the purple off these wild dogs that have found their way into Unicorn armor!"
Unicorn Clan • Courtier • Governor
Status: 4.5
Honor: What is Expected
Glory: 1.0